RE: Blurt Community Survey: Should We Fund Some Critical Infrastructure?

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Blurt Community Survey: Should We Fund Some Critical Infrastructure?

in blurt •  2 years ago 

First number 5. i would like to see proper open civil discussion from the investors as to why they voted that and what they would like to see changed and what they hope to gain for it or what other ideas they have to keep blurt going as well as the other side being put forward. A mix in the middle would be the best not a my way or the high way which, let’s be honest does kind of dominate on blurt these days. It’s easy to get into, especially online and everyone has different ideas on what freedom means to them yet all value freedom above al else else they would all still be on hive keeping their head down. I guess if a consensus can’t be reached then there has to be another step to ensure blurt runs smoothly.

I don’t believe we should agree to change hearts though. I don’t think an investor should get to dictate any more than the finders. Something like that should be decided by the community rly. I don’t think anyone should be held to ransom on things else it’ll escalate. It has to be a proper discussion of ok what do you want and why? Then the other side answers the same. Ultimately the solution has to be the best for the platform rather than either the foundation or ctime and in the interests of he majority of users not just one cause they are founders and not just another cause they have more money than others.

P.s. am I the only one who likes the hearts? Lol 💓

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I like the hearts and the ui is just one of many, Blurt Core reserves the right to operate it in a manner we feel has mass appeal, the frontend is a 2nd layer on the blockchain and not affected by consensus. Ctime’s post was sarcasm though, he was oversimplifying all the efforts Blurt core spent over the years and dumbed it down to just changing the UI from arrows to hearts, conveniently leaving out other majors like exchange listings and fending off several attacks which would have otherwise destroyed Blurt.

I actually don’t even see the hearts as I use exclusively latam cause it’s far less buggy for me and I think the trending page is messed up on .blog I don’t see posts that are trending in latam. I can’t scroll much on it either and it logs me out a lot. I like the hearts tho. If the mobile app was improved I would probably like that it needs some work certainly on the iPad cause I can’t make posts from it, not sure if others can ? But with a few tweaks it could become the go to interface for many especially if new ppl can sign up for free there.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

The trending page has filtering and further conditions to prevent posts trending with just single or few big votes, it now takes into consideration wider community engagement, will post about it officially soon.

@tekraze @saboin can you look into the scrolling and logout issues above.

@sagarkothari88 can you look into the mobile app inability to post on iPad.

I’ve been talking to sagar I’m busy this weekend but I’ll video with him and show him how it looks on the iPad

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That’s awesome thanks for the bug hunting help.

You rock! That is great to hear!

Posted from

@tekraze @saboin can you look into the scrolling and logout issues above.

@sagarkathari88 can you look into the mobile app inability to post on iPad.

Friggen commander and chief! Look at you go! I like it! 👍

Also official statement about the trending page coming out soon....getting things done! Very nice.

Posted from

Blog is pretty buggy from the iPhone for me latam is a lot smoother I guess we all use different devices

Posted from

I kept wondering why I didn't get the notification for this & found that there is a spell mistake in my name. I am investigating that issue now.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes lol made a typo on your name, will fix

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

it now takes into consideration wider community engagement

LOL,.. and we all know what that means to you ,.. the critics ?
You just tag em and bag em ,.. to keep them down .

Posted from

we all know what that means to you

It means that the piece of shit penguin that trashes everyone with an opposing opinion and the platform itself won't be on trending on just one of several front ends. I'm all for it.

AND it means that post like this with massive community support and engagement will be on trending. Not good right?

By the way....I'm leaning heavily in favor that you suck. So I guess the feeling is mutual. lol

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What ever ,...

By the way....I'm leaning heavily in favor that you suck. So I guess the feeling is mutual. lol

Ha', i see ,.. but your so wrong ,.. i didn't have any feelings mutual to your's ,. let's start there .
Then second i do not lean anywhere ,.. i am standing firm on my feet . I make no claim's that you suck or otherwise ,. No , for doing that i also would need to explain and back up these insinuations .
( don't get me wrong ,.. i could , with ease ,. just don't want to, be glad i ain't at a war path ) ;-)

So now ,.. the problem ,.. you making baseless assumptions without reason or backup .
Should i feel triggered by it ? should i react ? should i accept the war you offer me ?

Nope ,.. ill just let you dig yourself in a little deeper by saying ,....

AND it means that post like this with massive community support and engagement will be on trending. Not good right?

No , perfect .. if not i could not have given my critical comment on it .
Ho' and why would i suck , or what ? ,.. please explain ,
as when you call it you got to name it to .
Otherwise the claim is empty and just sputter on the bandwaves .

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

You know what at some point ppl need to stop dragging blurt and bringing up the past if we want to stay on and build something of value for everyone. Trust me I’ll fight for freedoms every day of the week, I blame my very heavy Aquarius chart, that I just can’t let an injustice go unfaught for. But I just don’t think it’s doing any good to keep dividing the us vs them and just constantly being negative about the platform. Maybe if we all spoke more about what we wanted than didn’t want some good ideas might actually come up, maybe people will listen etc. Maybe dan can do some surveys and if the results are overwhelming they will make the changes. This is more like a protest in a way. You can’t just protest things you hate lol else what can be changed? If you say I don’t like hearts but don’t give suggestions then what do we do have 0 symbol for example. Like what shape does everyone want as a button? Lol personally I couldn’t care less but maybe instead of going on about how much ppl hate a heart they could suggest some shapes they do like and if enough ppl agree with them ppl might change it. The heart thing is an example but with everything it’s kind of pointless to just be we don’t want this this and this, it’s better to be like we would love to see this this and this and then I do think if enough ppl agree it would get pushed through. Dan would be an idiot to be a top ten witness and just fight and argue with mega drive every day, it’s totally unprofessional and achieves nothing . That role comes with a different responaibility than blogger. I would do the same as him. You cant work for a business and fight with your boss and the employers and customers all day on twitter lol it’s just not what you do in an official role. Yes you keep the same beliefs but you go about it in an entirely different way by merging ideas. My two cents

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

To me it's not about the design ,. aldo hearts are not my thing , it's fine as it is .
And i don't even mind when i make a critical post if it gets support or not .
From now post's like that , i will deny rewards on them .,,, can i ?
What i am against is that if you make one , or some comments ,. non of your non critical fun content gets support also . So i wonder if the algorithm being made is taking account on that . If not ,.. we better behave . ;-)

Anyways , do we need #blurt support ? ,.. i did well without ,.. witch gives some hope . ;-)

Posted from

Like when C time said he likes a free account set up I think a lot of people would actually agree with him on that

Posted from

Dan would be an idiot to be a top ten witness and just fight and argue with mega drive every day, it’s totally unprofessional and achieves nothing .


Very well thought out. Agree very much with all your points. Thank you for sharing this and supporting my efforts.

You are don't suck. My bad, hope you accept my apologies. Looks like I was the one that got triggered. It's that fucking penguin, he's gotten to me! lol and I know your a big fan like I used to be. Seriously. I hope you can accept my apology, that was very uncool of me, especially after reading your reply. Thanks again for explaining and letting me apologize. Let me go check out your blog and see what you've been up to....

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Apology accepted .
Wait up , let me put the safety back on that loaded gun and store it away . ;-)

Hmmm ? the penguin ,.. yes ,. what ever it is now , it still is free speech ,. social media is a public space . If you stand for #freespeech you have to accept all speech . Muting is the option , does it work ? ,.. i personally don't mute , as i stand for free speech .
( stalking and spamming excluded , i do mute that ,. thanks for the function )

Yesterday i scrolled back on the infant terrible his steem account .
About 2 to 3 years or more , great content ,.. very entertaining to .

As a social media platform desperate for good content .. give it space , improve the product . Be that free market place platform everybody really wants .

And getting triggered ain't bad ,. getting blinded by it is , stay cool . ;-)

Posted from

So strange, complete opposite for me. I still can't post from Latam but I can clearly comment, .blog is smooth as can be for me, so I like that for sure. I'm not a hearts kind of guy, maybe I'd prefer something like this....💪lol or maybe just more 🥓..hahaha. But honestly I could really give a shit, hearts, arrows, whatever. Seems like an insignificant thing to me compared to refferal programs and stuff like that.

As stated in a recent posts...I like the variety and both trending pages have their benefits.

Posted from

I think it might depend what you use I use an iPad, iPhone and iMac interchangeably so I can see how different things work on different things. Blurt blog rly doesn’t work well on my iPhone but ok on my laptop and iPad. The mobile app doesn’t rly work very well on my iPad etc

Posted from

Maybe we should hVe stars haha and totally break the trend or diamonds ... diamond hands 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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I think we all knew c times was a joke well I am not sure everyone did lol

Posted from

hahaha....Are you speaking into your phone again? I'm sure you mean "c time was joking".

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It was we all know ctime’s was a joke I think. Maybe You could get the wrong end of the stick and mute me haha tbh half the time I type there are so many spelling errors I’m surprised ppl understand it let alone take offence 🤣

Posted from

Lol sorry I keep hoping the voice to type thing will improve and learn my voice better 🤣

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

BlurtLatam already has the arrow ? Why do they need to be the same ???

Why not let Ctime, mmmkkk, Lucy, Frot etc run BlurtLatam and the Blurt Team run …

People who don’t like either one can go to Steemit, Bastyon, Serey, Hive, Pob, VYB, TipMeACoffee etc etc etc …

We have so much choice … too much choice. I’m exhausted from posting everywhere and making so much friggin money. What am I goi g to do with all my money ???

It’s crazy how much money.

There are already 2 very different Blurt Front ends … why do we need them to be the same ?

Let them be different ? Viva La difference


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Ehh correction, Blurtlatam is not implemented by ctime, Ctime, mmmkkk, Lucy, Frot,. It has been around for about two years. The magic of decentralization allows to have variety in many aspects. However I understand that at the moment it is not about implementing front end interfaces. It is about how the Dao fund is managed and the proposals that are allocated to it. If the Dao fund remains closed there is no way for developers including myself to make any kind of proposal to scale or create dapps. If we only think it's about the frontend then we don't understand the reality of the conflict or the difference of opinions.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ok. Thanks. It’s too complicated for me….. I’ll stay out of it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No, your opinion is important. It is always good that there are innovative ideas that can allow a consensus among many parties. Only at this point the only discrepancy is that Blurtlatam is maintained by a different team. Regards

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It’s too bad that somebody somewhere cannot create a new Front end for @ctime mmmkkk, Frot, Lucy. Etc etc… one that they could make whatever changes they want … it would be great to see what they develop. … maybe xblurt…. Or cblurt …. Or or something new ….

Why not ???

Could @fervi not create a new front end ? @tekraze ? For a fee ??? Maybe ??

There are so many awesome Front Ends on Hive … pob, VYB, Ecency, Liketu, Leo ..l amd they all get along … mostly….

And with a #hashtag you earn all the extra free tokens. It’s incredible …

#pob #vyb #cent #hive-engine

So much free crypto it’s incredible.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That is the essence of decentralization, all Blurt source code is available in its repositories. Studying it, understanding it, updating every fragment of that code can lead to creating new interfaces or even having your own tuned one. It takes time, some money, and above all knowledge.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes … it’s too bad a few developers cannot work with @ctime @fervi etc to create a new 100% decentralized Blurt Front end that they could be happy with .

I am pretty sure this was the original Intent of Jacob anyways….

More Front ends the better … we need to have some diversity.

We all need to put our very strong differences aside and work together to improve Blurt.

No matter what it is not worth it to always be fighting against each other.

It benefits not one.

We have to forgive and forget and move forward.

Posted from

Its all the same site tho hence why using Vyb still sucked as it couldn’t rly entirely lose its mother site and they ended up messing it up and pulling it down. Important core decisions would affect all front ends I believe ? And the most popular would also affect the price Altho it does solve some issues

Posted from

We all need to put our very strong differences aside and work together to improve Blurt.

No matter what it is not worth it to always be fighting against each other.

It benefits not one.

We have to forgive and forget and move forward.

Couldn't agree more. I told you a while back I'm your new biggest fan! ;) hahaha

Thank you very much for the great addition and ideas you've added to this post. @freakeao too for that matter.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Don't forget the VIP frontend 😉 or it was another joke of them

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes. There is that Front End also. So many Options out there.

I think we may have a natural born problem solver folks! ;)

@ctime does any of this interest you?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This one is available …. Cost is 1 penny …



Posted from

Hey there Off Grid! Thanks for stopping by and sharing this with us. I find it very hard not to agree. I really like the fundamentals of Blurt blockchain...period. Honestly I think many of us do. I seldom here anyone complaining about changing anything to the core blockchain fundamentals downvote and so on.

That being said your points having one of the existing front ends or a new front end fully in charge by @ctime and like-minded friends, just makes a lot of sense to me. All the front end does is display the blockchain info in a manner that the person in charge of the front end desires. Obviously there are other issues, but seems to me like this would solve many.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well .... I have been suggesting this for years now. Nobody seems interested.

It has to be a proper discussion of ok what do you want and why? Then the other side answers the same. Ultimately the solution has to be the best for the platform rather than either the foundation or ctime and in the interests of he majority of users not just one cause they are founders and not just another cause they have more money than others.

UV MAG! At it again! Couldn't agree more. Common sense, well thought out, well written.....when do you start your witness? You will certainly have my vote! We need more like you! Thanks for the contribution to this post, I find your thoughts and ideas to be of great value!

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