RE: When The Meaning Of Words Are Hijacked

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When The Meaning Of Words Are Hijacked

in blurt •  2 years ago 

It's all so unnecessary and dooms us to not having free speech and liberty because we're all fighting over things that often in the long run are not the battlegrounds we need to focus on.

Right! Weaponise every concept related to freedom and then watch as people accept the menticide.

I tend not to use those words anyway, as I could see the con a long time ago. I commented on another post on what I found most amusing - and revealing - about equating diversification on an axis of libertarian/authoritarian.

We return to the same point, do we not? The freedom to impose, the freedom to control, the freedom to do violence and the freedom to resist. All of which makes the word much ado about nothing. Clever. But is only clever because most people are not. Most discussion seems to be about winning the discussion without ever winning the argument.

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Most discussion seems to be about winning the discussion without ever winning the argument.

Indeed, most are incapable of understanding the discussion adds nothing to the actual argument as they seek their precious badge of winning. Even more bizarre is how often in a short amount of time later the one they believe they won their discussion with has dismissed their winning and if they're of a mind to, will need to rewin the same argument again with the same folks they already seemingly bested.

I have known many otherwise intelligent people who live to win these little skirmishes that solve absolutely nothing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Notice how few comments have questions. So much internet dialogue is like two interleaved monologues - rarely does that get to the real heart of the disagreement.

Hence the "wins" are hollow, as is usually one side giving up to type anymore! lol.

[question]I still feel the attack needs to be more emotional.(?) [/question]

Notice how few comments have questions. So much internet dialogue is like two interleaved monologues - rarely does that get to the real heart of the disagreement.

I find myself even guilty of that. I don't see it as being contained within the internet.

I saw quite young that many people have no desire to hear others speak unless it is somehow connected to adding to their narrative, often by setting up a platform for a continuation of their sermon.

You can see with most people that glazed look, often a sign they have checked out and are either prepping what they wish to say next or they have already dismissed you completely and already plan out their next activities away from you who they wish they could now disengage from and be on their way.

If I were capable of being more manipulative than I am, I would have made a great salesmen. People are easily influenced by those who mirror them and build up their narrative constructions. That dopamine gets racing and they become quickly addicted to you.

Which ties in nicely with your

[question]I still feel the attack needs to be more emotional.(?) [/question]

Emotions are such a powerful drug. Most live to roller coaster on them and little else.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But I've written before, I think "emotions" have been totally misunderstood. Emotions are part of our nervous system and hence also part of our intelligence - they are extra information about a situation. They are the "weightings" given to beliefs, they are the bridges between the concepts that create our internal world view. Truth is beauty, falseness is disgust.

Hence why the anti-propaganda has to hit both the facts and the emotional bonds that hold the lies together.

Oh yeah, I'm also guilty of monologuing. lmao.

Have you found any cognitive dissonance triggers?

I still like the double-bind of: "Your government has admitted in writing that they do not have an isolated original covid virus. Do you believe them?"
I like it coz the target is fucked with either a yes or no answer.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I see that glazed look a lot. I'm sure I mentioned one recent episode, where some mollusc told me to put my mask on in 7eleven, I just told him to "fuck off!" everyone in the world understands that! And he just blanked... really... blanked, as if it hadn't happened. I stared at him to fathom some deeper reaction. None. Not even a shrug or a "fuck you back" look. He could have thought "bloody foreigner" but it must have lurked in some deep recess of his mind. Dunno... abhumans.

That glazed look is frightening, like walking in a world of ghosts.

It's at times funny though how others react when they come into a situation picturing a certain outcome and then find none of it unfolds as they envisioned. The mollusc in your story was under the misconception that the power the political tryants hold somehow was transferable to himself. Of course I'm sure he had several instances where others complied, perhaps even with apology as they too were under the misconception he held such authority as well.

I'm Imagining his surprise when you taught him his perceived power was all illusion unless he personally was willing to come over and switch roles to enforcer, which is what the politicians have that gives them that special edge in issuing orders. Suddenly epiphany time when one must don the hat of violence to back up a command.

I'm sure though that later that night you were the topic of his social media virtue signaling as he licked his wounds and sought virtual hugs over the atrocities you made him endure that day.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I've grown to separate the terms feeling and feelings because I think it confuses many (including myself at times).

I have much respect for feeling (intuition) and often if one is aware can become a highly valuable sense. Feelings which manifest inside of feeling not so much as they are, in my opinion a manifestation from the scripts we have running in our minds.

And yes, good propaganda will often provide both facts and emotion. Although it seems to me that propaganda can often be quite effective when it appeals solely on feelings.

Have you found any cognitive dissonance triggers?

I have two I've used a lot in public the last few years.

When I encounter someone who has a rage against Trump, I often will nod my head as they blather on solely on emotion. Once i can get a word in I then love to say what else can we expect from the lifelong Democrat. Sometimes this will elicit an actual response about him being a republican to which I point out he was a lifelong Democrat and only switched parties so he could win an election.

The other one is before they lifted the mask mandates for non vaccinated, I enjoyed wearing my in public stores and such. I would start a conversation at the registers and channel my inner Karen. Voicing my disgust with all of the people in the store not wearing their masks, that Dr. Fauci and the CDC said that even vaccinated one could catch and transmit the virus. that it was absolutely disgusting how many people were so selfish and willing to be a danger to everyone else when the shot is only to minimize the severity of ones own reaction to Covid, not the transmissibility.

Of course, I think the shots are worthless. The entire point of that exchange is to give an illusion I'm one of them and they are being careless thinking the injection protects others (I can't see they protect anything and only can cause harm potentially dependent on the batch one gets).

It was a hoot as often the person behind me was vaccinated without their mask. I was speaking from the moral high ground of a priest in the Covid cult and displaying virtue signaling at its finest to raise doubts about the motivations and outcomes those who inject the poison hold.

I like it coz the target is fucked with either a yes or no answer.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I rarely use the words "feeling(s)". lol.
Also, intuition, I think of just as more sensitive perceptions - abilities many seem to have lost, hence appear miraculous when they manifest them.
I think it simplifies human psychology by having fewer functions - words can have many shades of meaning that hide the fact that they are just one function with different magnitudes. We don't speak that way, but "happy-factor-2" would be a different word to "happy-factor-9" ;-)

Also, intuition, I think of just as more sensitive perceptions - abilities many seem to have lost, hence appear miraculous when they manifest them.

Exactly. I've mentioned before that I believe many things that seem supernatural to most is in fact somethign natural we have been tricked into disregarding and allowing to atrophy through misuse.

We don't speak that way, but "happy-factor-2" would be a different word to "happy-factor-9" ;-)

This made me laugh, yet your right. Sometimes words are not only ineffective but actually are harmful for trying to point where we mean due to their many shades that can at times be contradictory.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

haha, was supposed to be funny!
Tho as I wrote it, it did strike me that that kind of Newspeak may be more accurate - the aim not to reduce vocabulary to reduce thought, but to clarify thought. mmm...