New curation

in blurt •  2 years ago  (edited)

So myself, @outofthematrix and @world-travel-pro have access to a new curation account @curationcoconut, the premise of which, is to make a more balanced curation that spreads over a few more communities. It is almost impossible to find all the great new and smaller content, of course I have my faves but I want to find new great content to support and would really appreciate people tagging in any accounts that deserve more and go un noticed. I have a penchant for art, photography and spiritual posts as well as psychology and a little travel although we will all upvote anything really.
Please don’t suggest yourself but a blogger you like you think is undervalued.
I’m busy running some errands and recovering from seeing ABBA holograms last night but look forward to catching up on the logins later.

We will be upvoting some of our own posts as a heads up for spending time curating.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

All depends how it's done! We have a good team here, so I'm optimistic. We don't have to repeat mistakes made, in fact, we're in a position to learn from them and do things right this time.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great to see @ultravioletmag @outofthematrix and @world-travel-pro all fired up to do some great work here and inspire even newcomers. Great work guys :)

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Thanks mate! 🙏❤️

Thankyou ❤️

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

For starters….

I think original artists like @ronthroop should be on trending.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So, will you stop buying spots on Trending for your spam?

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Yeah I found him a while ago and on steemit he’s great

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

His work is phenomenal … some day his paintings will go for Millions. Blurt is very lucky to have him posting here.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blushing emoji.
Thank you!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Offgrid is known as Blurt's jester... everything he says is either backwards, or exaggerated to the maximum... carry many grains of salt with you :P

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Lol there is always an extra 0 or three I think sometimes 😂

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ha ha ha ..

Very true. I am Blurt’s Jester.


Puddles Pity Party : I started a Joke

I think Ronthroop does pretty well tho

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Big smile. Thank you!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sure! I’m for that😀

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good blockchain curation is hard to do. So is wielding other people's money appropriately. Good luck to all involved!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A recipe for another circle jerk , nepotistically orientated idiocy...just watch...
...another train wreck in progress, imo

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks my friends for your support.🙏😃

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Asante Sana ;)

That is great. You guys beat me to the I demonstrated how lucylin is a time wasting energy sucking vampire on my post. lol

So I'll re-blurt both you and @outofthematrix's posts and copy the comment I just left on his here. Really like your intro and I too will be looking for new and valuable content creators.

Thanks for getting this post out for us and it looks like you already had a nice go of it.

I'm looking forward to a round myself.

I like alt media and "effective" blurt promotional related stuff. We can get into that later... ;)

I also like anything that looks like there was an important message or genuine effort put in.

So let the curation begin!

Also a big thank you to @megadrive for starting up this account and handing the keys to us three drivers. We'll certainly do things right and there are talks of creating an option for others to follow the trail if they would like. In other words anyone may soon be able to let us do the curating for them at a cool 12+% APR if they don't have the time.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

This is really Great news. We need better Curation on Blurt. It’s the same old stuff on Trending day in and Day out on Blurt. It’s very boring. I think you will need more like 100 Million Blurtpower to make a difference though.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Please stop buying upvotes to get your junk on Trendning, then. Easy solution to your complaint!

Posted from

Yeah not seen the value yet but it’s better than nothing hey ?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I guess... the only way to Improve the Trending page is to buy 100 Million Blurt and upvote the best posts. This is my plan. Somebody has to do it.

You know what tho I took hangin from 10 c to 5 dollars just by pushing his posts over and over I don’t dislike how ctime and Mmk vote I think they upvote quality content tbh and ice asked them to upvote ppl like hangin and they have done. I have no problem with their votes at all I just think it needs to be a bit more spread so more people get rewards

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yeah … @hangin is an excellent photographer… but some of the other stuff on Trending is pretty awful.

I already muted I am tired of wasting time on endless arguments that get nowhere I don’t mind a debate but some people you will juSt never have effective communication with and just end up stopping you progressing. Darrell brooks is a good example. I just simply can’t be bothered anymore and want to focus more energy on things that directly help make this place better for genuine authentic bloggers of all genres.

Posted from

Exactly. I just felt compelled to address things to MK cause he controls like a shit ton of blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The 🤬 must flow 🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


I must've a glitch... it say 24 comments...

but I only read 8 🥓

I’m all fired up to get on with everything

Posted from

And yes thanks to you and megadrive! It was something I asked for a while back and super happy to see it become a reality to see some curators take the time to dig around

Posted from

So happy we could make it happen!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great job!!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Could you please go on telegram or discord and re-send me the invite link because it’s expired you might see it here before 🤪

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Always been a fan of @logiczombie's works for some reason 🥓🌭


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He's on my mute list for consistently saying nonsense and using ridiculous logical fallacies to boost his arguments. Along with "logicalthought", another generator of gibberish, and richarde, the never-ending source of pseudo-intellectual babble. The place has been much more reality-based since doing so :P

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I think you mean practical thought? We have a little joke that if you have to announce something and put it in your username you’re probably not. None of those guys have made my mute list yet only baah, lucylin and opidia because I’m never going to see eye to eye with any of those and we’re never going to have any form of constructive conversation I guarantee. Logic zombie I like, practical thought we did have a moment but other than that we’ve been okay and I don’t really even communicate with Richard, For me it’s the people that come to me and just constantly write negative drawnout long arguments, even worse when they put about 12 quotes in each reply. How much time do these people have? Or keep tagging me to annoy me. I know you can still see them in notifications but you don’t actually see what they put and I find it very easy to just ignore them when muted. I don’t mind people disagreeing, but there’s a bunch of people that I’ve never ever seen write a nice positive comment about one of my posts yet constantly disagree, pretty much for the sake of disagreeing and write these really really really long epic paragraphs full of ‘quotes’ to prove some minor point, like the wrong use of one word, Eth Germany is on the edge for me as well. Who has the cheek to call me a nag, yeah I can defo nag a bit but
have you seen your own posts? Talk about pot kettle black
I mute to stop myself wasting time in drawn out pointless arguments

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's the spirit 👏


I also like logiczombie

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

hi, cool !! I hope you get a lot of content that you like :)
Happy weekend.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thankyou for all these I will be busy when I get home! I am not sure the others will be As on the art photography so I’ll defo do a lot of this genre

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Awesome. You can Make Blurt great again.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow these two are great and new to me I think

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We are very lucky that they have stuck around. They should definitely make the Trending page …

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blind man who don't see ,.. how fooled they are .,,,.


And WTF ! ,.. is it your curation trail ? ,.. or what ?
As i am not at all interested in your dentist waiting-room entertaining quality's or visions .
For all i know your just picking of the cheap land spots to have your friend Bill buy them all up .
Because your so thankful to be still alive from all the shots Bill created for you .

Wow does that work lol I wanna use this myself to copy my photos lol how does this work? 🤣

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's the secret of the old masters ,.. camera lucidia .
But using multiple layers in Gimp works fine to .
And i don't mind anyone using this tech ,..
just don't pretend your not by hiding this from your viewers .

So this watercolor account , is not that impressive to me ,..
True quantity the art became meaningless ,.. no deepness ,
just low skilled colored in copy's . A product just for the profit .

No , i am curious what @andrianna has inside her sketchbook ,.. as she has some real drawing skills .

I don’t think this user is doing it because a lot of the proportions are a bit off in the images like the forehead too big etc but I think defo on the way to being a great little artist. But if it was copied everything is perfect I think proportion wise no? I kind of want to try this technique tho lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

the proportions are a bit off in the images

Indeed in the final colored one the proportions are off ,.. the shadows all wrong , and more ,.. but compare the pencil sketch to the photo ,.. i could do a break down in Gimp ,. showing a perfect match , not that i want to .. i just let it be .
If others enjoy this , who am i to judge ?
Just to me it is creating a daily color-plate from a random photo ,..
Where the real art mostly stayed in the photo's .
Damn ,.. i must get myself some canvas paint and brushes ,. my laptop just isn't the right tool for me , ...

Impressionist Self portrait of future old me ;-)

And after all that ,.. pictures uploaded to blurt are getting downsized ,.. loosing quality ,. something very awkward for a digital artist , or anyone creating content of viewable nature .
At hive you have
Witch i liked for accepting original files keeping the quality they where made in .
What has blurt got to offer the visual artist's ?
Rewards algorithms want to detect text ,. lots of it ,. pictures count less .
While sometimes a picture tells you more then a thousand words .


Tbh this kind of art does well... your self portrait realistic drawing unless absolutely mind blowing is not rly that trendy anymore as photography is so easy to do. I think abstract is the way to go. I draw from my visions generally and stick to a more spiritual niche but I think practising drawn skills on the side is rly good I want to try and set out two days a week to just sketch so forms get better. I agree about tablets I like digitising my art but I just like getting off my phone and painting on real canvas really.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There was no photo used in my portrait ,.. one layer hand drawn digital art ,, original work name was Two Face ,.. A friend who saw it told me that it was really me ... just way older and bolder .
If i want realistic ,.. ill take a picture with a camera .
Where i know that there are so many people so much more skilled in taking the right picture as that i am ,.. let them do that .

And i bet you didn't even notice the mixed double emotions i put in that portrait ?
Or the mathematical ratio's i put on close to that from the Mona Lisa ?
( all natural and without any tools )

Before you go of curating art ,.. read some books about it maybe .,, Not that i did ,. but i had beers at a bar in Greece many times debating art and trade with a very successful German old school arts trader .

And lol , he told that he mostly took the artworks to sell that the artist himself didn't even like , the artist doesn't understand what will sell ,.. i do , he said ,.. told me of his house in Athens and in the beach town we where at , his escape at age 18 from east Germany in the 60ths and all .

The artist is not a seller or trader ,.. but it needs one to get it's art sold , want to make some cash on art ,.. be the trader ,. not the artist .

He liked my works ,.. but didn't want to touch anything digital ,.. if the power goes down , you still have the painting ,. where did the NFT go ?


Wel I didn’t mean that one but if you go to other posts then yolll see one where the forehead shape is totally off and too big. Not saying this to criticisise at all we all get better at drawing over time and practise but it to me shows it must be drawn by eye. I see copying other ppls photos as more drawing practise rly than art per say. You can’t actually sell it, technically anywyas if it resembles a photo someone else took too much. I have no issues with a bit of tracing tho lol and I have a hundred thousand fashion photos and portraits I would love to paint and I don’t mind at all using a projector as a base lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have a WACOM drawing tablet that i can attach to my laptop ,.. i can trace any picture in Gimp .
Trace directly from the photo or on screen in a second blank layer on top .
My older laptop has a touchscreen and a stylus pen ,.. Gimp works on that to ,.. but to slow to work comfortable on with bigger files .
I would love to have a power graphics desktop pc connected to a 52" 4K touch-screen .
Tip ,.. wanne trace a photo the easy way ,. put it on a pc screen ,, turn up the brightness and contrast ,.
place your paper on the screen and copy with a pencil what you see . Use thin paper for this trick .

Now i hardly use those tech ,.. most of my work is done in one digital layer ,.. because i am to lazy to keep track of multiple ones and it comes closest to working with canvas and paint .

Other point i have ,.. think about this ,.. i follow your art , upvote it , because you name it and try to give some meaning to it . Just enough to make me see the connection between artwork and artist .
Watercolor woman does nothing like that ,.. just the next picture , meaningless and hollow ,.. after the 100th one coming by in a daily post .

I miss personality in these works .

Nft showroom I found pretty crap tbh I tried it the only one I did well on and rly liked was known orIgin and was doing well till I lost my meta mask wallet key and sort of lost motivation I will re start with them this week tho. I also spent so much money uploading the art to now lose it all 😬 I had my mm key just somehow was for a different wallet it’s a bit complicated but totally my fuck up

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

NFT showroom is not the best ,.. but at least it's not behind metamask crap .
The edition 1 of 4 of the bills fiction artwork ended up in a account getting hacked and left for dead .
The piece was doing good in trade ,.. then it got stuck , by this wanker loosing his account , on a ridicules high price . ,.... i wonder why ?,.. ;-)

Well ,.. with the truth all coming out about Billy boy ,.. it might become wanted again some day .
Art ,.. for me it may have a message ,. otherwise it's just fine skills .

I thought ppl did it with projectors which is what I want to get I have tons of old fashion photography and do want to use them as underlats maybe I’ll use my blurt one day for a decent projector as something to aim for lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Is that how they make their art ? I do most of mine with the Autodesk Sketchbook app on my iPad these days. It’s Free and you do much better with Timelapse videos of the drawings. And it’s a lot of fun. 🎨

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You do a good job!
Nice to see the participation of community here!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

That’s awesome. Congratulations. 🥥

I post mostly art, 🖼 photography, 📷 psychology and spiritual 👻 posts and a little travel. ✈️

Looking forward to your curations luv!!! 🥥❤️🤙

Can someone send me the discord invite it expired 😱😬

Posted from

Yes, taken care of...

Still don’t have the login lol keep missing it 🤪

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

logo3 Discord.png

Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

More vim, looking forward to seeing what you find.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for taking the time √

I'm sure many users will be most grateful √

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

..And let the circle jerk of sycophantic accounts begin...just the same as on hive and steem...


....and then blame anyone else -except themselves - for the failure of the token price...

A severe overhaul of ethos is required, nothing less..

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's so nice idea! Can we use any special tag for it?

No we manually curate you can suggest posts but of other people not your own for curation.

Posted from