in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 
A lot of people are stagnant in life and dying before their time because they’re being overused by their supposed family.

Lot’s of Nigerian parents have lots of kids for selfish reasons. I don’t need to explain further. It is only in Nigeria that parents would blackmail their kids for not giving them a good life.

When you go to some families, you’ll see 2 perfectly healthy parents, not yet old, doing nothing. They toss their parental responsibilities to the eldest child(ren) while they sit back and watch.

Dear Nigerian parents, you first child or wealthy child, has the right to not cater for the children you birthed! It’s not their responsibility just because they’re siblings. You owe your kids everything and more. They did not ask to be born. This cheap blackmail of “I carried you in my womb” is actually daft! Were you supposed to carry them in your laps? Did they ask to be born? You decided to have children on your own accord!

It is sad to still see people in this enlightened generation, giving births to kids they can’t cater for. It is a wicked thing to have children you can’t take care of, and will later give them away to live with people. While some send their kids to hawk while they sit at home doing nothing. Are you not supposed to take care of the child you brought to this world?

Dear Nigerian Children, you don’t owe your parents a life of luxury that you can’t afford. Stop doing stupid things in the name of giving your parents or siblings a soft life. You don’t owe them shit!
Do whatever you can, IN YOUR POWER, to take care of your old parents or unhealthy parents. Not your young, healthy, strong and lazy parents. I said what I said!

Some of you, your parents are in their 50’s and 60’s perfectly fine, but doing nothing that at least, you can be supporting them. They toss all the responsibilities to you and watch you suffer and hustle until you die. FRAUD💯

You will see some young girls who are into prostitution, not for themselves, but to be sending money to their perfectly young, healthy and lazy manipulative parents. Some of these parents knows what their children do for money, but they don’t care. Offcourse, because “they carried you in their womb” therefore; you must take care of their lazy ass! Some go as far as comparing their kids to their peers and mounting pressure on them to do this or that for them.

You’ll see young men, doing fraud, doing heinous things, in the quest to give their family what is none of their responsibilities.. Any help you can’t render your family with a clean money, shouldn’t be your problem. It is actually stupid of you to do stupid things that may end your life, or put you in grave danger; just because you want to help your family.

When you die, they will move on fine without you. Infact, they will not do 5% of the things you did for them, for your kids. They would watch your children suffer while they face their own families. You were only their mumu to be used untill you decide to have sense or d!e..

That your mother sold pure water to feed you, is not enough reason for you to do evil things to give them good life. That your father starved for you to eat, is still not enough reason to engage in something dangerous just to make money. They are your parents. They brought you into this world and offcourse should do anything in their power to cater for you. Stop seeing their rightful sacrifice for you, as an excuse or reason to soil your hands in evil because you want fast money to change their lives.

Do your best and rest! Rest o!

Let me stop here for today.


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