Avoidance of troubles is the promotion of peace.

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 
Peaceful environment is the dream environment for every right thinking human. Every sensible person won't want wars, troubles and poverty rather an atmosphere of love and joy .

I remember working with a sand dredging company in Lagos state Nigeria I was the inventory officer meaning that lots of tools and equipment both consumable were under my watch. Most times, the workers would want to take certain materials without signing for them as the company principle states they just want to cut corners some times I would allow and some times I insist that the right order be followed. When I insist on following the rules I became a bad person but when I allow them have their way, I was a nice guy to the detriment of my job and the firm. But my supervisor said something during the break time which he didn't direct to anyone but I drew much lessons from that.

Avoid the following to be at peace with others : it was , I was and every it supposed to..

This boils down to excuses. Giving excuses for doing a thing or for not doing a thing creates for troubles that could be avoided for peace to flow.


Could troubles be avoided ?

From a simple point of view, troubles are avoidable but its price is high. The price to trouble avoidance it tolerance and its result is peace. But the hard part is the turn in tolerating. In a certain circumstance , I tolerated you and again I did and opportunity present itself for you to understand with me and you tag me bad. This tag of bad is the genesis of intolerance and which birth is war and troubles at this point peace is dead.

It's too much of you, I can't tolerate it again.

This is not a new saying, before someone comes to this point I'm sure that one part had been on the suffering end but had risen to say no I won't let it continue. This comes up when it's just one party enduring the ill stories.
It's also true that there are some individuals who are just a thorn on the flesh. Whose joy is to see you sad and sorrowful this is true and you can tell someone in your wife who wants to be understood and won't understand you when the table turns.
There's a rhyme for kids which says tolerance is accepting people's ways of life. This means that it's not just a one sided investment.

Parents has a lot to do in checking excess in their kids

Parents who love peace should teach their kids peace at home I have been working with kids for a decade and half most kids have bad tolerance if put on a scale most times it's the lifestyle in the home and the immediate environment and they bring some to school and influence others.

You're weak when you avoid troubles.

Most often people who are peaceful are seen as weaklings but that's an irony of life. In #Igbo language there's a saying that the fearful safeguards the life of the strong and his.
This doesn't mean weakness but it's might, it's strength, it's a virtue. That peace we all look out for is maintained and promoted by that same person who is tagged weak.

Let us in our little way promote peace. Where there's peace there's development.

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