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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Hive is pro Ukraine and Blurt is pro Putin ….

Blurt used to be pro Ukraine tho the core team it’s only the bloggers not I think ?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hive is pro Ukraine. Blurt is pro Putin … that’s why I went back to Hive.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The day I heard that Russian troops had invaded Ukraine, I said to my husband, "This is tragic. I wish Russian political leaders hadn't allowed themselves to be provoked in that way." Haven't you ever heard of political strategic manoeuvring where a third party benefits from two being at odds? In this case, Germany, and Europe, has allowed itself to be drawn into a war with Russia. And have you never heard that if Germany, which is one of the best off countries in Europe economically, lets its economy go down the drain, the whole of Europe will be weakened? Is that what you want? That not only Ukraine, but all European countries will be bled dry? What do you want to happen then?
You are perhaps far enough away to allow yourself to feel sorry for them. For us Germans, it was the Russians who finally officially gave up the occupation of our country and released us from their grip. Did the Americans do that? I wouldn't know. I'm sure the MSM would have carried it and it would have reached the ears of even the last person.

In the end, though, I don't see through the geopolitical games and only know that the average people will pay for it all until they can't anymore. That's how long the elites are preparing it to find the appropriate culprits. On the surface, it seems that the German government is betting on a horse and hoping it is the right horse.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Who are these Global Elite ?

The people who create money out of thin air and profit from such out of air creation. The people who tell politicians of the world what to do, handing them their scripts. The people who pass laws making property usage an increasing crime, making one a suspected terrorist for exercising liberty and ownership rights. The ones who shape public narrative, displaying their power so openly they push mental illness as education and science and aim those buying into it against those who would prefer to be left alone.

Those are the elites.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I asked if you have heard of third parties who place their interests between two other parties. You asked me back who they are. What difference does it make to know that, who they are, if it is not already enough to realise that it is so?

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thanks. I just try to understand the labels people apply to groups of people. That’s all. I do Not know for a fact that it is so…. That a mysterious third party called the “elite” causes all these troubles. I see that a Lot of people on Blurt blame the so-called”elite” for all the problems in the World so I would like to know who precisely they are. The lizard people ? Aliens ? The Russian Oligarchs ? The British Royal Family ?

I found this list ….

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

With the elite I name the politicians in higher offices. They are often called the elite by both, media and peoples here in Germany. Like persons or groups with mandates, qualifications and also investments going on in certain areas, are also understood by the term as elites. But to be more accurate, I looked it up in the German dictionary:

Noun, feminine [the]
1st. A select group of people with special aptitudes or qualities; the best, the leaders; the ruling class or team.
"the social, sporting elite"

2nd. [without plural]
Standardised font size for typewriters

It is a well known fact here in Germany that the US, in order to save their interests in Europe, must take influence on my country, for Germany is known as having the most influence (together with France) within the European countries. So it's crucial what my government is doing in this conflict between the western and eastern countries (in particular Russia) and to which side it turns in times of political upheavals. It's said that if we take a stance against Russia (pro US) that this might be not the best idea. We have a much closer relationship to the Eastern countries than to the US, not only being closer to them but also in terms of history.

I myself have ancestors who as Germans emigrated to Ukraine in the time of Catherine the Great. There they led a hard but quite decent life until political unrest and the Russian Revolution threatened their existence and many found themselves on the run or displaced. My grandfather owned a mill and at that time we were considered enemies by the partisans and the so-called people's fighters, because, as always in times of crisis, one goes by nationality and not by how at home a people already is somewhere.

We assimilated Russian culture to a large extent and I always felt closer to Russian because my family is partly Russian-speaking or my siblings still went to school there. The country and the people are therefore familiar to me. No matter how bad relations have been, the long history of the Germans with the Russians calls for healing and also for forgiveness. My family was in a prison camp and we only emigrated back to our former homeland in 1975. I therefore do not mentally and intellectually separate Ukraine from Russia, because linguistically and culturally they are much closer to each other than Europe. This whole conflict is over my horizon, but I am beyond condemning the Russians because I have nothing against the people. I make a distinction between the government and the people. But you can assume that in no country in the world is there a people as a whole that stands completely behind its government or its decisions.

If you are interested, I'll copy you the link where I was talking about my families history in more depth. That will maybe give you an understanding how complicated and intermingled historical events with private events are for me.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So, both are serving the agenda to be pro this and contra that.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I’m pro Canada.