RE: Any idea?

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Any idea?

in blurt •  3 years ago 

i remember the steemitpolice acted once.
sometimes they acted wrong and banned people who wrote and posted their own stuff.
but i agree with you. Blurb is the HOME of plagiarism.
same i see in the Noise.cach posts

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What makes me sad is people generally spend their time in vain. Instead of creating something new and beautiful, they prefer to rob others. It is easier to create.
The Devil rules this world...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

you're so right.
and I hate to put watermarks on my works. just never did and never will do

Not that watermarks stop the abusers :D
I've seen people spending hours removing all the logos of a stock agency from a photo, instead of purchasing it for a dollar or two.
Lately, I believe this is just a decease. There are people who just can't live without stealing something.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

agree with you...