[Eng / Esp] Karma burning ritual (for each new moon)

in blurt •  last year  (edited)


"My actions are my only belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions."

(Thích Nhất Hạnh)

"Mis acciones son mis únicas pertenencias. No puedo escapar de las consecuencias de mis acciones."

(Thích Nhất Hạnh)


Karma burning ritual (for each new moon)

The concept of karma has a certain bias in the Western world. It is usually associated with punishment, but nothing is further from it. Karma is simply the result of our actions. Just as we act and live today, we will obtain its consequences and fruits tomorrow. It's simple: Action-Reaction.

We can generate karma of a negative nature, either consciously or intentionally, when we act badly knowing that what we do is wrong; or also unconsciously, it is when we ignore universal laws and break them without knowing it. In both cases we generate negative karma (I call it that to explain the concept well); however, the ultimate goal of karma is LEARNING, generating learning from this wonderful individualized life experience, from this experiment that we choose to live; therefore, if we assume responsibility for our actions and learn from them, we will be reaching the goal of karma and we will be able to transcend and transmute it.

Now, there are certain practices and rituals that can help us accelerate this transmutation of negative karma, and today I have brought you a very simple ritual that you can do at each New Moon. I have brought it today, Wednesday January 18, 2023, since next Saturday the 21st the first New Moon of this year will occur, and nothing better than starting these twelve months, doing things that help us improve and have well-being. This ritual is not my responsibility, in fact, on social networks like Instagram and Tiktok you can see many versions of it, however I have practiced it for years without knowing that it was called that: Burning karmas.

At this point, a question could arise, how do we burn karmas?, as it is very simple: It basically consists of writing down what bothers us in our lives and proceeding to that, to burn what we have written. And another question could arise, why is it karma that bothers us?, because it is the visible or tangible manifestation of circumstances for which we must learn and take responsibility, that is, karma. With that said, let's go through the ritual.


  • One or several sheets of white paper.

  • Pencil or pen of any color.

  • Matches or lighter.

  • A white candle.

  • A container to burn the paper.

  • A plate to place the candle.


  • I am going to repeat what I say in each ritual post: If you do this process with your faith, intention and attention focused on the goal of the ritual, it will have an effect; if you do it without these three elements, you will only be doing something empty, mechanical and useless.
  • On the central day of New Moon, or even the day after it, we sit comfortable in a quiet place and proceed to put on paper EVERYTHING THAT REMAINS PEACE IN OUR LIVES. When I say everything, it is EVERYTHING: People, circumstances, illnesses, animals, lack, feelings, emotions, etc., everything that represents something negative in your life.

  • Take your time, and empty everything that bothers you and dislikes you on that paper or papers, and do it consciously.

  • Now that it is night, concentrate and ask the Universe that the energy of the New Moon be propitious, so that it transmutes all karma and all negative aspects of your life. Do this with a lot of awareness and concentration. It is a kind of prayer that you will do, but something very personal.

  • Proceed to take the lighter or the matches and burn the paper or papers that you have written, in the container that you will allocate for it, (it is good to leave it only for this ritual). Verify that it is consumed in its entirety. Once extinguished, that there is absolutely no fire left, proceed to put it in a bag and deposit it in the trash.

  • Then light your white candle and offer it to whoever you like, asking that all negative karma be transmuted, that you have already learned what you should learn from those situations or people, and express that you are willing to be happy and have wellness. If you like, accompany this candle with prayers.

  • When the candle is consumed, remove the remains, place them in a bag and deposit them in the trash.

  • You can do this ritual every New Moon, starting from this month of January 2023.

  • Note: Do not forget to read the two posts that I share at the end of this post, which talk about what a ritual is and the basic meaning of candles, as well as the correct way to light them.

  • On the central day of New Moon, or even the day after it, we sit comfortable in a quiet place and proceed to put on paper EVERYTHING THAT TAKES OUT THE PEACE OF OUR LIVES. When I say everything, it is EVERYTHING: People, circumstances, illnesses, animals, lack, feelings, emotions, etc., everything that represents something negative in your life.

  • Take your time, and empty everything that bothers you and dislikes you on that paper or papers, and do it consciously.

  • Now that it is night, concentrate and ask the Universe that the energy of the New Moon be propitious, so that it transmutes all karma and all negative aspects of your life. Do this with a lot of awareness and concentration. It is a kind of prayer that you will do, but something very personal.

  • Proceed to take the lighter or the matches and burn the paper or papers that you have written, in the container that you will allocate for it, (it is good to leave it only for this ritual). Verify that it is consumed in its entirety. Once extinguished, that there is absolutely no fire left, proceed to put it in a bag and deposit it in the trash.

  • Then light your white candle and offer it to whoever you like, asking that all negative karma be transmuted, that you have already learned what you should learn from those situations or people, and express that you are willing to be happy and have wellness. If you like, accompany this candle with prayers.

  • When the candle is consumed, remove the remains, place them in a bag and deposit them in the trash.

  • You can do this ritual every New Moon, starting from this month of January 2023.

  • Note: Do not forget to read the two posts that I share at the end of this post, which talk about what a ritual is and the basic meaning of candles, as well as the correct way to light them.

I hope this ritual is useful. Greetings and blessings.

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Ritual de quema de karmas (para cada Luna nueva)

El concepto de karma tiene cierto sesgo en el mundo occidental. Por lo general se asocia a castigo, pero nada más distante a ello. El karma es simplemente el resultado de nuestras acciones. Así como actuamos y vivimos hoy, obtendremos sus consecuencias y frutos mañana. Es simple: Acción-Reacción.

Podemos generar karma de índole negativa, ya sea de forma consciente o intencional, cuando actuamos mal a sabiendas que está mal lo que hacemos; o también de forma inconsciente, esto es cuando desconocemos las leyes universales y las infringimos sin saberlo. En ambos casos generamos karma negativo (lo denomino así para efectos de explicar bien el concepto); sin embargo, el fin máximo del karma es el APRENDIZAJE, generar aprendizaje de esta maravillosa experiencia de vida individualizada, de este experimento que elegimos vivir; por tanto, si asumimos la responsabilidad de nuestras acciones y aprendemos de ellas, estaremos alcanzando el objetivo del karma y podremos entonces transcenderlo y transmutarlo.

Ahora bien, existen ciertas prácticas y rituales que pueden ayudarnos a acelerar esta transmutación del karma negativo, y hoy día les he traído un ritual muy sencillo que pueden hacer en cada Luna Nueva. Lo he traído hoy, miércoles 18 de Enero 2023, ya que el próximo Sábado 21 ocurrirá la primera Luna Nueva de este año, y nada mejor que comenzar estos doce meses, haciendo cosas que nos ayuden a mejorar y a tener bienestar. Este ritual no es de mi autoría, de hecho, en redes sociales como Instagram y Tiktok pueden ver muchas versiones del mismo, sin embargo lo he practicado por años sin saber que le denominaban así: Quema de karmas.

En este punto podría surgir una interrogante, ¿cómo hacemos para quemar karmas?, pues es muy sencillo: Básicamente consiste en plasmar por escrito lo que nos incomoda en nuestras vidas y proceder a eso, a quemar lo que hemos escrito. Y podría presentarse otra interrogante, ¿por qué lo que nos incomoda es karma?, porque es la manifestación visible o tangible de circunstancias de las cuales debemos aprender y responsabilizarnos, es decir, el karma. Dicho esto, vamos por el ritual.


  • Una o varias hojas de papel blanco.

  • Lápiz o bolígrafo de cualquier color.

  • Cerillas o encendedor (mechero).

  • Una vela blanca.

  • Un recipiente para hacer la quema del papel.

  • Un plato para colocar la vela.


  • Voy a repetir lo que digo en cada post de ritual: Si este proceso lo haces con tu fe, intención y atención puestas en el objetivo del ritual, tendrá efecto; si lo haces sin estos tres elementos, sólo estarás haciendo algo vacuo, mecánico y sin utilidad.

  • El día central de Luna Nueva, o incluso el día posterior a este, nos sentamos cómodamente en un sitio tranquilo y procedemos a plasmar en papel TODO AQUELLO QUE NOS RESTA PAZ A NUESTRAS VIDAS. Cuando digo todo, es TODO: Personas, circunstancias, enfermedades, animales, carencia, sentimientos, emociones, etc., todo aquello que represente algo negativo en tu vida.

  • Tómate tu tiempo, y vacía todo lo que te molesta y te desagrada en ese papel o papeles, y hazlo de forma consciente.

  • Ya siendo de noche, concéntrate y pide al Universo que la energía de la Luna Nueva sea propicia, para que transmute todo karma y todo aspecto negativo de tu vida. Esto hazlo con mucha conciencia y concentración. Es una especie de oración lo que harás, pero algo muy personal.

  • Procede a tomar el mechero o las cerillas y quema el o los papeles que hayas escrito, en el recipiente que destinarás a ello, (es bueno dejarlo sólo para este ritual). Verifica que se consuma en su totalidad. Una vez apagado, que no quede absolutamente nada de fuego, procede a ponerlo en una bolsa y deposítalo en la basura.

  • Luego prende tu vela blanca y ofrécela a quien gustes, pidiendo que todo karma negativo sea transmutado, que ya aprendiste lo que debías aprender de esas situaciones o personas, y expresa que estás dispuesto a ser feliz y a tener bienestar. Si gustas, acompañas esta vela con oraciones.

  • Al consumirse la vela, retirar los restos, colocarlos en una bolsa y depositarlos en la basura.

  • Puedes hacer este ritual cada Luna Nueva, comenzando desde este mes de Enero 2023.

  • Nota: No olvides leer los dos posts que comparto al final de esta publicación, los cuales hablan de qué es un ritual y el significado básico de las velas, así como también la forma correcta de encenderlas.

Espero que este ritual sea de utilidad. Saludos y bendiciones.

This publication is 100% original, which is why IT IS MY PROPERTY. If it is referred to in another publication, it is ESSENTIAL to cite the source (Tarot911) and the corresponding link. Thank you.

Esta publicación es 100% original, por lo que ES DE MI PROPIEDAD. Si se hace referencia en otra publicación, es IMPRESCINDIBLE citar la fuente (Tarot911) y el enlace correspondiente. Gracias.

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