My Unwanted Accident

in blurtafrica •  3 years ago 

I totally forgot about this prompt but while thinking of what to write, I came across it once again and decided to share my experience.

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So, I will be mashing up two questions in one post, although I am not sure which category my story falls in, I just decided to go with these two.

Vehicle accident
Tell us about your vehicle accident, the incident, how it occurred, where, and what was the outcome? How were the repair and replacement process and your recovery from injuries? This can be car, truck, or motorcycle-related. Bonus points for using your photos.

Childhood accidents
Were you a daredevil as a kid? Tell us about a time when you did something stupid or dangerous before you were fifteen that didn't go well for you, or you got away with it against all odds. Give us the scenario, what happened to you and what resulted from your actions. Bonus points for humor and your photos.

I knew I was a mischievous fellow at my young age but nobody knew but I always made sure to cover up my tracks beautifully so that no one usually knows that I am tricking them.

So, on this particular Sunday, I went to remind my dad about our P.T.A (Parents Teachers Association) that was coming up on Monday and was mandatory for all parents to attend or we will be flogged but my dad told me he won't be attending because he has got an early morning job to attend to and wasn't sure he would be available throughout the day. Although I believed him but I didn't know how I would convince my teachers to believe that I reminded my dad about the meeting and unfortunately my dad never attends any of the meetings because he was always busy.

I was very angry and sad because of the flogging I will be getting in school the next day once I inform my teachers. When I decided to go prepare I and my brother's uniform and shoes for the next day, I realized our black shoes polished has finished, so I informed my dad who gave me money to get them across the road.

Angrily I got the money and was about to cross when I was hit by a speeding motorcycle man not far from our home so my parents saw the whole scenario and came out immediately.

Although I was hurt but not seriously hurt. I was rushed to a nearby pharmaceutical shop for immediate treatment and I was given medication to reduce the pains and the scratch on my body and taken back home for rest. I pretended like I felt too much pain and couldn't lift my body, so my mom got the polish and my younger brothers had to do the whole preparation.

The next day, I refused to get off the bed and pretended to be in a lot of pain, even though I was okay because the accident wasn't serious realizing that I would be flogged in school since my dad won't be attending the meeting.

I told my parents I was in a lot of pain and don't think I will be able to go to school that day because I was in a lot of pain, I pretended pretty sick and in pain and my mom's wall was beginning to break but it was not working for my dad.

Instead, my dad told me to dress up and took me to the hospital for a check-up after a critical examination, the doctors told my dad I was very okay without me being aware of but I was given another drug coupled with the ones I got from the pharmaceutical store the previous day.

When we got home, my dad was furious with me for lying to him when I was okay, he asked me to dress up for school immediately. By the time I got to school, I was two periods away from school, and that alone smell trouble to avoid the trouble I decided to pretend to be very sick not knowing my dad had already informed my teacher about my act that morning and had asked my teacher to trash me for that.

Entering the class, I decided to put up my already formulated act, just to get away but it failed. The teacher immediately asked me to go to the corner of the class, kneel, raise my hands and close my eyes for telling a lie because my dad already told her the whole story. I was not canned but I was punished and from then onward, I made sure never to be mischievous because I didn't want to receive any punishment.

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