in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 


Hello everyone,
Long time no see I know and I apologise t be honest things have not been going the way I imagine and I will gist you about it.

As you know my school is currently on strike ad at this point we're hoping for a miracle, so I decided to get a job and in my mind it played so well on how I will manage everything untill I started and I really it's not easy but I will try my best to keep you guys updated 😊 I promise.

It's hard to do things here in Nigeria especially when you have a job from 8am - 5pm and before you get home it's 8pm wow such a life honestly.

I decided to make to make my hair today, hmm I felt like going for all back, of recent I love all back and I don't know why maybe because it's not consuming all my money.
My friend helped me to make my hair, I wanted something simple and nice so I trusted her to make it and I love the turn out.

The part I hate so much, applying hot towel to my hair I hate it so much but it's important 🤭.

The hair turned out nice and you can't tell me I don't look beautiful 😂.

Anyways this is the end of my blog for today, I hope you enjoyed it .

I really miss everyone ❤️😍.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·