in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 

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Hi everyone I'm happy to be able to post my fiction here, today I'm posting about friendship, love, betrayal and achievement, Hope you enjoy reading it.

My name is Rose I'm 18 years old, I'm from a family of 8 in number, but later my mum died, so we are now 7 in number, we are 4 girls and 2 boys. Meet my best friend Jane, Jane is my cousin and my bestie, we are the same age and in the same class. We do things together, in fact we do everything in our life together. I don't know how to describe our friendship, we are inseparable. We love, trust and respect each other, i think the way we had respect for each other that's what made our friendship more stronger, i will say if you want your friendship to last, you have to respect yourself and your friend too for he or she to reciprocate too, that's what keep our friendship going forward without any problem. Jane and I plan together what we are going to be in future, i want to become an accountant while she wants to be a teacher, so we decided that we are going to go to the university and stay in the same lodge, we started working towards our goal, we have set it as our life time goal.

We have decided that we are not going to date till we achieve our goal in life., I am a social and friendly person to people, sometimes people mistook my friendliness and think otherwise especially the male, been friendly with you doesn't mean that I'm i like you the other way, that is one thing people don't know about me and that I'm not interested in any guy for now because Jane and i had made a promise that we are not going to date till we achieve our goals, sometimes i ask myself is it wrong to be friendly with people, my kind heart won't allow me to change just the way i want to change, so all this boys will stop tempting me on dating them, but it's not working, sometimes i want to be like my Best friend Jane,she is not the social and friendly person,i have tried so many times but it's not working, then i realised that i can never be like her and she can never be like me.

Our family members sometimes wonder the of love Jane and I share, what can we do without each other nothing hahahaha,she laugh said Jane. People in our street always talk about us and sometimes they mistook us for twins, the day they saw only me on the road, they were surprised and was asking where is your twin sister,i was like ah sorry who again, your twin sister Jane and then i realised that they are talking about my bestie who is my cousin and not only them that mistook us, because even my our classmates in school, always ask us if we are twins, that we will not kill them in this class, that why can't one of us leave each other side for a minute,that we are always together, don't we get tired of it and especially John who had crush on Jane but can't tell her because he is scared of Jane and he has never had time to tell her because I'm always with Jane too, that is why he is always saying that we should not be together too much but i don't think it's possible to stay away from each other, staying away from Jane is like me solving a puzzle that is 5000 , it's too hard to be away from Jane.

One day Jane was sick so because of that she can not go to school with me, so I have to go to school alone and I'm already dress up for school before i found out that she is sick, she didn't want to tell me that she is sick because she doesn't want me to be worried that is what she told as a excuse because i was so angry that she didn't tell me even when i saw her and asked her about her health because she was not looking healthy but she told me that nothing is wrong with her,that it's just the cold weather. With Jane present condition i don't think i can go to school today, so i decided to stay at home with her but my dad refused he said i should go to school, i refused too but Jane told me to go to school today without her so that i will be able to get today's lesson note, so i decided to go to school without her. Guess what? School was so boring without Jane, that i was annoyed with every little thing that someone did to me, Everyone in the class was surprised to see me alone in school, here comes the trouble Maker John, ah Rose this one you came to school alone today, hope all is well and where is your hand bag, i said to him what? John said your hand bag, i mean Jane everyone was laughing because of he called Jane, that day i was praying for school to close quickly because everyone is getting on my nerves but i just kept quiet because i was worried about Jane, finally school has close i was so happy when i heard the closing bell ring so that i can go and check on Jane quickly as possible.

Sometimes i think that high school is fun and boring at the same time because Jane and I always think of university. We can't wait to graduate from high school and go to university. Finally we have graduated from high school, now we are applying in two different university, so went to write exam in the university after the exam we thank God for the successful exam and journey. Sometime later the exam results was out so we went to check our results lucky i made it while Jane score is low that she can not get into school. It was a very sad day for Jane and I, we cried together because it's our dream to go to the same university and start at the same time too but now her scores is trying to separate us from being together. So i decided not to go to school, i want to wait for next year we will write the exam back again, everyone was sad at home because they know what both of us are passing through right now.

One fateful day Jane came to me and told me to enter into university without her that she is going to rewrite the exam next year and join me in school, i refused, i said to her Jane if you are not getting into university this year forget it because I'm not going to enter into university without my bestie, Jane you know i can't go to university without you, it's our dream to study together in the same school,so why are telling me to go without you, there is no harm for me to rewrite the exam with you next year, but i was shocked when Jane shouted at me for the first in my life, that Jane as shouted at me, it was as if someone is pressuring her to say it because the pains and sadness i Saw in her eyes made me to think so. So i asked her but she said to me that she wants me to enter since i made it at least i will show her around the campus when she comes. It was a painful decision for me that day,now i have realized that what John called Jane my hand bag he was right, because i couldn't go to school without her,i always do everything with Jane. I decided to go to school without Jane that year.

After a while Jane fell in love with a guy called max, i will not lie max is a very handsome guy and he is a graduate with a degree in civil engineering with a good work. I wanted to talk Jane out of the relationship with max because we made promise not to date till we achieve our goal but Jane did not keep her own promise, she broke the promise. I was hurt when i heard it but now i have to accept it because all my effort to stop her from dating max is not working, "one thing i believe is that you can not stop someone from Falling in love because the more you try to stop the person the more he or she fall in love" so i have to give up, now I'm the one who is hurt because Jane is not acting the way she used to act with me, it's really getting on my nerves,i think our friendship is breaking slowly because of Max. But suddenly Max decided to marry Jane,i guess this is the end of our friendship but Max is always getting on my ways of spending time with Jane and i don't think that Jane will go to university again if she married Max , now Jane has already accepted the proposal, i was so angry with her decision of marrying Max that i fell ill so i decided not to see her for a while, i later accept the fact that she has made up her mind is to marry Max, who am I to get in the ways of her happiness. Here comes the wedding everything went successfully. I cried all night in my room that my illness came back again because i know that our friendship is not going to be the same again, she has already started showing me some attitude, i always beg for her attention before the wedding, i was the act cast when it comes between me and max.

Its time for me to go to school, i told my dad that i don't want to go to school again without any reason after spending a lot of money for my tuition fee, my lodge, clothes, and other school materials that i need. My Dad got angry and said in anger do you know what i did and how i force Jane to tell you to go to school without her, i force her even though she is my niece i didn't mind that just for your own future and now you are telling me that you don't want to go to school again, do you want to ruin your life for her, she is already married and she is in her husband's house, you are here thinking of Jane who is happy in her husband, i was surprised i said in anger and tears Dad why why why why why did you do that, did i ask you to tell her that, but Dad we are family she is your niece for God sake, who knows what you must have told her that made her to tell me to go to school without her, so that's why Jane was acting strange when i was processing my school files, i ran into my room in tears, you better start packing up your things because whether you like it or not you are going to school, enough of that friendship of yours, Jane is happily married to max, you can't ruin your life and future for someone who chose to marry, what is wrong in her rewriting her exam while you enter school this year, said my Dad. I cried so much that i didn't even resist when she told me to go to school without her.

Here i am in school, the lodge i paid for does not have a tight security, so arm robbers always attack and rob people there,so i have no other choice but to move out of the house, so i decided to move in to the school hostel since they have a strong security, so I told Jane that I'm moving out of the house because of the robbery issue and they have robbed me so many times. I never knew that Jane was happy for all the bad things that is happening to me, she always tell her husband everything i discuss with her, Even things that she is not suppose to discuss with her husband she will tell him, like they say" everyday for the thief one day for the owner" i believe in that words so much, there is also a saying that goes like this" there is nothing hidden under the sun" one day i called her,i was complaining about my property that i bought because i don't know what to do with it now that I'm going to stay in the hostel, i can't go to hostel with all my property when I'm aware that I'm going to share the room with three people, Jane sympathize with me, she thought i have hang up the call when she started laughing at me that i rush to go and buy property, now I'm not going to take them to hostel, she said well what a waste of money, she was telling her husband, Jane and her husband mock me without knowing that I'm hearing everything, tears was dropping from my eyes, i cut the call, i couldn't believe that Jane of all people will laugh at me. Now i believe what my woman of God always Said " don't tell people your problem when they can not solve it for because they will use it to mock you" i don't think or believe that Jane could condemned me in the hands of her husband, who knows what she has said about me, because i have once overheard her tell her husband that i don't know how to do anything that she is the only one that helps me to do all my house chores. I overheard her when i went to visit her, i couldn't stay in that house so i decided to go back to school, i couldn't ask her why she changed and why she is saying all this things about me,, i left her house in tears but i still trust and love her, because she is my bestie and i don't want to believe it myself.

One fateful day that they are celebrating Valentine's day my brother bought a new phone for me, because he knows that i don't have a boyfriend and he doesn't want me to feel bad when my roommate we come home with gift, i was so happy that day that i snapped the phone and send it to Jane to see my new phone, Jane was the first person i showed my new phone to, Even my own siblings and father i didn't show them the phone till Jane saw it first, because i still trust and take her as my bestie, we have gone to far to break our friendship because of a misunderstanding, when Jane saw the phone what she did was to ask her husband to Google about the phone, she wants to know the type of phone my brother bought for me, then her husband Google it and found out that the phone is very expensive, Jane became jealous and angry about the new phone, Jane told her husband that my family are happy because i got into university and she did not enter, that's why they are spending and spoiling me so much. I guess this our friendship that i want to build back can not work, because i can never imagine that Jane my own bestie who i trust so much will turn out to be like this.

After my exams i decided to spend the few weeks holiday in Jane's house because i want our friendship to go back to the way it was before, so i visited her, i don't know why Jane and her husband was acting strange towards me, but they pretend at the same time to be happy to see me, later i did all the house chores for her even though i was a visitor, when you talk of house chores i have never done in my own home did such house chores, i cook Wash clothes, Wash bathroom for all the room, i did so many things that day while in my own home i can only do one house chores my other siblings will do the rest, i was so tired that day because of all the work i did my whole body was sore, that i couldn't eat and went to take a nap so that will get my strength back, in the night when i Woke up Max younger sister named Vera came to me and asked me to show her my new phone, i surprised at first how she knew that i got a new phone then again she said that Jane was angry that you got a new phone and it is very expensive, Aunty is that true that your phone is very costly, i said yes but i Wonder how Jane got to know that the phone is very costly and why is she angry, so i asked Vera how did Jane found out that my phone is costly because i didn't tell her the price of the phone so, Vera told me that she asked her brother to Google about the phone , that's how they found out that my phone is very costly.

I was filled with tears and anger that night,so i decided to leave the house that night without even eating after all the hard work i did, Jane try to stop me from leaving the house but i refused to spend a second in that house, we got into an argument in the process of she trying to stop me from leaving,i found out all the robbery incident that i have been experiencing in my lodge was cause because of Jane, all the bad things she said about me came out of her mouth that day, i was surprised because i couldn't believe that Jane my own bestie let's forget about that she is my bestie, she is my cousin, how can she do something like that to me,she just forget about all the memories we shared together, i was crying asking her why did all this things to me i was shaking her so that she will tell me the reason why she did it, she just laugh in a scary way, she said Tah don't ask me such questions and take your hands off me ask your dad what he said me that made me to tell you that you should go university without me, i said to her so because my Dad asked you to let me go to school without you this year is that why you want to hurt me, you forget about our friendship and the fact that we are cousins, Jane you didn't do the right thing, you should have told me everything in the first place,i could have helped you or better still talk my dad out of it but you choose to keep it to yourself and decided to do what please, why Jane, what is bad if you join me in school next year? She said do you want me to mention all the insult your Dad gave to me that day,i will never forget about it till the day i will die, i said to her why are you taking such a small misunderstanding too serious, Jane i didn't know you as the type that holds grudges against people, i know you don't socialize with people i can never believe you will have grudges against people not that I'm a stranger to you but you own bestie, she replied your Dad me to change into what I'm not supposed to be, do i look dumb,ehn do i look foolish to you, answer me Rose,do i look stupid to you, that's not all the things he said to me, should i continue, okay i guess you need to hear more of it, have i ever cause you pain, your Dad said that i want to useless your future just because i didn't make it to university, my own bestie said to me that I'm a greedy person that i didn't think how they will feel before i decided to make you stay at home one more year when you have the opportunity to study, he thinks that I'm a selfish person, i was hurt so badly that's why i decided to let you go to school first before me,

That day i made a decision to go on my own and forget about ever been friends with you, but you are too foolish to know that i don't want to be friends with you again, i was so tired of hearing your every victory story,i met Max so i decided to date at least i will stay away from you and your Dad, both of you keep bugging me, I'm tired of it,at first i didn't want to date Max but again i think of a way to stay away from you, that's why i didn't have time for you but you still follow me around begging for my time, even if i tell my dad about what your Dad did to me he won't believe me because he love and your dad so much that he is ready to do anything for your Dad but what did he used to repay my dad's kindness, he hurt my feelings, that's why i decided to marry Max, i thought you are smart enough to figure out that i don't want to be around you again, or were you pretending that you don't know, it's okay if if you still want me around you.

I Said to her, Jane i thought that if i come to your house that we can go back to the way we were before, but now i see you have made up your mind, i know your mind has changed into evil, that's why you are doing all this things, but i one thing is for sure that one day you will get back to your senses and then it might be too much for us to get together like the way we are before, just know it now, you will look for a friend you will not see it, even if it's not now,it will surely come, that's one thing for sure. Jane replied do you think i want you? I don't want to be your friend again , but oh i really pretend so well in front of you, I'm a good actor right? She laugh i got Joy when i hear you complaining of thiefs and you have to stay in hostel because of that,how i wish i could have tell those thiefs to rape you but again i just pity your worthless life, i want your Dad to know that your happiness is in my hands, i was shock to hear her say that my happiness is in her hand,i think she is jealous of my success that's why she is doing all this things but now she is using my Dad as an excuse to carry out her plan. Jane how can you be so wicked i thought we are suppose to be family, i always get into trouble because of you , have you forgotten how we use to be bestie ehn Jane, i know you are jealous of my success that's why you got yourself into doing evil, I'm so foolish even when i know that you have started to hate me,i still want to trust you, but Jane you have cross the line for hiring thiefs to rob me, you really went too far. Thanks for making me wise and for also showing me the right path to follow, my Dad was right when he said i should forget about you that you are married but i still trust.

Now i believe what people says" 20 friends can not make it for 20 years. From now on i will never trust anyone again apart from trusting myself, thanks again my old bestie no my cousin, i don't need to call you my cousin because you don't deserve it, from now on we are enemies, i pray that we will never cross paths again, she said to me, please don't ever cross path with me again if not that day will be the end of you, now get out of my house and i don't care about you or your family,i said to her Jane you don't need to tell me to get out of your house because I'm going already,who wants to spend day in this house, you will never see me cry in front of you again but you we hear all my success, then you will die of jealousy, then i will come to your funeral to laugh at you, i can't wait for that day to come, since all you plan for me is evil, I'm also wishing you all the evil , i pray that evil will fall upon you, good bye, i left her house that same night, i don't know anyone in that place, i was looking for a place to pass the night before a cab took me to a hotel, the next day i left the hotel i went back to my family house, my dad was asking me why i came since i want to stay with Jane but i couldn't tell him what Jane did to me, i just said i miss everyone so i decided to come back.

After the holidays i went back to school, i decided to stay away from friends, because i have stop believing in people,so i decided to focus with my studies, i don't care about anyone else again, people find me very annoying because i act like i don't care about them. One thing i regret is not telling my dad what Jane did to me, i was a grumpy person all thanks Jane i don't talk much again, i became a Moody person, it's hard for me to trust people again, i don't hang out people, when lectures are over i just hang my bag and go to the hostel directly,my roommates found me weird because i don't talk with them and hang out with anyone,they just give me my way, I'm always busy studying or you will see me listening to music with my phone earphones on my ears,i did that so that i will not hear what people are saying so that i will not have to reply to there conversation, people won't understand why I'm avoiding them, Even when i go home to visit my family I'm always in my room sleeping or listening to music,i don't pay much attention to my family again just like the way i used to do, my family became worried and asked me what is wrong with me but i said to them nothing is wrong with me that i just want to be alone,my Dad know me too well that i don't like to be alone so he asked me are you having a fight with Jane? i asked him why do you think that? He said i hardly talk to people and i don't talk about Jane again and when Jane is brought up in a conversation you just walk away,i told him we are not fighting,i just want to get use to Jane not been around and you know that Jane is now married so i don't want to disturb her and her husband,he said ok but to my dad he knows that something is wrong between us but he doesn't know what is it exactly.

I have always carried the pains that Jane caused me in my heart,i can never forget it,it has become a scar in my heart that i will never forget till i die. In campus i cross paths with Jeromy who tried to befriend me but i always give him a Cold shoulder, i don't care about what he has to say to me because i always ignore him but Jeromy keep on following me around, it was very annoying to see him do that because he always create attention towards me and i hate that because i don't want people to notice that I'm passing by, but he always do that to make me talk to him. I later start to pay attention to him, Jeromy tried to make me forget about what happened between Jane and i, it was not easy for him because i hate it when he talks about Jane i threaten to stop talking to him if he doesn't stop talking about Jane but he never give up, he made me to fall in love with him but i didn't tell him because i want to graduate from University first before i can think of anything else he actually understand that , i guess that's why i fall in love with him, he always understand me,he is always there to listen to me when i talk to him, he made me to trust him without been afraid of anything.

After my graduation he proposed to me,so i accepted without any second thought. Now we are happily married, some years later we had three kids,I'm a working mother of three kids. While Jane life is still the same, the way i left her, i have already forgiven her because i have moved on with my life i don't need to carry the past with me, but i don't dare trust anyone apart from my husband and kids, i will say it's easy to trust someone at first but when they break the trust it's hard to get the trust back.

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