Hey don't advice me I'm stupid.

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 
Advice come most times from family, friends and random people who has our best interest and wants the best for us .

Living without someone who watches our ways either consciously or unconsciously is the worse thing that could happen to someone. These people either had better experience than we do or sees life in a different angle and some had made terrible life mistakes and seeing repeating such mistakes and the pending dangers we could meet won't allow them keep mute but call us when we are seen heading toward destruction.

Proverbs 14:12

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.

Life is very deep and full of uncertainties and living recklessly results in deep regrets and it's only listening and taken into consideration advice then we would make less mistakes and possibly achieve success.

Advice should be politely and come as a suggestion.

Most times the purpose we intend to get for advising some is defeated just because of the manner of approach. Most times our advisers stand as a lord and wanting to dictate our lives for us which is wrong.
I have over 13 years teaching experience and the life of these kids tells you that every being has a pride to maintain and hence giving advice should be polite and it should come as a suggestion and not as a command. Most often, people try to shout at us all in the name of advice such method yield no positive results.
Understanding that mood is a very big factor while trying to advise just be considered chiefly.
I see parents shouting at their kids in the public all in the name of corrections. I encountered trained teachers making same mistakes of shouting all in the name of advice or correction such method holds no water rather you loose the respect of the person.


A good advice is like a flower flourishing in all seasons because it's on a fertile ground.
Advice should be come passionately, no hatred, no commanding, no shouting but loving and result orientated.

Don't worry if your advice isn't taken.

It's very ironical to see some individuals wanting their advise to be taken hook line and sinker. No dear it's just an advise and two things are involved to take it or reject it which ever way don't worry your path had been played. And never come back to mock the individual if peradventure the person falls . Things like I told you, that servers you best , next time I tell you something you do it . Don't say things like this it only makes you look like a LORD . If you say things like these and you come again to advise I will tell you this ⬇️

Hey don't advice me I'm stupid

Good advisers gives the glory surely.

For every time we give an advise and it's taken and bears great results, the advisee would for ever reference you for such a wonderful advice same when it goes wrong.

Proverbs 23:9

Do not speak to a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words.

Do not be quick to advise people most of people are too wise that they need no advise when you do they make a fool of you.

My life is better today with words of wisdom from wise men.
How ever, you need to hear this

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. (Proverbs 4:7)

This means that when someone gives you a piece of advice, do not throw away you own senses.

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