Hello fellas,
As we all know labour is an effort expended on a particular task, could be work or anything. Considering the fact that humans are always at the go to get a task done be it good or bad.
Using my city, lagos as a case study. Where vigorous effort, show of man power ability is displayed on a daily base. Everyday you see people exercising strength, ability and muscular features.
While another set of people sit in their closet with a little display of skills and intellectual capacity can surmount to so much.
For me I'll define labour in this context as the effort asserted toward getting a vital and valid information that work. Here what I am say. If you do alot but earn little maybe, maybe you don't really have enough information.
The more you know, or may the more information you have about making a living the easier life becomes. Thanks to hive for the magnificent support.
Thanks for constantly checking and voting my drawings.