in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 

Since I started my Dev journey, I think this has to be the longest post but most interesting post about my Dev journey.
So I was asked to clone 7up website and I did an amazing job on it. my instructor was actually impressed how a junior Dev could actually make what has been built by a renounced company like 7up.

7up html1.PNG
This picture contains the html document, which I linked the CSS to and also the front icons. also the anchor tags on the Nav bar

And this is the styling of the first part of the Nav bar; it is a CSS document.

7up css2.PNG
The second part of the styling is here. This is also part of the CSS for the first part of the html. The CSS actually looks longer and takes more time to do.

And This is what it looks like on my chrome browser.
You can see I put @megadrive name there though I omitted an 'e' on the name. Sorry about that.

7up html2.PNG
This is the second html document

7up css3.PNG
Another one of the styling

7up css4.PNG
This also part of the styling

And this is what it looks like.

7up html3.PNG

7up css5.PNG

And this is what the design looks like.

7up css6.PNG

7up css7.PNG

7up css8.PNG
These are CSS designs

And looks like this

7up css9.PNG
This has to be the last CSS design here


And you can see @saboin to enjoy the 7up
@bestkizito should also enjoy this 7up.
This work is purely a home work done by @amazingpolycarp. All copyrights reserved. The pictures were downloaded from 7up website.
Thanks also to @Tekraze and everyone who inspired me to take this journey.
To my Nigerian community members @chibuzorwisdom and @samhenryten for the encouragement.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


What a World 🥓

This looks amazing ....Just like my name lolz....Thanks for sharing