in blurtafrica •  3 years ago 



I will like to use this opportunity to say a big thank you to the respected admins of this wonderful community for leaving it open to all. I must say that this is my first post in this wonderful community, I hope I am welcome here.

I must say this is quite an interesting aspect of the discussion. Getting us to express ourselves, is quite very helpful for most of us find it very difficult to air out on how we feel most times but prefer writing, this is a better way to let some of these things out.

Back to the main reason of discussion, I will say if this question was thrown to me, I will boldly say a big YES in response to it. You will agree with me that half of the human population feels lonely most of the time. So this is not different for me. I feel terribly lonely most of my time. so to avoid this feeling I just try as much as possible to be around some group of people.


I will start this by holding to the popular saying which holds "train a child in the way that he/she should go so when they grow there shall not depart from it".

you might all be wondering why I am making reference to this, your curiosity will be satisfied by reading this.

So when I was still very young, I am from a home where everything has to be strict, visiting friends was a problem, friends coming to visit was something else too. All that was to be done was stay indoors after school and read your books. This was a good approach to some extent but it affects the social life of the child. This was my position growing up, I had to spend most of my time indoors after being back from school and this got me really lonely and hence got me accustomed to the habit.

Another factor that had contributed to me being lonely mostly was simply the demise of my dad. We were quite close though, mostly on the phone when I am out for school, all this changed when he passed away, so it had been mostly I and my mom, we are cool, I love her, yes, but there is something lacking, that relationship I and my dad had was lacking not until recently. So this simply made me keep to myself mostly, if I am not with my phone I am totally alone then.

With the absence of my Dad, it has been really lonely, owing to the fact that I am majorly on my own no serious companion to crown it all, going into a relationship is quite frustrating these days, for there come numerous times I do wish I have someone I really can share my moments with at least try to get a good memory out of myself.

My phone has been my major companion now gets me really lonely when I am having a down battery and this really gets me frustrated most times. I really do hate myself feeling that way though.

Since I have been living like this for almost all my life, it has become part of me, and there come some days where I really feel like isolating myself from people and just being all by myself.


Since I have been living like this for quite some time, I have learned of some ways to help eradicate this most time I don't want to feel that way.

  • My mobile phone is one major way of me reducing the way I feel lonely.
  • I use my mobile devices and other gadgets to help me stay out of being lonely by either streaming some good music, games, watching movies, etc.
  • Most times when I don't feel like using my phone, I go out for a stroll, either go watch a football match or go visit a friend.


<div class="text-jutify" There are various ways to avoid the feeling of loneliness. Below are some of them. * First of all, I must say in trying to avoid feeling lonely, it is very necessary to be among the right group of persons or friends. I am saying this reason being that one can be among people and still feel lonely, I must say that can be the worst feeling so far feeling left out.


  • Also, I will like to suggest that to avoid feeling lonely it is important to practice what is called self-compassion This can be achieved by actively participating in physical activities, performing some meditations, and also trying to discipline the mind on some thoughts that are not very much helpful.

  • In the same way, the most common ways to help out which is majorly done is simply looking for a good movie to watch, playing your favorite music or games, etc. For this helps keep an individual busy and mind free from thoughts.


I will conclude by saying that, it is very much normal for an individual to feel lonely, but allowing it has the best part of you that becomes a problem. For there are other things which come from being lonely which are harmful to the well being of ourselves. Some of these things can be depression, leads to unhealthy relationships with others, makes some persons attempt suicide in some cases, etc.

I will therefore say we should struggle to find that one thing which makes us happy and try as much as possible to avoid being lonely for it is really not a good thing.


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