Speak out when you are not cool with issues

in blurt •  2 years ago 

There is no perfect human being on earth, and as a result of our imperfections we tend to offend each other either by our words or actions. Our imperfections can lead to issues in marriage, work and even among friends. It is quite complicated to be a human and to understand another human being. It will still be a difficult task to understand each other very well even if we have written instructions on each person's behavioral patterns.

In marriages, couple tend to have one misunderstanding or the other and they are often caused by irrelevant things. It is highly recommended that couples should fight and argue in their marriage from time to time in an healthy way but it becomes a cause for alarm when the argument is about the same thing every time, then it becomes unhealthy. It's the responsibility of the man and the wife to always resolve any issue that spring forth, so that it doesn't linger too much and cause irreparable loss.

Many people are fond of saying the man is the head of the house - yes - it is true. But, it is the woman that owns and controls the house, in actual fact. A woman can decide and influence what is going on in the home. She can make the home peaceful and she can make it otherwise. For instance, when a woman is not pleased about what her man did, in no time, the whole mood in the house will change and it will be noticeable that all is not well. These could be displayed through her actions and the "Nothing is wrong with me" response when something is actually wrong with her. She'd rather sulk rather than talk.

Photo by Harli Marten from Unsplash
It is expedient that couples take up the responsibility of curbing issues as they arise. Build yourself up to let go, forgive each other and let peace reign in your family. In a twinkle of an eye, a small misunderstanding can turn into something huge if not controlled as soon as possible. You'd understand better if you have witnessed how fire outbreaks that destroy properties started. They start with just a match stick that was not properly put off, then in no time, it has spread and taken over the whole place. This is exactly how misunderstanding that are not quickly curbed spread fast.

Photo by Afif Kusuma from Unsplash
Refrain from keeping anger in you for a long time. The best way to deal with your concerns is to talk. Most times, the person you are angry with doesn't even know the reason why you are angry. But when you talk and express your thoughts, the two of you will know what the problem is and how to move on. Issues that are bottled up for a long time will cause a lot of damage when they are eventually released.

Don't bottle up your emotions only because you're scared of the aftermath of expressing your mind or probably you don't want to bee seen as a nagging man or woman. A lot of partners will prefer to keep to themselves just because they are afraid of what might happen after the conversation. The fear of being able to handle issues is why many people stay silent. Walk up to your partner, tell them what your fears are and be sincere about it.

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