Appreciate yourself because you are

in blurt •  3 years ago 

Self-esteem or self motivation is really very important to have but we also shouldn’t be arrogant or overconfident at the same time. When you really feel that you’ve done something really good and you just did it for self satisfaction or unconditionally, don't wait that other will appreciate you. Be your own appreciator. How? Let me explain this in details in this tiny blog.

What I do usually to appreciate my work? Suppose, I've done something really good like I've wrote a very good words or I've donated some money to helped the poor. My expectations were not behind this work to be appreciated though but I brought chocolates or whatever I like to eat, just buy it and treat myself with it. It works for me like self appreciation. I appreciate my own good deeds that I did for others.

As a result I feel the joy in my heart and again and again repeat doing such good works of helping others. Actually this is a indirect treat from Almighty. I mean to say, when we do good to others, Almighty Allah also reward us by giving a self satisfaction and self treat that I purchase to appreciate myself. Sometimes I celebrate my own achievements and it makes me feel good from inside-out. I feel really very good.

So I insists my friends to do so. They also can be their own appreciator instead waiting see other's appreciation. When we expect from others and they couldn’t reach our expectations we feel bad. So better we do expect from oneself and treat ourselves with whatever we need to have as a return of our good work. Such as you’ve donated some money and that was selfless but you'll get a good return from Almighty. Sometimes I think what else would be so precious than our beautiful life where we are having peace.

What I believe, you know? When we consider that only Almighty is one enough for us, we live a beautiful life where we have no need to depend on other’s to be happy. So when you are ready to do good to others, you can appreciate your self and get the self satisfaction that you can't buy through money. Its a gift or appreciation from Almighty that you appreciate yourself.

When we appreciate oneself and feel the joy, surely our Almighty also love to see us happy. If I say in brief the whole thing in a sentence, it will be: " Don't wait for appreciation, be your own appreciator ". Most of the people in this world you can find busy with downing and criticizing others. Most of the people busy to pulling down others so expecting appreciation could be reason of our down feelings. So Let's start being our own appreciator for our good deeds.

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