BE OUTSPOKEN - #Beseries5

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 


Be Outspoken but don't talk anyhow.

Make sure to count your words, once you have spoken, you may not be able to take it back, so check well, especially to people you love and care about, when you are angry, wait a little before talking about what angered you.

When you are happy, wait a little before promising that woman the entire world. Where will the rest of us pack our luggage to?

When you are sad, wait a little before you blame God, when you are depressed, wait a little before you commit to a path that will lead to your end.

People will remember what you said when you have forgotten you said it. So before you spread that rumor or slander that person, try and make sure you are sure what you said will not come back to bite you.

Always keep evidence or have a witness so that if you are accused, you can provide proof of what you really said.

Money gives you power to turn things around sometimes but there is only so much money can accomplish.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What you said here is not far from the truth! We have to be mindful of whatever we say because we can't retrieve our words back when we said it! Thanks for sharing with us!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for that. Much appreciated