Family is the train you are mostly on yourself ,.. very hard to jump before a crash .
I did that at the last second before impact ,..
got hit by it as i jumped in front and tried to stop it . Still they claim i did crash it ,.. out of revenge ,. while never stating for what that revenge was done .
Bystander got hit ( involved ) blaming me some more on all false statements made .
Packed my back ,.. said ,. fuck you all ,. and walked away .
Fool said i , you do not know ,
Silence as a cancer grows ,
And the people bowed and prayed
to the neon god they made .
If silence could kill i would be long gone by now .
And sometimes think it would have bin a better way .
as the opposite of living on this way . .. just sometimes ,..
When i look at a certain video i added ones to this song .
i am for who i am ,. in bitterness left down low .
Only sarcasm humor and self spot led me true .
Made me smile again ,. and see the sun shine for me .
Like Chris McCandless did right up to the very end .
Sad story. I don't think anyone is unaffected by the big train wreck except those who don't realise they're being affected coz they're unconscious.
Sometimes the smile on my face is only there to fool the public .
Don't cry. Skank.