Lets Embrace Peace and Unity despite our Diversities

in blurtafrica •  last year 


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There is nothing as important as having peace in our homes and the nation of the world. A country where there is a high level of insecurity and lack of coexistence will hardly be peaceful till there is positive coexistence between the leadership and its citizens.

I remember the year 2013 when there were incessant killings and attacks by the Boko haram sect, many people lost their life. The first day I experienced a bomb blast was as if it was my last day on earth. The blast was horrible and erupted with a force that can never be measured while the sound of it was capable of rendering a person deaf and deformed for the rest of his life. I could not visit the scene of the blast but later watched it on television. That blast claimed the lives of more than 300 passengers at a spot within a garage. It was later recorded that the sect group had planted a bomb in a very strategic place within a popular garage where vehicles do convey passengers to and fro. This garage is situated at Nyayan in Abuja.

More than 300 passengers were loaded from the first to a fifth vehicle not knowing a timed bomb was planted underground to destroy all passengers onboard. This experience was truly the first of its kind. There was emotional and psychological chaos within and away from the town. The then president of Nigeria, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan was not allowed to use his tenure peacefully as there were lots of opposition politicians from the north craving for power to take over from him. The goodwill of the people was the topmost priority of this responsible and diligent President but secret opposition made his tenure a living nightmare though he did his best his services seem not to be noticed by these insurgents.

Some other states, especially the northeastern part of Nigeria, keep experiencing incessant attacks by this sect group. Several thousands of people were killed in cold blood, and some were even burned alive in their houses. This continued for years until the military took over the vicinity and declared a curfew. Faults were attributed to the then president Goodluck Jonathan, and the nature of insecurity in the land became so tense.

Whenever there is chaos and insecurities, this will impact negatively on the security of lives and properties. People will not feel at peace living in the various homes and villages. This will cause imbalances and many may lose their job or means of livelihood in that process.

There is nothing like dwelling in peace, having peace of mind is very paramount for our viability. Let us embrace peace and unity as our motto and ensure we stay safe wherever we are living.

Thank you for your time, and do have an amazing moment.


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