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in blurt •  2 years ago 

Tbh I’m over going to war full stop. It’s wasting my time and draining lol I want to focus on becoming a better artist and spend time practising not arguing with Random ppl online about every little thing that’s not rly important to my life. For me these platforms have always been mostly about helping creatives find a secondary source of income to give them freedom to create art and write. I know they mean more than that to others but that’s how I always saw their main function for myself. I’ll always fight to keep a place free so people can create without fear of being silenced or their money taken away from them so they can’t earn if they have a certain opinion but otherwise I’ll leave it to people who know more than me. I have no idea how to even check who is printing tokens so that’s not my battle. I was offered to do some curating and I think it makes blurt a better place I enjoy being able to give a bit more weight to people creating great content. It doesn’t mean I am on some invisible side of a war. The only thing I’ll fight for is no downvotes or deplatforming based on opinions. But getting too involved in this just stops me achieving in my own perosnal life and spending the time and focus on my art. This is also why I mute ppl who are just draining of your life force because they vampire your energy and derail you from success. There is nothing wrong with blocking and ignoring ppl
Who are derailing you from acheiving and sucking your energy. Constructive fair criticism tho that’s useful and ppl are fools to block out that and not at least listen. There is a huge difference between gaslighting and constructive criticism. The first is draining and exhausting and will never lead to any kind of balanced conversation and imo is best blocked out, constructive criticism will help drive and propel you forwards and leave you feel energised. If ppl don’t wanna mute I respect that too cause it can help you work through all triggers to the point nothing at all bothers you. Both ways have aspects that can work for the individual. But to be transparent I’m not on any side of a war I don’t know enough about other than the freedom to earn and speak war.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for have a conversation on my post!

I'm going to copy and paste this reply to everyone involved because I think this is what social media is really about, but somewhere along the way it has been subverted into something very different and that has really killed it.

It's not about agreement, it's a conversation. You are all clearly not bots or contractors pushing an agenda.

While I do think replacing corrupt egotistical dictators is crucial for the success of any social media platform (or society), I also think the free exchange of ideas is crucial as well.

Feel free to disagree!


For me it’s the level of disagreement. So if someone engages and we sometimes agree and sometimes don’t I tend to get into interesting debates with them. Especially if they don’t get perosnal and stick to the topic at hand etc. If someone literally just only ever comes onto posts with a long negative post and never writes anything positive and just basically disagrees to disagree / they make it personal/ they gaslight and never own up to anything at all and just say your always ‘crazy/wrong or oversensitive’ and attempt to diminish you rather then actually debate or it ends up with a huge back and forwards that’s getting absolutely nowhere and never does and your wasting hours of time there then I think there are better things to spend your time on and a healthy person just walks away or mutes if they want to. I think each situation is totally unique. Obviously just having eco chambers of your own opinion is rly silly or trying to silence other people’s opinions on their own page. I think trying to force anyone to change their opinion point blank is probably a lot of what’s wrong with the world. You don’t have to like it or agree and I think it’s fine to just not think someone’s your kind of person but trying to force other ppl to think a different way isn’t right imo, sure debate to the death of both ppl want to but that’s about it.


If someone wants to engage with me, argue with me, say things to piss me off, or get a rise or reacrion out of me....and I jump to their BS...then who is the puppet and who is the master? I too am done with "wars" and entertaining permanant antagonists on this or any other platform.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Actually this is a good way of putting it to be fair it’s not anything to do with anyone’s opinion that would ever make me mute them but it’s these, in my opinion, psychologically unwell people who constantly want to feed off people's energy I tend to mute ppl who purposely try to do anything to to get arise or reaction off someone and not leave them alone when you try to step away. I don’t hate these people because they have real issues but I’m not a psychologist and I don’t owe these people anything. No one ever got anywhere in life just constantly engaging with them, and if you’re going to ignore them what’s the difference really between ignoring and muting?. It’s called boundaries and we do need some of them in life IMO. If people literally cannot respect your boundaries then they have to go. I think eventually you get to a place with them where you just really don’t care at all, but life’s a process and having said that I still see people like Eckhart Tolle clean up his comment section or‘s team does and not respond to certain comments. If they want to waste hours of their own time making 100 accounts and continue to keep trying to get through to you when you don’t even read anything or see anything that’s up to them let them waste their energy instead of you wasting yours. It switches the power dynamic and stops them ever achieving anything in life, instead of you. Of course this is my opinion and the way I work if people want to never block anybody at all in life and work on just becoming completely untriggerable and respond to these people all the time back and forwards that’s their choice and I respect that. I don’t take away others free will to make choices, their path is between themselves and God or their higher self or whatever you want to believe. Guidance might change as well as long as you’re connected to your inner voice you know what you’re meant to be doing.

"it’s not anything to do with anyone’s opinion that would ever make me mute them but it’s these, in my opinion, psychologically unwell people who constantly want to feed off people's energy"

Exactly. The sad thing is, is that I agree with many of the ideas stated by certain people here. I just can't get behind the total disrespect and antagonistic ways of communicating and getting the message across.

It's like asking someone to pass the salt at the dinner table..."Hey! Retard! Pass the fucking salt!"

Good luck with that. lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


This is rly good

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

So that means that your blogposts thrown in between basically have little meaning for you and comments on them steal your time, so they give you a sharper rebuttal? I figured you would be interested in statements differing from your view, that is the way of all spiritual quest. That is most likely why I tested the waters with you.

But if you post to simply post something, as a break filler between your picture-painting publications, a disclaimer under each text would be helpful, saying: "Acknowledgement welcome, challenges not". ... This joke was on you, I could not resist.

You could ask MD and the other witnesses if they might actually program the mentioned editor tools for the individual user blogs, because it would be quite useful, because you can then leave out the comment section altogether, for example. I would welcome that option on occasion, if I didn't have the nerve or the time to take care of the comments section.

Of course, then you wouldn't receive praise and affirming comments, would you? It would be interesting to find out if you can live without feedback. The explanations you write regarding "I don't want to give time to it and I don't want to go to war" rather give the opposite impression. With whomever you have had a tough disagreement of views, it is observable that you cannot tolerate well being at odds with someone and have to go on talking to someone other than them about their impertinences that you have been challenged with.

Why not admit that you also somehow enjoy it, there's nothing wrong with passing the time with people who really get on your nerves. It can benefit you big time!

Since you imply you want to train yourself spiritually (if you're really serious about it), the very best exercise would be to not put on mute the very people who get on your nerves the most.
It would be as if you wanted to give up sweets and, in order to test your limits and how far your spiritual maturity has come, you still put some in the cupboard for you to reach at any time. And whenever you get a craving for sweets, you could open the cupboard, look at the sweet things and then decide to close the cupboard doors again.

For my part, I can say that I find you very provocative. So you, because I have my own maturation processes going on, were my currently chosen nemesis on whom to test how good I am at letting go. You provide plenty of occasions to do this because you like to talk to third parties about those who challenged you. It's only that one does not see this in the moment it happens. Otherwise, if one would see it, there would be no conflict in the first place.

If it were easy to leave the sweets, then you wouldn't need spiritual training, then all beings would be friends. Since we are all sinners, it is impossible that all beings are friends at all times.

Anyway, I challenged you and you are by all means not someone who rejects it and likes to counter it. I didn't see it as a waste of time to mess with you. I learned that there are people who provide me with occasions where I lose what I think I have in terms of spiritual maturity very quickly and then I know for myself: HaHa! So there's your result, you now know that, as always, there's no end to this development (no point at which you've "made it", but any person, no matter where and no matter who, can catapult you to the beginning! There's something funny about saying it to yourself like that.

Then, the question arises: Is it really you personally (or me personally) who gives me/you a hard time? I'd say "no". For I have never met you, never got in a fleshy presence with you and all what you may stand for what I detected as "unpleasant" is to be found as well in myself.
Then, it is easy to let go.
Until the next occasion comes around the corner, even the same person. And so on and so forth.
One might also say that it's very heavy to take it easy. But once you take it easy it loses its weight. But in order to take a thing as easy, it had to be difficult. LOL

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for have a conversation on my post!

I'm going to copy and paste this reply to everyone involved because I think this is what social media is really about, but somewhere along the way it has been subverted into something very different and that has really killed it.

It's not about agreement, it's a conversation. You are all clearly not bots or contractors pushing an agenda.

While I do think replacing corrupt egotistical dictators is crucial for the success of any social media platform (or society), I also think the free exchange of ideas is crucial as well.

Feel free to disagree!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Is there is any place where many people meet that can be truly free? In the sense that I can say what I want without encountering resistance?

It is a matter of interpretation how much one takes disagreement as a personal affront or in a way trains oneself to try one's composure by this challenge. Agreement = affirmation of one's own. Conversation = The willingness to listen even to opposing or challenging arguments and verbal attacks. Ad hominem attacks are the most catchy and therefore the master attacks. They may not really be permissible, but you see them everywhere and with far greater frequency and intensity on all so-called social media channels. Banning them only brings out more of them. The art is to let the force bounce off you and if it doesn't (which is most of the time it doesn't), seek to fathom what it is that annoys you so terribly.
I think it is thoroughly exaggerated that hate speech is seen as abhorred, in fact I think it is very popular (thanks to widespread media distribution). To believe that only approval is a positive thing is deluding oneself. ...Every collective thrives on tests of endurance. If it does not pass them, it can disintegrate or become lifeless. Hate is only a hair's breadth away from love.

So I don't so radically agree with you that dictators are at work. Rather, I think most of the potential for conflict online is incompetence or unawareness/ignorance, rapid aggrievement, as well as a rapid weariness of all that is believed to be something honourable or noble. I call it the tension field in which boredom and excitement confront each other and one swings between these two moods as if attached to a hook.

Right now I'm experiencing a contradiction with your comment to me. I'm not a bot, right, so an automated response to your commenters talking to each other I find rather irritating. Are you interested in a conversation? With me? If so, I prefer a personal reply. Though I assume that longer conversations with me is not so much to your taste. LOL ;)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You write really long comments and tend to make things very complex.

But I do appreciate that you are commenting, so I quickly said so.

I am a very slow typist, in the time it would take to do a long reply i could do a picture!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am not discussing rocket science. But well, no problem, I know you already a bit and I found out that you find long comments uninteresting in general, and you yourself never comment with a lot of words. I was irritated by this sudden invitation to disagree. And also that you praise manual convos and prefer to have them instead of bots. But used automated responses. LOL :D

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Blog posts have meaning to me but these back and forwards debates on the same topic, that isn’t really going anywhere and neither person is ever going to agree is a waste of energy for me personally and we all have to use social how we enjoy it. For me I do not want it to actually take over my real life but be a sideline with responsible use that doesn’t take away energy from real life goals. That doesn’t mean I write things I don’t care about.

Great comment. We are certainly on the same page with everything you mention here.