My Growing Up Wasn't An Exception

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 


Childhood is a very essential part of our is a stage we all must pass through before becoming a full fledged adult.
Growing up for me was fun and although it is impossible to remember everything that happened while growing up,few incidents stands out, I remember vividly leaving behind my younger brother who was a toddler all alone in the house from morning till night....
I was a very naughty and stubborn child and on several occasions, I did things my parents couldn't just ignore but spank me.
I knew I was in trouble and the first thing that came into my mind was killing myself! Funny enough, I ate our body cream! Lol...I was hoping my tommy would be upset till I just died! Nothing of that sought happened. I was Hale and hearty to receive serious beating from my dad.
I went to my mother's shop to report myself first cos I believe it's better for her to hear it from me than another and that had been a part of me even till now.
I was in charge of our collective cooking where everyone would contribute an ingredient. We went to fetch fire wood and cooked close to a woman's shop, a neighbor threatened to report us all to our parents that we wanted burning down the shop.
I was in a lot of dramas at home and was very playful. I remember gossiping about a member of my church then Calling him a fake pastor whose daughter got pregnant in school. My friends exposed me after a misunderstanding and again,my father spanked me before going to beg the man.


On another occasion,in one of our plays,I acted the role of a market seller. I plucked the fruits of a plant, cracked it open in and sold the seeds in exchange for money (paper). I was patronized quite alright but nobody actually ate it. They pretended to eat it by putting it on their chin until a girl said it's called "oyinbo groundnut" she led the way by eating it and soon enough others followed suit saying It actually tasted great. I kept plucking more, excited my "business" was The next day,every single soul who ate that seed fell seriously ill, vomiting and stooling at the same time. I said eat it so I was fine.

Despite all of these, I was among the brilliant ones in school and could also write stories even though I haven't published any, up until now that is.
I laughed at any and everything back then...I laughed at my six months old brother who fell and was bleeding from his mouth. I laughed at my sister who fell while running to welcome my dad... Of course I was spanking severely for been such a fool.
These and many many many more mischievous things I did,which I am not proud of But in general, there was no dull moment while growing up. One drama upon the other. Childhood is a blessing to us all as it is a time when we live freely without life challenges unlike adulthood where we have so much to think and worry about. So many people did really silly things while growing up that they remember and laugh, I am not an exception. I really salute the courage of my parents because they really gave their very best in moulding my life and putting me on the right track despite how hard I try to go astray. God bless and elongate their lives for me. Same goes to all parents out there who despite how stubborn their wards are still they managed to shape their lives.


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