I Have not still decided to continue working on the development of blurt.blog but as it was done by me, I thought of fixing the bug before stopping development. So count it as an old dev contribution only. I may or may not do more development as not all like my presence here.
Also, the community can comment on this post, if they like my presence here or not, as a community is over anyone.

As I shared in the last update, there was a coal list flag in the user preferences on the settings page, that allows one to disable the flag. But for some issues, the flag was not working well. But digging for 2 days, I got the issues.
Coal Flag Issue
So, what happened was the initial coal list, code did not have this flag, so I added it. To add this I have written a condition that checks if the flag was enabled or disabled. I initially added the (!) operator which was not cleaned up when I changed the property from boolean to string, because of which the flag was giving false conditions and hiding the post list.
Note: Everyone was against the use of the flag to disable, as it would be meaningless if one could disable that. But I myself felt that not all will love coal, so I added that myself.
The coal list is the same old list from GitHub, anyone can check that list, it is not hidden from anyone. If anyone got into this list wrong or if they are not posting any listed content, can write an appeal post here and can comment on the link on any of the witness posts.
So, if anyone disabling the flag would not see any post whether he is on the coal list or not. So, I fixed that.
But there was another issue also, which does not relate to my code.
Node version issue for Docker
So, whenever I do my code testing I do it without docker and most of the time same code works well with docker. Except for an SSL issue which was caused by the docker image build using a more current version of Nodejs with version 17 which is not compatible.
Node 17 has stopped OpenSSL v1.x and added support for OpenSSL 3.x which was breaking the packages.
You can read in detail here https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection/node-js-17-is-here-8dba1e14e382
Because of which during login the data for the session may not be saved, causing failed login API call. The login still works with local browser cached data.
Now, how this affects ?
So, while saving preferences on the server-side, we need to pass the logged-in account into the session object.
But, the session being empty was making the API for setUserPreferences fail. Because of this the flag change for the coal list along with other flags like night mode was failing.
I initially thought this was related to koa session dependency, but not as it was working fine with me in the local. I tried changing the package versions but it did not work.
Today, I tried different things and got the idea that there may be a network issue with Cloudflare, but my front end was also having the same issue. So I tried to run the docker locally and I luckily got the error.
I changed the docker image version from current to 16.13.2 alpine and it worked fine. The API for login and preferences was working again.
All changes are now deployed and working, and I can finally rest now.
Sorry for writing this long, but I want people to understand, sometimes we devs do not do anything willingly wrong, it's just a kind of magic that sometimes happens and can break things.
We can only do one thing, which is to look again and fix the issue a second time as one time already deployed, and not in our hands.
Thanks for reading this.
Services I have worked on or providing
Blurt Alternative Frontend - https://blurtblog.tekraze.com
Blurt Wallet Alternative Frontend - https://blurtwallet.tekraze.com
Blurt RPC - https://rpc.tekraze.com
Blurt witness Node - @tekraze
Blurt Recovery tool - https://recovery.blurtwallet.com
You can support me by giving a vote to my Blurt Witness as I am doing dev work, Hosting an RPC, and now frontend.
If you really want me to be here on this platform, only your witness vote can help me, so feel free to do this.
Follow me on my social networks
Tekraze Blog
Instagram Personal
Instagram Blog account
Instagram Gaming Account
Youtube Gaming
Tekraze on Medium
Dehazelabs on Medium
I really do admire your hard work since the day 1 of my entry into the blurtworld. I really love and enjoy how you update us on any update done to the blurt blog. Surely, not everyone may like what you do, that's natural. Everyone of us here face that in one way or the other, but how we respond to it matters. We can't let people decide our fate or make us loose interest in things we love doing simply because they don't like it. If people don't like it, it doesn't mean every other persons too don't like it. In addition, some things may seem good and okay for your, but not to the majority, in cases like that, it is best to reconsider that thing in particular, and that doesn't mean they don't like your work. I don't really have ideas about all these devs and crypto codes here and there, but I know those who understand them know a lot about how they work. This shouldn't make you give up on blurt, but to continue. Blurt needs you, you should know that. Again, I know blurt is also one of the DApps. We shouldn't forget what decentralisation means so as not to abuse it. I read from one user's comment which really caught my attention and seems true. He said;
I remember in the past few weeks how you limited and reduced upvo's voting service by stopping the account from recieving delegations. This was a major problem in steem and only people who delegated to bots were getting upvotes and on the long run, many people began to leave steem like myself. Steem Devs are not even doing anything about it. There's is currently an ongoing thing of club5050 in steem which I will also term as what @elkezaksek termed "abuse of power". Yes, it is good to power up, but how do you powerup when you don't have steem power and no one is upvoting you simply because you didn't join club5050 as you don't have steem power to powerup? It became difficult for people to get upvotes. The rich kept getting richer and they neglected others like me. I have seen so many other persons complain about this, but they've neglected them. When I got to blurt, it was entirely different. There was bot control to help everyone get support for their posts and contents. You were one of those who helped with that so you shouldn't just give up simply because you feel everyone don't like your stay here, no my friend, there's a lot of us who love your stay here. It's just to analyse if what you're doing is in favour of particular persons or not. I'm so sorry I had to write this long, but here you go. And I hope blurt doesn't end up like steem or hive.
thanks for the feedback, I do support the use of votes tools for small users to power up, but as 2050 group says, it can be also used to abuse power.
So, we should discuss on improving rather than removing.
Yes I agree with you. Improving it is better than removing it, which is what you did. You limited the delegations. I also read somewhere you wrote that only up to 10% of one's blurtpower can be delegated. I don't know if that has been implemented. That's also a good approach as to improving it.
That was a suggestion by some user where only a percentage of one's blurt power can be delegated to anyone.
So if you have 100 as a power one can delegate 50 or 40 as per percentage set.
Oh okay, I thought it was your idea. But nevertheless, please don't leave blurt. We really appreciate all your works here. I also noticed some controversies; @ctime according to his post here, has suspended his bot, and is now powering down due to some issues which I really don't understand in the dev world. There's a lot of issues and misunderstanding between our devs on blurt. I think witnesses should come together and look into all these matters and resolve them. It is for the betterment of everyone so as to have a unit body here on blurt.
yepp. and ctime has full authority over his staked amount, if he wishes to withdraw he is free to do so. But if he thinks powering down will hurt blurt, I don't think it will lower the blurt price and people will be able to buy back more blurt making it back where it is. But I hope he makes a wise decision.
Yeah that's true. Hopefully, he will rethink his decision.
Wanted to point out that if that is the barometer of whether you interact somewhere you will never find a place to hang your hat. Especially at a place such as this, where there are many stakeholders with differing opinions and personalities.
I'm hopeful that my view of your position as a witness wasn't a part of the catalyst in your reaching this decision. I tried to convey to you at that time that I felt overall you were very good for Blurt, and the changes made here from your position as developer were a blessing. I also find you to be very personable and able to articulate well when you share with us both your modifications as well as your line of thinking.
However, that doesn't mean I always agree with you. Flipping this narrative, there are many things I advocate for here that isn't popular among some of the more powerful accounts. But I don't let that sway me from voicing my opinion and attempting to explain my reasoning behind it. Just as my presentations are a reflection of me, the responses to those presentations are a reflection of those who react in the various ways they may.
Please understand that there are many issues that will be polarizing here, and fairly or unfairly you will take more flak obviously as the public face of the foundation, even if at times your position is a personal one and not a reflection of the foundation.
I mention that last part due to a correction you made to me regarding a position I had mistaken you making as foundational when it was personal. I'm going to share blame in that for my viewing your blog as one tied solely to the foundation and not being able to make the distinction between Tekraze the developer/witness and Tekraze the man who blogs here. In the future I'll try to take more care in seeking out a clarification if it's an issue that would matter in.
I know recently that there have been several polarizing discussions and decisions being made. To many to fully do justice to reminiscing here in this comment. But suffice it to say these issues are of a nature of damned if you do, damned if you don't. One necessarily needs a thick skin to be in the middle of that pressure, and my sympathies that you are not finding it enjoyable in the least being there. Threats of power down, questioning of any actions being taken with rude language etc. Selfishly I hope that after more contemplation that you will decide you have the skin to endure such. Knowing that in some cases, like from myself, my disagreements are rarely with the person, they are with the idea. Disagreement to those of a healthy mental foundation are nothing to take personally, and if one is the recipient of a response of a more personal insulting nature, it is a reflection on the person acting in such a way, not the person receiving it.
If you decide to put this aside, I want to thank you for the many things you have accomplished for all of us here at Blurt since you were pulled into helping us.
You've helped immensely in both stabilizing Blurt, and more, adding nifty new features that have benefited us all. Despite any disagreements we may have had one time in regards to use of stake ownership, my gratitude for all you've done is immense, my experience here at Blurt made better due to you.
I can promise you if you stay, I'll never be your yes man, never agree with something I disagree with. But that doesn't ever negate my appreciation for the many wonderful things you have done and can do. It means I respect both of us enough to be honest on my position regardless of agreement and disagreement.
I also think the COAL list is necessary, as there are many international laws against content theft. Some punitive against platforms that turn a blind eye. Something must be done, and punishing the criminals is much better than taxing the poor who didn't do anything. I appreciate its implementation personally, and think many who are against it are jumping the gun. If it gets used unfairly I believe the community backlash will quickly set things right. Those of you at the foundation have enough of a track record on listening to us and erring on the side of respect.
I think you are doing an excellent job. I’m very happy you are here.
You are the first one to support me, thanks for being there always.
Please continue with Blurt.
I will be following you wherever you go. Haha and thanks again.
Well… I will always be here on Blurt, it’s the Best. #1 blogging platform in the Galaxy…. but I will also be everywhere else. I post everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. I won’t let anybody tell me I can’t post somewhere. Ha ha …
Good afternoon. I'm not very well versed in blockchain technology, but I think I have a right to my opinion. You @tekraze are a literate and sociable person with whom it is easy and pleasant to communicate. I am over 50 years old and have some experience of communicating with people. Your professionalism as a developer and a normal, adequate person is evident and it pleases. I wanted you to work and promote the Blurt blockchain as much as possible. Temporary misunderstandings will pass and everything will work out for the better. Thank you very much for your work and wish you all the very best.
Thanks for the support, age is just a number here as we are all digital identities here connected by computers and mobiles.
I respect your words for me.
I think you are doing a fantastic job. You are working very hard to keep everything running. Behind the scenes and in front too. You get an A + from me. Everyone appreciates your work here. Believe me.
I don't think anyone has anything against you personally.
It's just that many developments involving Blurt are discussed in Discord in small groups and users are then presented with a fait accompli without their vote.
In my opinion, there should be much more public discussion on the Blurt platform anyway, and not just in Discord.
Also, many here are always "afraid" that there is abuse of power and it then runs as in Steem/Hive....
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Hi @elkezaksek
thanks for mentioning this. I also believe no one is against me, just some misunderstandings. There have been a lot of discussions, both on the front end as well backend.
But some may think, there is a secret room, where every chat happens, but no as most of that is on chain.
There are some things exclusively decided by foundation, where witness involvement is not required.
But if there is some change going to happen on the blockchain, where all will be affected irrespective of front ends, there surely requires a witness as well community voting.
There will be soon a post, for solving any confusion for decision making and a healthy blurt.
Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp
I appreciate your work and am grateful for the time you spend for our platform. Maybe a break is quite good, if you decide to take it, I wish you good rest.
Thanks, @michelangelo3 my decision has been changed by people who showed support to me. Many were concerned and connected with me.
Keeping up with their hopes and feelings I will continue to the platform as I was before.
Thank you for everything. I hope you will reconsider further development in the near future. Above all I hope that everything that has happened or that has led you to make this decision is just life experience.
Thanks my friend, yes it's one of many life experiences from where one can learn. I will continue to the development with a little break, which I should say is a dev holiday as devs are always at work.
I will also be assisting you with blurtlatam frontend.
My dear friend, I hope that soon we can move forward with the Burtlatam project, exchange opinions and above all renew many things. I will always be grateful if there is time for it or not, what we have built here is valuable by itself. But I will not deny that I wish to broaden the horizons of this platform.
Yes, we will soon start the project
Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell. Also, find us on Discord
Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell. También, encuéntranos en Discord
I think you should be here as a dev because you're valuble asset for the blurt platform.
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There is a famous and fantastic idiom :"Many Men, Many Minds". So, someone agrees with you and another doesn't. It's not necessary that everyone should like your all developing works. But I really appreciate your developments and hard works. Keep it up.