in blurtafrica •  3 years ago 


Permit me to start by asking you all how your week is going? for me it was okay but was bored to some extent though. It's yet another new week I pray it get better than the previous.

Back to the topic of main, I will say this is really a nice topic to write about, it is quite very interesting to talk about your future self, I will say its more like a dream. Having been able to participate in the previous weeks featured post which have been very great. Today's post is about Adult Life which many of us have been able to have a fantasy about when we were all kids. Some of us have already attained that dream life we had while most of us are still working towards getting it.


As a kid growing up I wanted so many things, I had dreamt and had had some many thoughts on how I was going to live, and how well things were going to be for me as an Adult.

You will agree with me this were just a mare thinking of a small child. For growing up to be at this stage I am now has really been the grace of God. As time went on I then realized life is definitely not a bed of rose. You don't just wake, ask for something and you see it granted to you. You will have to work tirelessly for what you want.

For every good thing achieved, there has been a great sacrifice been made to get what you want, and in my country having a good life, the desired Adult life like the one you have always dreamt of as a kid, then you have to be ready to work and never be tired, nothing is just handed down to anyone except for those who are being born with the silver spoon. In the type of home I am from you will have to work for every thing you want.

When growing up I Imagined Adult life to be very much amazing, yes it is but from those leverages you get come with great responsibilities. Adult life is just give and take, every benefit you get, there must have being a price put forth. There are numerous forms of benefits with tend to get as adults and on the other hand there are lots of unpleasantries that come from it.

There are numbers of things I enjoy about been an adult, but will have to talk about a few here, as instructed to talk about one

If you ask me or wake me up any time any day to ask me what I enjoy about being an adult what I will simply tell yo is this;

As an Adult, what I simply enjoy is THE ABILITY TO MAKE DECISIONS ON MY OWN AND THE FREEDOM THAT COMES WITH IT This is simply the reason why.

As a kid growing up, at that stage of our life were still very much under our parents from birth till the day we come of age which is legally 18 years. Even at 18 majority of us still live with our parents and pretty much decisions are hence still made for us. This is not my problem but what has been my problem with this was the fact that this decisions even if we were not willing or wanting to do them there are therefore being imposed on us as an order. If you come from a family like I do you will pretty much understand this. My case was mostly different where, I was always indoor and never had a say for my self.

Every thing I did back then was based on instructions not until I left the house in pursuit of a higher education.

Being at home back then was always a problem for me for no matter how peace things may seem to be for sometime there is always that fault fetched out by Mom or Dad, nagging was pretty much a problem to me I hate that so much for all my life I have been nag at. No matter how much I try to see that yes today all things has been done well as commanded, no there must still be something either parent will talk about.

Since, I left home, I have being my own decision-maker, allow me make my decisions wether good or bad, so when the consequences comes I face them my self. You know with the ability to make your own decisions there feel a kind of freedom you neve felt before. For most persons this is hence utilized in the wrong way, but majority of persons see this as an opportunity to write the wrongs done already.

I will not say that all my parents did back then was wrong no it was for my own good to making me be a better man. But most were seriously being overdone.

On the other hand, what I seriously hate about adulthood are SIMPLY THE RESPONSIBILITIES THAT COMES WITH IT

As I earlier said, as Adulthood gives, there is always a price to pay. Being a child back then as decisions and issues concerning you are being made so does your responsibilities.

But as an Adult now, since the power of making decisions for yours self is being handed down to you, this comes along with your responsibilities being shifted to you as well.

This is really alarming like starting to cater for your self at a very tender age. With both parents being alive, it is even more worst in some cases where all some parents do is just give birth to child and that is pretty much it. Take care of them till there can walk and talk and then face the next.

I say adulthood is one stressful stage of life where if you don't struggle to get it at this stage then one must be prepared to suffer all the rest of his/her life.

The responsibilities of this stage are pretty too much for most underage persons. Having too much responsibilities at a very tender age makes an individual get old quick and body system worn out from too much stress.

I will say I very much hate the fact that responsiblities are way too much in the Adult stage, for as a child what do I care about, my clothes are bouth for me, I am being fed, schools fees being paid, you dont have to think of accommodation, you are under your parents roof, and many other things. But those leverages are far gone since the day you started being your decision-maker. Except for those with silver spoons.

lasly, Before I summarize this, I must say if there was one thing I can change about this my Adult stage is the Amount of Responsiblity with which it comes with

If I have the power to do this I will be very much happy with myself. To reduce most responsibility which comes. But Some things cannot be undone, Responsibilities are what make a man, for what doesn't kill a person only makes such person stronger.

For most persons have been able to attain their desired life as a child, but this was gotten through a lot of work being channeled to the right source. While on the other hand, most persons are still struggling to get that fancy life there had always wanted as a child, in the same way many have missed it, same as many have passed away without what they had been struggling for.

Adult life is just not funny. I will therefore say for those of us who are still working tirelessly to have what we had always dreamt of as a child, I pray we get there before it gets too late.

Thanks all for reading.

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