Hi lovers how has been your day hope it's actually pretty good. I would love to keep your beautiful moment with this piece of craft work, called reppousse method.
Reppousse method is metal or using foil paper working technique in which a flexible metal is created by hammering or punching from the reverse side to produce a design in low relief. Chasing or embossing is a similar procedure in which the piece is hammered on the front side, dipping the metal and making a relief on the other side.
I actually got to known i could creat interesting crown with repousse method. Start the crown with method was quite shocking without using soldering or welding of metal.
After gotten my malleable metal materials got B6000 silicon gum for gumming.
I planed how my final piece is going to like. And gave me the actual look am going to have.
Bellow are my stages and proof of ownership.
Thanks for staying tune.
Medium been used:
2.printer plate or foil paper
Thanks for stopping by all time.