The manufacture of the existing spherical tank carried out by PT Cipta Sanalida Utama which is located at PT Arun Lhokseumawe, the manufacture of the existing spherical tank aims to accommodate liquefied Natural gas ( LNG) .
Pembuatan tangkib spherical eksisting yang di kerjakan oleh PT cipta sanalida utama yang berlokasi di PT Arun Lhokseumawe, pembuatan tangki spherical eksisting bertujuan untuk menampung liquefied Natural gas ( LNG)
The work of making the existing spherical tank is carried out using heavy equipment such as cranes to lift iron plates.
Pekerjaan pembuatan tangki spherical eksisting di kerjakan menggunakan alat berat seperti crane Untuk mengangkat plat besi.
The process of lifting the iron plate involves several technicians such as scaffolding, welding, crane operators
Pada proses pengangkatan plat besi melibatkan beberapa teknisi seperti Scaffolding , welding , operator crane
After the iron plate goes up, the welders do the welding of the iron plate on the existing spherical tank project, it requires at least 10 welding per existing spherical tank
Setelah plat besi naik keatas makan para welding melakukan pengelasa plat besi pada proyek tangki spherical eksisting di butuhkan setidaknya 10 welding persatu tangki spherical eksisting
In the process of welding iron plates, the welders must be very careful because they are at a height when the welder uses a safety belt.
Pada proses pengelasan plat besi para welding harus sangat berhati-hati di karenakan berada di ketinggian para welding menggunakan baju sabuk pengaman.
It is hoped that the existing spherical tank construction project will be able to accommodate liquefied natural gas for the purposes of exporting and importing liquefied natural gas throughout the province of Aceh and abroad.
Proyek pembangunan tangki spherical eksisting di harapkan kedepannya mampu menampung liquefied Natural gas untuk keperluan expor dan impor liquefied Natural gas ke seluruh provinsi Aceh dan luar negeri.
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