RE: If I Was Still On Hive

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If I Was Still On Hive

in blurt •  2 years ago  (edited)

The downvoting cabal made it miserable, yes it’s a bit of extra money a month but that’s not worth the negative energy, frustration, supression and misery involved in trying to stay under the radar of the thought 👮‍♀️ . I do trade my last bits of hive tho and done pretty well on selling high buying low as I care about it the least out of anything I hold so it makes it easier to trade than my other tokens which I get too attached to. Try steemit too it’s rly free now the hive cabal left and wox community can give nice upvotes. A few hundred dollars isn’t worth the kind of energy you pick up being on hive unless the bunch at the top moved on elsewhere.
If I was you I would forget about hive altogether. It’s pointless wondering what if, or if you had managed to stay under the thought police radar a bit longer what would have happened, or how much you would have made. Focus on the future and the new things and creating.

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YES! That's exactly it Mag. We all chose the red pill for a reason. I will never go back to Hive. My best ideas do not belong there. Neither do I. If I cant endorse Hive to my friends, family, and famous... what am I doing there... and what prospects, honestly, does Hive have when examined under this light. Thank you for speaking out and at the right time. #SpeakUP. 🏆

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Feels a bit like telling an assault victim "it's over now, don't think about the past, just try and focus on a happy future"....

Posted from

Well you have to get like this at some point. I would say the same thing about an abuse victim or the victim of a narcissist. You can live your whole life upset and going on and on about how you met a narcissist or you can think..l hey I’m definitely not going looking to get into the situation again any time soon so I’m going to do some self work and I’m going to move forwards, I’m going to shine and have an amazing life. I’m definitely not saying you didn’t have a bad ride on hive I think a lot of us did I think we’re all in the same situation sure many of us didn’t rely on it solely as a form of income so it didn’t affect us quite as bad but some people it affected worse than others, for example crypto pie relies on it to pay for his life saving medicine I’m sure he was pretty upset when he got pushed off. I mean you can sit and feel sorry for yourself about it for the rest of your life but how is that going to help you and your family? You can however learn from the mistakes of putting too many eggs in one basket and move forwards and find multiple other ways of earning money. YouTube for example and even if you want to be on hive just start a new account with a cartoon picture and post about how amazing hive is every day and how everybody is a total shit if they wanna take their money out you’ll make money there in no time. I’m not trying to be mean I’m just saying it’s your choice you can’t change your circumstances from the past but you can change the circumstances from tomorrow. I’m sorry that you’re in the situation but you can’t change it all you can do is change it going forwards, change tomorrow. Most these down voters are probably narcissists or sociopaths I don’t think they’re going to empathise with you and if anything they’re going to feel even better about it that you’re miserable from their actions. Trying to get some kind of sympathy from a narcissistic sociopath and psychopath is going to be like banging your head against the wall. I mean you could even start a go fund me and maybe this friends and relatives that would like to help you guys just till you get on your feet or maybe somebody can put you guys up on the couch if you put your situation out there you just never know he’s going to step up and help out.

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Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Why did you go to hive? Why not stick around with steem?

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I did

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You went to hive, so what are you talking about you did.

Posted from

I was actually super relieved when they all left for hive because I was like yeah steam is going to be free. It actually was and still is really free and I love it but all the community went to hive so for a bit it was literally only Chinese posts. Bit by bit people are actually coming back to steam and there is a really nice community there it’s definitely very slow but it could pick back up. I never took money out of Steemit and I never left the only reason I even went onto hive is because all of the communities I spent years building move there unfortunately. I wish to God everyone of them stayed on Steemit but a lot of people didn’t see what I saw in those first few weeks until a lot later.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

In fact I notice at @ctime is over there. Maybe you would love to curate me on Steemit as well LOL you can’t blame a girl for trying

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

As long as the cabal is on your side, faggots like you are full of glee to suck ass.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What’s your problem, Sir?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You, and people who spread woo, lies and FUD.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

give me an example of a lie

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Numerous lies you spread about @practicalthought and others.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Fake Blurt.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Fake Stake.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

At the moment I don't, because I would lose half of what I earn from curation. Steem still has the old rules - whoever votes first on a post that earns a lot, gets the most from the curation. Let me know if they change these rule to what we have on Blurt

Posted from

Maybe i should join your curation trail can One do that?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There used to be steemauto, you just need to follow most profitable bots like curx kevinwong and others

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I need to be more business savvy I don’t think about it at all just upvote things I like.

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awe you're a gem whatever anyone says! :D

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In effect you just followed the crowd, you didn't give fuck about the obvious centralized power of @ned that was sold off under the table and used to attack the network and take it over. Can you say faggot.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

If you wanna be in hive just join anonymous and post from 5 accounts no one is going to stop you just pick another topic and name. It’s better to be anonymous if your going there anyways its pretty dodgy. If I could go back in time on that site I would have just started 5 pages, chosen a cartoon character for each one and done travel posts or doodles. No one cares about quality posts anyways total shit gets good upvotes if your on there long enough and especially if you roll with the thought police and don’t give them any signs you’ve clocked them.

Do what that slobber chops guy does just walk around an old house a couple of times a week, take a few iPhone pics and post them. Some of them are relatively interesting but it’s easy to do, anonymous and as long as you pretend to be one of the mind controlled you’ll get decent votes and not get downvoted. Just make a few comments every month about how no one should ever power down or they should be nuked to 0 and you’ll be away.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i told you don't sit around
with unhappy folks
don't seek the company of any
but those delicious and sweet
when you're in a garden
make your way
around the thorns
seek the company
of narcissus and jasmine
every flower and more

Alas but what flowers and what pricks!

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