In a recent post casting doubt on Blurt within the title itself "sell sell sell" as just a warm up for a wall of FUD and voted up to trending by incredibly self destructive whales which many love for their up-votes..... our number #2 witness @khrom has engaged in conversation and this is what he's had to say in a comment on this post.
But first let me tell you that I'm a big fan of @khrom. I don't agree with everything he thinks but he's proven himself to be an excellent communicator and motivated to see Blurt succeed. Since he's just half a million Blurt Power away from being the number one witness, I think just about anything he writes on the Blockchain carries a lot of weight and significance.
If you are an investor or just a small time participant of the platform I'm sharing his words with you today as you will surely find them of interest. Before we have a look, I just wanted to thank @khrom for putting time and effort into making Blurt a better place.

And for the fun of it...here is @frot's recent comment on this same post about why he likes Blurt.

There is FUD, it's quite annoying, but I'm not too concerned about it. Blurt has a lot of ups and downs whether it be from Blurt internal political issues, or the improvements on chain (and on front-ends). There will always be whales, and factions of people with differing opinions. I see value in Blurt from a financial perspective and a free speech perspective; I kind of wish more of the whales would feel the same.
FUD is healthy, however toxicity can be detrimental.
I don't see anything wrong with openly discussing the pros and cons (FUD) either. At least then we are all being transparent making the problems easier to address and solve.
There are a lot of people who think progress is either moving forward (good) or backwards (bad) but the truth of the matter is more relative than that.
Everything is in continual flux AND everything is a blend of both pros and cons.
Healthy innovation is an acknowledgment of this... It's about not loosing the forest from the trees.
We need individual vision and collective vision. When the two come together great things can happen. Perhaps that's the point of all of this discussion... We are creating the future by fusing together individual and collective vision.
Thanks for commenting on @world-travel-pro's post @esecholo! 👍
Comet Ranker

Better days to come...
@lucylin says
I agree. I didn't quite understand the context of @lucylin's statement. English is not my native language. Lucylin explained that he meant the title to sell in terms of selling Blurt as a platform to other people.
and I'm not calling for it either, I'm just talking about the consequences of what would happen if we just ditched the development and promotion in favor of fixing what is wrong because in my opinion these two things must go on in parallel. @lucylin used the car analogy here, but blockchain is not really a car as a thing, but rather a "virtual ecosystem" that evolves, develops and changes. it is also a bit like a living organism for which promotion is like minerals and vitamins and development is like water. These two things, regardless of whether the body is healthy or sick, must be supplied or else it will die.
Nothing wrong with promotion and development...to even question the necessity is a head scratcher and frankly a waste of time. But I really appreciate your efforts and transparency and wanted that to reach a wider audience. You are doing a great job, keep it up! :)
For 2023 I'm planning to focus on three platforms - my Wordpress blog, Bastyon, and Blurt.
I'll do a post about this but without going on at length, each one has something I'm looking for. I'm not using Blurt for financial reasons, and while I'd like to see the token price rise, that is not my primary focus. On Bastyon the financials are one of my key interests, but that is a different set of features - another being the encrypted chat.
I do see this guy as a major problem though...my, that's a nice all seeing eye... are we supposed to believe he just put that behind him my accident?
That was actually addressed by said person....not a quote...but basically said: opedia pushed that on him and he was unaware of it's significance.
Take it for what you will.
It's since been changed...since it was addressed by myself actually some months ago.
But I hear you, it was concern enough for me to address it...lol Merry Christmas way over there in New Zealand!
What is going on with these blockchains and this satanic bullshit?
Are we the only people who notice this stuff ?
Now this is interesting - a Polish account on Deviant Art that only has two followers originally did a version of this picture...Odd?
You just can't get away from it. Crazy. There are people that know exactly what this symbology and pic means and have jumped into the deep end and are all about it. Then there are others who are 100% clueless. Then there are people like us who watch from the sidelines and think WTF....lol
turns out its a photo lab template for zoomers to do selfies with
How about that....f-n creepy
Hi, could you give me information about Bastyon?
Check out mylatest post to get started
Thanks for the quote!
Yes the more I look at what else is around, the more I think Blurt has a bunch of features that no other platform has, and I am going to keep using it for that reason, and if it is not paying much, too bad, neither is Facebook or Gab!
It's a muse!
4 week powerdowns is nice, surprised you didn't mention that.
What's markdown?
Yes I forgot about that!
Markdown is the formatting language that Steemit, Hive, Blurt and Wordpess all use. If everyone used it, it would be easy to copy posts from one platform to another, and it's easy to learn - eg:
so by putting ## in front of text it apears bigger
But Bastyon (Bless as @lucylin would say) frigging don't use Markdown, so rendering the site useless for long form blogging
an asterix at each end of the sentence above - no spaces - puts it into italics
So platforms like Bastyon are handing Blurt a massive opportunity on a plate
Ohhh, that's what the formatting type we're using is called. Thanks! I think I self-learned all of those since starting up on Steem, except maybe the "code" one. Is that how you can sorta hide code that would otherwise mess up a page? I don't really use most of them regularly though, generally preferring the pointy brackets and h2 for large headings, b for bold, etc.
Thanks so much for sharing
I also love the transparency on blurt
To me, I believe blurt is here to stay and far better where compare with other platforms of its kind
Sometimes, your discussion make me scared. Haha.
Have a nice day 🎄
Now that you've taken me off 'mute'....
Thanks for reading my post.
You do realize that I never, not once, referred to selling blurt, and the title is in reference to the product - that of selling the product, blurt.
Nothing to do with buying or selling blurt tokens.
Just thought I'd make that clear.
Some easily led people do have an awful time comprehending the difference between reality and 'trying to create a narrative'....
As included in my post - is blurt a financial instrument, or a blogging platform ?
Obviously from our previous conversations, I would perceive your interests as being financial, and not the imparting of quality/funny/insightful/entertaining, information.
(you know - a kind of 'I'd just be happy to get my money back at this point', kind of thing...which I think most people would see as a purely financially driven, and motivated, perspective).
As a salesperson all my life, I did invite people to come and sales pitch it to me- as a salesperson...come on over and give it go.
It is - most definitely - a very 'pro-business' thing to do - (as I'm sure you know).
And as s any professional sales person knows, 'negatives' and 'questions to the sales pitch given' , are buying signals...
Come over to my post - and sell it to me !
....happy new years, matey !
Yeah, it's best I just don't get involved I don't have time to decipher your long wordy often misleading writings. I just like what @khrom shared on your post.