in blurtafrica •  3 years ago 
Hello Folks!!! Compliments of the season. So for the part few weeks i got engaged in a seminar that was so so educational and i feel like there is every need to share what i got from the seminar with you all. We know how hard it is to change or adjust our eating habits but improving one's diet is an important step to take towards preventing heart disease. Heart disease may be the leading killer of people ,both men and women, old and young,but that does not mean that you can't protect yourself. In addition to exercise,being careful about what we eat and what we don't eat can help lower cholesterol,control blood pressure and blood sugar levels and also maintain a health weight. So today ,i will be highlighting the steps to maintain a healthy heart or rather steps to take to prevent heart disease.


They include:
i. Control your portion size: How much one eats is just as important as what one eats. Overloading of plates and eating until you feel stuffed can lead to eating more calories,fat and cholesterol than you should. However, eating more of low calorie and nutrient rich foods can help shape your diet as well as your heart and waistline.


ii. Eat more vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits are good sources of vitamins and minerals. They are very low in calories and rich in dietary fibre. It is advised to choose recipes that have vegetables or fruits as main ingredients. You can always put fruits in a bowl in your kitchen, so that you can remember to eat them.
iii. Select whole grains: Whole grains are good sources of fiber and other nutrients that play a vital role in regulating blood pressure and heart. This can be achieved by making substitutions for refined grain products and adding ground flaxseeds which are very high in fiber and omega -3 fatty acids, and can lower your total blood cholesterol .You can stir a teaspoon of them(ground flaxseed) into yogurt ,applesauce or even hot cereal.


iv. Limit unhealthy fats and cholesterol: This another way to lower the risk of coronary artery disease. A high blood cholesterol level can lead to a buildup of plaques in one's arteries which is called atheroscierosis, which can increase one's risk of heart attack and stroke.
The best way to reduce saturated and trans fats in your diet, is to limit the amount of solid fats such as butter,margarine,shortening you add to your food when cooking and serving, and also trimming fat from your meat.
You may as well choose to check food labels of some cookies,crackers and chips you buy. If at all you choose fat,choose monounsaturated fats
Such as olive oil and canola oil, and polysaturated fats found in nuts and seeds, are okay too and better than saturated fat. But moderation is essential because all types of fat are in high in calories.

To be continued...

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