Vast Pinapple Farms in Bukidnon

in blurt •  10 months ago 


Hello, Blurt frioends! It's been a while since my last post I hope to be consistent here, I was challenged by a slow internet connection lately because my ever-dependable Dito sim cannot catch a signal whenever I am home.
The Dito tower was turned off they say because they haven't paid yet says the land owner where the Dito tower was located.

Anyway, enough for that and let me share with you these amazing photos I took during one of our trips in 2021.

My husband took me on this road less taken which offered an astonishing view of vast pineapple fields, majestic mountains and wide panoramic view

I just can't take my eyes off of the view while taking as many pictures as possible because I fell inlove with teh area and my nature-loving heart wanted to prolong our stay.

We even saw four birds perched in one of the fences along the road and their silhouettes looked also amazing!


Thsi is my and my husband, and he is very busy making sure our ride is safe while I am enjoying it.

Unfortunately, we had to move so we could return home before dark but I have high hopes that we could return and stay longer in this amazing view

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