Being a person of conviction.

in blurtafrica •  3 years ago 


Today as I was reading my Bible about the story of Daniel and also the story of shedrack, Meshach and Abbednego something struck me. Reading the book of Daniel 3:11-28 and Daniel 6:1-23,these men faced the same trail of life but one thing that made them conquer was the power of conviction.

When we talk about conviction it simply means being certain about a particular thing or person. When you're convinced about a thing or a person you have a strong believe and you will make up your mind that come rain come shine that thing you believe in will never fail you.l and even if if fails you,you still will trust in it, that is what conviction is.

According to the above mentioned scriptures,the young men involve was very convinced about God and how God works. They saw their trials and they are looking at their death if they disobey the king's order but guess what they told the king,"hear me O king,even if our God doesn't save us we will still trust him" and this made the king wonder the kind of conviction they have towards the living God.

The truth is that we have so many such goers which I might be among (God have mercy) who doesn't have a genuine understanding of who God is and the power of his existence and for that reason they still find it too difficult to have complete Conviction on God which is why we have too many weak believers who is willing to denounce God at a blink of an eye.

Dear fellow believers,do you know that a man of conviction is not easily blown by every wind of doctrine? Do you know that when you have a complete Conviction on God you get to know your real identity in him and you operate in the realm and level of your identity in Christ,so it's very important to be a man of conviction.

When you become a man of conviction you will know that no matter the challenge you face in life that if only your faith can be as little as a monster seed,you can say to the mountains be ye removed according to the word of God and the mountain will be removed??? That's the power of conviction.

Child of God do not be discouraged about anything,it only takes your conviction in Christ to emerge as a joint heir with the father,and I want to leave you with this piece of advice friends, make up your mind to either be a man of Conviction or a man of consensus so that you can stand for one thing.

Remember you can either be hot or cold in the kingdom,there is no room for being lukewarm.

stand for what you believe,don't compromise.


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