concepts of heroes and heroines accompany traditional stories about cosmology alone and the like.

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 


Die Ewi van Ado-Ekiti, Sy Koninklijke Majesteit, Oba o Adjugé A La Sanmi III (CON, JP) het Nigerians en bewaarders van die geskiedenis aangekla

The Ewi of Ado-Ekiti, His Royal Majesty, Oba o Adjugé A La Sanmi III (CON, JP) charged Nigerians and custodians of history


om hul kultuur en erfenis te omhels terwyl hulle dit by die jonger geslacht inbreng. Ewi beskryf geskiedenis as 'n dissipline wat mense leer oor

to embrace their culture and heritage while imparting it to the younger generation. Ewi describes history as a discipline that people learn about


hul verlede in verhouding tot hun huidige lewens, hulpbronnen, mislukkings en prestaties van hun voorouders. Daar wordt ook gesê dat historische

their past relative to their present lives, resources, failures and achievements of their ancestors. It is also said that historical


konsepte van helde en heldinne tradisionele verhale oor kosmologie alone en dies meer vergesel.

concepts of heroes and heroines accompany traditional stories about cosmology alone and the like.

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