in blurt •  2 years ago 

OK, I've been putting a sock in it for the past few months, but today is Sunday here in the first place in the world, so it's about time I mouthed off a bit...


One of the charms of Blurt was that it was like a friendly happy little village where everyone said "Hi" in the main street and hung out at the pub drinking piss and smoking fags.

But after hanging out in the village for a while you eventually find out that the mayor is a cross-dresser and all the councilors are embezzling the rates money and spending it all on hookers and blow.

Or in this day and age, on trannies and butt plugs.


I haven't been going on about these things much, I'm not a rabid penguin, and I've been more focused on other stuff, but yes I'd like to see Blurt do a hardfork and I think the cross dressing mayor and all his "elected" officials need to be run out of town. But for $300 I'm not going to freak out about it.

And yes, that is all my 85k of Blurt tokens are worth this week - about US$300. To put that in perspective my holdings in Pkoin on the Bastyon platform are now worth over US$10k. And my gains are mainly coming not from posting but from running a node.

Blurt has some key features I'm looking for in a platform - it is essentially a copy of Steemit circa 2017. So it runs on Markdown, and I'm right at home with it because I've been using various forms of this blockchain for nearly 6 1/2 years now.

And Blurt has no downvoting, and a dark mode - the two things I always wanted on Steemit! - so all it has to do is sort of work, and even if the token price sucks, I'll be a regular.

But this platform could be so much more...

I'm not powering down or freaking out, but I have to say that this platform has been totally fucked over by a bunch of incompetent twats, and there are bugger all people still here posting or commenting. While I do plan to keep using Blurt to some extent, when I check back in and see the state of things, it fires me up to keep working on growing my WordPress blog and my Bastyon account.

My WordPress blog now has four new image galleries set up - ART, MEMES, PHOTOART & PHOTOS, as well as 720 blog posts


And on Bastyon if you want to suss it out, feel free to look me up if you have any questions -



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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It would seem this small town was all happy and had no problem with the cross dressing mayor and served each other as a community with respect for each other before the loud mouth new comers came to town and stirred everything up with the expectation of what the community should look like in their own eyes. Yes the community was not perfect and maybe not everybody was happy with the outfits of the mayor but the community worked and people had respect for each other and they were looking to grow the community together.

So why is it that the mayor should be run out of town again? Especially when the mayor has been respecting that maybe not everyone in the community is down with the cross dressing so he keeps it to himself in his room. Also said mayor only held the title because that is what the community gave him but he actually does not really hold that much power and it his held by the counsel and the by laws (the code).

The real problem seems to be intolerance and the need for people to have their own way and power. At the end of they day no one is forcing anyone to be here, you can cry and bitch about it all you want your you can roll up your sleeves and do something positive for the community that does not involve calling names and only pointing out the bad parts of the community. Seems like the loud mouths have no motivation to do anything other than make tokens off of their loud mouths, or tell the founders of the community how they should hold their assets.

Piss or get off the pot, or maybe they are the true cross dressers and that is why going to the bathroom is such a problem.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Some people do love the taste of the whip, but there were a few others getting a bit upset about the price of the Blurt token constantly going down, and the lack of good posts can also be seen as an issue for a blogging platform...


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I totally agree with you but you don't build community that would value these things by constantly tearing it down and tearing it apart.

Very little has changed in terms of the fundamentals of blurt, no one has ever been censored or banned, the code has changed very little, all of the positives are still there. But what has happened is a serious bear market and some people who want to say something is always broken with this project even though fundamentally it works. It isnt perfect, the social side is fucking with the financial side but it is all an experiment. I dont see the critics coming up with viable solutions or even doing the work to make those solutions work. If they had the ability the would fork off. And they should Fork off and fuck off.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I take it you are referring to @lucylin and blaming him for the problems - but this culture of being "nice" and not offending anyone leads to the wreck we are all in now - an entire global society that is corrupt to the core - Blurt is just another tiny example of that.

You yourself have only done about two posts in the past month - you are busy with other things, as are most of us - but Blurt is a mass of bloated egos and incompetence - and yes I'm mainly referring to megadrive here - he is evasive and dishonest, with the business skills of a turnip.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurt founders is first Jacob who duplicated Steemit with Baah dev .
Then came along Saboin , MegaD and Rycharde .
4 founders with really only one presumably doing something , Saboin .
MegaD does the speech , but he is not in blurt , he is in Gamestate .
Jacob is in Cosmos
Rycharde is focused on his BYT token and many blogs .
So yes , we could all just go fuckoff and forkoff and do our thing , but when you open a business ( centralized ) and call for investors , you are not supposed to do as you wish .
We are into legal issues there , that is in what and why @mmmmkkkk331 and marius and @ctime and @double-u are so pissed , it is time and money in trust , people ( with zero stake ) can bitch against them but they actually invested money , not like everyone .
The whole image is very clear , but blinds be blind .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I also may be busy with other things but I am still here curating every single day manually. I also identify plagiarism which is part of the reason for the quality of the community being lowered. And guess what almost every plagiarized post I have found has had a vote by @ctime. Is that the way we should improve things also?

There is ego behind money which has come in here and bought token, there is ego also behind the work that has been done to build this place. Guess what I will go with the later any day.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No Response from loudmouth. All Virtue Signaling though, while he has zero virtue.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Really no response to fact usually anywhere.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He thinks Hive is better than blurt since they are upfront about being Evil Satanists, the implication being that blurt is ran by Satanists who pretend to be nice.

LOL... Presumably you meant devisiveness, but that is a good point - the inability to DECIDE is a key flaw of numpties who do things like being "nice" to the rotting scumbags at Hive in order to avoid offending them. One thing I will say about those satanic maggots on Hive is that they don't pretend to be nice - they are evil upfront

And he still persists. Same for his Muppet, he declared numerous times that this place, and Dpos is communist, ran by people with no principles, and still shows up and collects while posing purely putrid retarded and insufferable hypocrisy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am blaming the market for the problems and as for the community these problems are inherent to any online community. The decisiveness is just unnecessary and only hurts the community. But if you think that bitching about how bad blurt is will help make for better posts and a higher blurt price then everyone should continue with that. The truth is NO ONE IS STOPPING THEM, no matter how much they want to talk about being censored.

But just like any good debate or platform there is a contrary voice and that one happens to be sick of this narrative that blurt and the founders are evil and that is the reason for the low price and they should be ridiculed until they hand over all their assets to a bunch of clowns that can do nothing but talk negatively and call names. Egos are everywhere, get over it. It is even egocentric to point out everyone else ego while standing on a soap box trying to deny that you are standing and shouting from the soap box for the greater good.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

"The decisiveness is just unnecessary and only hurts the community"

LOL... Presumably you meant devisiveness, but that is a good point - the inability to DECIDE is a key flaw of numpties who do things like being "nice" to the rotting scumbags at Hive in order to avoid offending them. One thing I will say about those satanic maggots on Hive is that they don't pretend to be nice - they are evil upfront.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you late night punching the spellcheck options was the cause of that one for sure.

I meant Decisiveness, in terms of dividing the community.

Luckily I have not had to experience that level of evil on hive, I am very casual over there, and have not seen a lot. But I have seen all the stories and it does not seem fun at all.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The point was that Bitching doesn't accomplish anything. Woosh, the sound it made when it flew completely over your head.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Without your deep insights i would be floundering...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Instead of talking about Forking it, Fork it already.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lol they should all fork off.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Exactly, instead of spending their time here, where they cry foul at everything they should stick their money where their mouth is and shows us all. Too bad they are not gonna do that, instead they will continue to participate in a place they have no regard for and where they detest the majority of the people who actually keep this place running.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The irony of this is lost on you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

OK? Lolol keep retarding.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

rEeeeeEeeeee on.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

can i quote you on that?


Posted from

Been thinking too and stopped my powerdown. Sod it. No point selling anyway so will carry on and ignore the crypto side of things here. Just keep shouting from my little soapbox. Might change the way I use it tho. Gonna unfollow a bunch and just look at things that interest or entertain me from now on.
Keep on truckin.......

Posted from

In all this confusion, let's not forget that there is still at least one interface that does not censor and anyone can write what they want. This makes Blurt a unique place on the Internet

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lolol! The confusion of?

yeh Thanx for the intinte-latam front end. If it wasn't here I'd probably have given up.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, that's my aim too - just to get content out there - the earnings from posting on a site like Blurt is not worth even thinking about, it's all Monopoly money - the penguin seems to get really worked up over it but I just want a working site. If this wasn't here I'd probably be using Steemit for a Markdown blockchain!

I'm having a crack at getting the hits back up on my own blog, back up to where they were four years ago before google started blocking it hard. This week I've been throwing 50k of pawn tags on the bottom
of some of my posts to get the traffic and hopefully the rankings up...

We might as well use any tools available...


Posted from

I'm not giving up on mr Penguin either. We can all get worked up when we feel passionate about something. He's still working on his alternative site so that's something to look forward to.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Back on Hive I was sometimes accused of being one of his alt accounts - lol - I had 14 alt accounts of my own! - we think differently on this, I am just leaving my beat up suitcase full of used butt plugs on the Blurt bus and hoping it arrives somewhere, meanwhile I'm working Bastyon like a pimp and hoping it turns into a new Mazda 6


Posted from

Yeh thanx for all the upvotes on Bastyon btw. It defo kickstarts things.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If only more people would feel just as passionate about protecting the freedom of speech, we wouldn't be in this libtard hell hole (not blurt, the world)

'Wars' are won with a million little battles, not the epic ones that are made into films... People forget this.

(Once I've got my other boring shit sorted, I'll be finishing of my website(s).)

Posted from

Freedom of speech on dpos ends where token price drop begins

I find this by observing how the followers of the Blurt cult behave. Blurt is a great place for crowd psychology researchers. Btw, you are touching this topic in your posts. Thanks

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Indeed ! That is why i got removed as a " curator " for symbionts / ecosynthesizer ( the founders buddies )
No words , just removed and blocked .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurt is a great place for crowd psychology researchers.


Btw, you are touching this topic in your posts. Thanks

Great research ! lol

Posted from

people will only feel passionate about free speech when they bump into censorship themselves, head-on.
It seems they don't because they never say anything controversial. Most are happy with the status quo, with mediocracy and following the mob. Just like drug addicts they have to actually hit rock bottom before they will do anything. Warnings don't work. I know that first hand. Sometimes we just have to watch the train wreck as it unfolds. That in itself is also a life lesson I spose.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lolol! The irony of your words seemingly evades you.

The comedy writes itself.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It needs to when baah is trying to comment...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Warnings don't work. I know that first hand.

It's more about highlighting and illustrating, rather than warning..

Sometimes we just have to watch the train wreck as it unfolds.

I'm neither pessimistic nor nihilistic.

That in itself is also a life lesson I spose.

Passiveness, in the face of incompetent authoritarianism, is a losing bet...this is the lesson.(imo)

Posted from

yeh I've always been a fan of La Resistance and the Underground Railroad kind of tactics because there are always gonna be people who just don't listen.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sometimes we just have to watch the train wreck as it unfolds.

History tells we get quite entertained by that .
Just don't stand to close .

Exactly, was gonna add 'don't get too close' but thought it was a given. Harder when the trainwreck is going on in your own family.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No you won't, like all your broken promises. You promised you'd leave blurt months ago.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

the penguin seems to get really worked up over it

About Blurt?..not in the slightest.

About deception, lies and the spread communist/libtard/totalitarianism ? ... yeah, damn fucking right I do.

Don't confuse the terrain with the principles, they're very different things.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Baah said I'm confused because I'm a moron, and he replies to me the most so he must be right...

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lolol.....I wouldn't worry too much about his opinion - he thinks when you deposit money to a bank, it's still yours!
....I only ever open his comments nowadays, when I want to go fishing for retarded trolls and I'm in the mood for some 'clapping seals', entertainment (he does excel in that field, it has to be said...).

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

but I have to say that this platform has been totally fucked over by a bunch of incompetent twats,

But the incompetent twats can't see this (because they're incompetent)...., and just focus on their bruised ego's and hurt fweelings...

_....and then blame the penguin for all there ill's, without any actual self reflection - (because if they did this, they wouldn't be incompetent !)

....How to unravel the gordian knot, uh?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Leave, start your own distribution. But will you? Especially when you consider the system as 'not based on meritocracy and with no principles and essentially communism'? Seems you'd rather persist!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....emily tries but misunderstands pretty much everything (in your case).
...bless... must be very hard, just to be you....(no wonder you're so bitter)

...have a very good day, your shift finishing soon ?
(no kisses, tho)...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Awww, the narscasistic pimp who persists to keep a presence in a place he considers without principles is calling me bitter.

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