RE: Launching Operation Reach Out!

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Launching Operation Reach Out!

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Oh wow. I heard about Jerry Banfield, but never knew he had a deal like this on his own way back when. Very interesting. Hive treating people like shit is one of our greatest assets. Blurt really needs to capitalize on it. I'll keep Banfield on my short list of people to reach out to. You just never know, seems like he could be a real good candidate especially if he's motivated by his disgust with hive/steemit.

Thanks again for sharing this and supporting my efforts here.

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Wow! Awesome brother! You really know how to take the bull by the horns. Well done!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Always happy to help! ❤️🤙

EDIT: They really are sensitive over on Hive... Those ugly mongrels... xD

For real, nobrainlesttouse hahaha. I forgot all about that creepy