RE: Transaction fees

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Transaction fees

in blurt •  2 years ago 

I don't think this is a good idea. The idea may favor those with millions of blurt staked in the platform and won't mind spending such amount, as that is small compared to what they have. You know, when I came to this platform, I wondered why most minnows preferred to write short works, with little or no markdown syntax codes. I realized that the more of such codes you use, especially those that aligns pictures to the right or to the left will cause you to pay more. I'm surprised no body has thought about this fee stuff and how it has affected the general quality of content here on blurt, and you are suggesting a raise in the transaction fees?

This is really so uncool.

Most minnows don't comment on post because of the transaction cost. Neither do they vote on other users. Will you vote someone when what you will pay to vote is much more than how much you can give the person. You can even check this out yourself. Most minnows don't even vote their own work because of the cost! And this is really so sad.

I understand that there is a lot of troubles in the platform, but setting up rules to hurt a group of individuals without minding the minnows on ground who are barely surviving is totally unfair. With the way this whole thing is going I sometimes wonder if the minnows are considered at all. Okay, lets say you always post and you earn less than what you spent on posting, will you post again.

Okay, let's talk about curation accounts. What do you think will happen? The number of works that will be curated will be so little, as curation community accounts pay for both voting and commenting on every post they curate. So, if at this rate already, the chances of getting an upvote as a minnow is very little, what do you think will happen when you guys execute this measure.

I'm barely three months in this platform. This is not the Blurt we left Hive and Steemit for. Something that was once so beautiful, I don't know how a group of persons have allowed Ego, the excessive need to prove a point and display power make them to begin to make decisions without considering the Minnows.

It may feel as if because we don't have much stake on the platform, and most of us are poor, and we are not developers or witnesses, so our say don't matter. But I want it to be remembered that we the minnows also voted the witnesses. So sad.😔

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