Witness Talk - Sep 3 2022 - 2nd rank (My Own views not Team)

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Hi, All happy to share that I am at rank 2 from yesterday. I am sharing this now because I was not sure, I would stay at no 2 for this long.

It's not because I don't believe in you people, but because I believe in those who can show off their money and change the list.

Screenshot from 2022-09-03 22-45-46.png

For some time now, there are a few people, actually, a group of people creating negativity around. So, I muted them, as they don't deserve to be shown to people I know.

As I have said multiple times before, code takes time to do, and even more, time to fix bugs. But people here don't have any patience.
I don't know what I can do about that.

Also, some people do spread lies about code, feel free to believe them, if you think, but I would say, stay away from those posts and only believe what we officially post on the official channels.

Being a dev is not an easy job, it takes time to do code, the time that would be used somewhere else.

For devs like me, even if I work at USD 20 for 4 hours a day, I would make
80 (per half day) * 5 (week) * 4 (month) = $1600 a month

So, if I just calculate part-time work, I can get $1600 a month and $3200 for full-time.

And if I compare them with the amount I need to sell Blurt at the current price. Check the screenshot

Screenshot from 2022-09-03 22-55-02.png

So, I have to sell around 400K BLURT to cover up the same including fees and charges.

So, my current account which is around 1M Blurt is just only a month's salary.

I can't even sell to cover up my expenses even If I sell half of it. Also, I would be rewarded again with the same comment that I am the one dumping the price of the Blurt.

So, you see now Devs can make much where I am not earning anything here, @saboin @eastmael can confirm this for me.

So, Why I am here?

Why I am spending my time here?

It's because of people like you.

If I make a decision of leaving, then there will be 10 happy people about me leaving versus 100 people sad.

This time I am serious, I am not going to leave just because some investors talk against me (even after getting muted and I can't even see their comments)

Yes, it's good, when you can ignore people and let them cry because they are defeated. And ignoring not because you don't want to help, just because it is better ignoring them than having a bad day.

And the thing about coding and development. Some here spreading lies, and people are getting censored, I don't agree with that.

We have just added a way to tag NFSW, and we are not hiding those posts, just indicating that the post may content not safe for viewing including 18+ content or memes that not all may like, and is inappropriate for users of young age.

I am again saying

Censoring means to block someone and hide them completely

Tagging just indicate the content falls under a category

So, we are just tagging and not censoring, because people can still see the post. They can open it, share it, and read it.

If we were to censor, it would not be possible to even open the post with a direct link. We devs have that power too, but that is just stupid if we use that.
Because powers come with great responsibility

And as for trending, even after conveying to the people that it's not about again censoring some users, but enhancing the logic and only showing actual trending/hot posts.

I don't know who developed these Apis, I don't need to know that. But I know, that can be fixed, Also being in some group calls, and them asking for the fix, I have done this, and it's not even the final version. We still have a long way to go to optimize that.

Though I was sad to know, some of the people who complained before in the same discussions I have been, to are now complaining that this fix is not wanted.

They seriously need to go some nice place, relax and then think over, what they actually want.

For the final statement, I am again saying, We are devs, and we have the great responsibility of keeping this frontend up.

We do a lot of things daily, that no one knows, and it does not make sense to share the same things daily here. Or some people will again say, stop showing off your work.

and to those who say negative investors are the backbone of the blurt.blog, then we say they are not.

The actual backbones are the devs and team keeping up the platform, and blockchain running, putting a lot of services, and paying them monthly.

As I already shared with you all, I am not even getting anything near to my salary here in comparison to my time being spent here.

So, I will not stand down against those people, who just keep saying I am not doing anything. I don't need to tell you whatever I am doing, as long as the people who actually care, know what I am doing.

And this is not my attitude, but my responsibility, and a position as a witness gives me the confidence to say these things. But take it as you like, I am not here to impress you all. I am here to do the right things, what is best for more people than just a few people here.

Oh I nearly forgot the main topic. I thank you all from the deep of my heart for sending me to the 2nd rank as a witness.

Thanks for now.

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🎉 Congratulation 🎉

First of all, Many congratulations @tekraze for getting 2nd rank & wish to see you at first position.

👎 NaySayers 👎

There will be naysayers, always. You'll always find people who would blame you for no reason.

  • If you work for some bare minimum pay, you are called a puppet of someone.
  • If you become a witness, they blame you for everything going wrong.
  • If you become a witness, you're called leech / parasites / hyenas
  • If you don't become witness, they taunt you to become witness
  • If you hold some tokens or work for platform, your loyalty has been questioned.

I see so much of negativity, blame-game going around. I literally had panic attack. I took exit from 2-3 decentralised social media platforms. I disabled witnesses wherever I can/want to & in this post I explained what went wrong with my witness - https://blurt.blog/blurt/@sagarkothari88/in-case-if-you-ll-wondering-what-just-happened

💪 Stay Strong 💪

  • I see you take the criticism very well.
  • I appreciate & admire that unique quality of handling & responding to naysayers
  • Stay Strong my friend.
  • My wishes are with you.
  • Wish you all the best for the 1st Rank
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks brother, I am happy to have saboin at top (as 1st rank witness need to be available in case of recoveries)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have often wondered where is the profit in trying to ridicule or start a war of insults when I can handle things privately and seek a solution to any conflict.

I admire the work that the developers do (I wish I could understand a bit of this) and the way they are doing things. Is it necessary to improve some aspects? Without a doubt, solutions must be sought daily to bring new improvements to the platform and become what we all want: A place where good content can be shared.

I don't understand much about past conflicts, and at this point, they may no longer be relevant, but I prefer to focus on solutions and not keep insisting on finding blame for something that has already happened. I think that the best thing is to go ahead and converge on worthwhile ideas since I am sure that we all have something to contribute, and if they are explained with the best words, there will be greater disposition and harmony among all and less wear on our emotions.

My friend, I wish you the greatest success and many blessings.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations @tekraze… You should be rewarded for the hard work you do here. Every single day.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Advance congratulations for 1st rank

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks, I reached 1st position today atleast for 10 minutes

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations on the rank up and yes, with the current price of Blurt, I believe you can earn more fiat working full time than what you are currently earning now, but I think we’re on here for the long run because of the community and the stories they share. Blurt has touched and continue to touch lives. I am one of those people.

You and Saboin deserve to be on the top spots.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks, you as well have contributed a lot. We all have that hope for future, but people here thinking we already millionaires 🙂

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We say: "The dog barks, and the caravan goes."
Ignore the dogs and calmly do your job.
You know that yourself.
Good luck to you and the platform :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


You have a big thumbs up from me and my vote for your witness when I figure that part out.

No one sees the energetic motion of the swan's feet below the surface, only the smooth glide of it above water. That to be is what developing sounds like

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the support

fake stake approved witness is a fake witness

This time I am serious, I am not going to leave just because some investors talk against me (even after getting muted and I can't even see their comments)

go to blurtlatam lol

serioulsly, mentally ill (my conclusion after reading your last 3 posts) "dev" wants $1600 a month for fucking up things that don't need to be fucked up

this is what makes Blurt a joke

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

need to get in touch with you @mariuszkarowski but not on the chain here any thoughts, discord maybe, email ?
I´m on Discord under Don-Thomas#1057

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

nice text, did you consider that people like me or others also invest time maybe not as much as you when interacting here and fill that platform with life and not only with code?
What did you think is it worth for them to hold your income stream up ?
Is it only 0,01 to 0,30 as the medium per post when you get 12-fold and more on posts ?
You just need to post 3 times a day a post with round about 800 Blurt to cover your 1600$ (yes not taking into account the cost, but we also don´t take them in account for the bloggers !! )
If like you state 10 out of 100 will hate you (or be happy if you leave) that means 10% think that there´s something wrong with your attitude maybe !?
And by the way the correct number must be 20% because the rule is 80/20 not 90/10 .

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Hello @tekraze
Thank you for sharing such great content!
PLEASE KINDLY CLICK HERE TO VOTE US AS BLURT WITNESSBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifUse #blurtconnect tag to get more upvotes from us

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

For some time now, there are a few people, actually, a group of people creating negativity around. So, I muted them, as they don't deserve to be shown to people I know.

Ask any english teacher if this is not censorship! Or maybe we should change the definition of terms in the english language.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ask any english teacher if this is not censorship! Or maybe we should change the definition of terms in the english language.

Muting is me blocking them from my feed.

Censoring would be erasing their existence on the site.

I have not given anyone the freedom to abuse. What do you think, would you do in my place?

Also, muting is there from the beginning, it's just people, who have dropped to a level I cannot even expect making me add them to mute.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are STAFF man, if there's people that have to say something against you and you mute them, it's still censoring no matter how much you try to explain that its not...

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is not a typical company, but still i can agree to staff thing. And I have stopped myself from using mute for a long time.

I even talked to people and tried to sort out issues. But some don't , after agreeing they even created more posts and comments.

If one report a bug or problem to me that is accepted, but not allegations and abuses.
And I have said multiple times

@blurtofficial account is there for all blurt related queries and support. This is my personal account, my space. And even if I stop working with team, it will be still my space.

Please understand the boundaries between personal space and that of a team.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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