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it all comes back to people doing their own inner work on themselves, as until you can handle your own triggers and know yourself on a deeper level you will create scenarios in your head and attribute things to your own issues. Lets go off topic for example and say you have a belief that all attractive men are cheats, every time your with an attractive man, you'll be looking for ways in which, he is cheating on you, you'll end up becoming paranoid he must be cheating on you, then you will see a text from a woman and won't even sit back to think 'maybe they are friends or business partners', it will just be a hazy rage that he's a cheating scumbag, all because he's attractive. Now attribute this to race issues/ sexism/ me too blah blah. I have heard people say they experienced racism then when I ask deeper, they just didn't get chosen for a higher role initially, but later the other girl who happened to be white left and they got the promotion, knowing that person I also know they are very quiet and I could imagine they didn't come over as confident in interview but after a few months of doing their role the employer probably saw their dedication and hard work. If the employer was actually racist they wouldn't have even promoted them. It ends up where everything is seen through race/gender glasses. I am not saying racism and sexism doesn't exist but you really have to take a step outside your own perceptions and triggers and really analyse the evidence rationally.

These are all great examples of how the scripts we run in our heads can create battlegrounds that simply don't need to be. While further classifying groups of others as enemies who really aren't.

This characteristic of us to run these scripts is heavily manipulated by those I call t he perception masters. They NEED us to waste our energy fighting one another, taking all of our frustrations and angers over things they are the ones largely creating out on innocent foot soldiers they have installed contrary scripts within.

It's all so unnecessary and dooms us to not having free speech and liberty because we're all fighting over things that often in the long run are not the battlegrounds we need to focus on.

In recent years they have fine tuned this to changing the meanings of words to make what used to be good words into bad words.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's all so unnecessary and dooms us to not having free speech and liberty because we're all fighting over things that often in the long run are not the battlegrounds we need to focus on.

Right! Weaponise every concept related to freedom and then watch as people accept the menticide.

I tend not to use those words anyway, as I could see the con a long time ago. I commented on another post on what I found most amusing - and revealing - about equating diversification on an axis of libertarian/authoritarian.

We return to the same point, do we not? The freedom to impose, the freedom to control, the freedom to do violence and the freedom to resist. All of which makes the word much ado about nothing. Clever. But is only clever because most people are not. Most discussion seems to be about winning the discussion without ever winning the argument.

Most discussion seems to be about winning the discussion without ever winning the argument.

Indeed, most are incapable of understanding the discussion adds nothing to the actual argument as they seek their precious badge of winning. Even more bizarre is how often in a short amount of time later the one they believe they won their discussion with has dismissed their winning and if they're of a mind to, will need to rewin the same argument again with the same folks they already seemingly bested.

I have known many otherwise intelligent people who live to win these little skirmishes that solve absolutely nothing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Notice how few comments have questions. So much internet dialogue is like two interleaved monologues - rarely does that get to the real heart of the disagreement.

Hence the "wins" are hollow, as is usually one side giving up to type anymore! lol.

[question]I still feel the attack needs to be more emotional.(?) [/question]

Notice how few comments have questions. So much internet dialogue is like two interleaved monologues - rarely does that get to the real heart of the disagreement.

I find myself even guilty of that. I don't see it as being contained within the internet.

I saw quite young that many people have no desire to hear others speak unless it is somehow connected to adding to their narrative, often by setting up a platform for a continuation of their sermon.

You can see with most people that glazed look, often a sign they have checked out and are either prepping what they wish to say next or they have already dismissed you completely and already plan out their next activities away from you who they wish they could now disengage from and be on their way.

If I were capable of being more manipulative than I am, I would have made a great salesmen. People are easily influenced by those who mirror them and build up their narrative constructions. That dopamine gets racing and they become quickly addicted to you.

Which ties in nicely with your

[question]I still feel the attack needs to be more emotional.(?) [/question]

Emotions are such a powerful drug. Most live to roller coaster on them and little else.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But I've written before, I think "emotions" have been totally misunderstood. Emotions are part of our nervous system and hence also part of our intelligence - they are extra information about a situation. They are the "weightings" given to beliefs, they are the bridges between the concepts that create our internal world view. Truth is beauty, falseness is disgust.

Hence why the anti-propaganda has to hit both the facts and the emotional bonds that hold the lies together.

Oh yeah, I'm also guilty of monologuing. lmao.

Have you found any cognitive dissonance triggers?

I still like the double-bind of: "Your government has admitted in writing that they do not have an isolated original covid virus. Do you believe them?"
I like it coz the target is fucked with either a yes or no answer.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I see that glazed look a lot. I'm sure I mentioned one recent episode, where some mollusc told me to put my mask on in 7eleven, I just told him to "fuck off!" everyone in the world understands that! And he just blanked... really... blanked, as if it hadn't happened. I stared at him to fathom some deeper reaction. None. Not even a shrug or a "fuck you back" look. He could have thought "bloody foreigner" but it must have lurked in some deep recess of his mind. Dunno... abhumans.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I've grown to separate the terms feeling and feelings because I think it confuses many (including myself at times).

I have much respect for feeling (intuition) and often if one is aware can become a highly valuable sense. Feelings which manifest inside of feeling not so much as they are, in my opinion a manifestation from the scripts we have running in our minds.

And yes, good propaganda will often provide both facts and emotion. Although it seems to me that propaganda can often be quite effective when it appeals solely on feelings.

Have you found any cognitive dissonance triggers?

I have two I've used a lot in public the last few years.

When I encounter someone who has a rage against Trump, I often will nod my head as they blather on solely on emotion. Once i can get a word in I then love to say what else can we expect from the lifelong Democrat. Sometimes this will elicit an actual response about him being a republican to which I point out he was a lifelong Democrat and only switched parties so he could win an election.

The other one is before they lifted the mask mandates for non vaccinated, I enjoyed wearing my in public stores and such. I would start a conversation at the registers and channel my inner Karen. Voicing my disgust with all of the people in the store not wearing their masks, that Dr. Fauci and the CDC said that even vaccinated one could catch and transmit the virus. that it was absolutely disgusting how many people were so selfish and willing to be a danger to everyone else when the shot is only to minimize the severity of ones own reaction to Covid, not the transmissibility.

Of course, I think the shots are worthless. The entire point of that exchange is to give an illusion I'm one of them and they are being careless thinking the injection protects others (I can't see they protect anything and only can cause harm potentially dependent on the batch one gets).

It was a hoot as often the person behind me was vaccinated without their mask. I was speaking from the moral high ground of a priest in the Covid cult and displaying virtue signaling at its finest to raise doubts about the motivations and outcomes those who inject the poison hold.

I like it coz the target is fucked with either a yes or no answer.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thought you might like this

I'll check it out later tonight, thanks.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hive or blurt or other virtual places offer the illusion of community. In the end, everyone sits alone in front of their devices. For me, it is an expression of isolation. Trying to find community in this solitary existence is like trying to drink water with a fork. Places like this & Co live on deception and thus disappointment at the same time. They live from constant coming and going, constant attributions of nouns and their definitions. An endless loop of thoughts. What one apparently tries to grasp as freedom of opinion. HaHa!

If my view on the world were of intimate importance, my family and friends would read what I write. Funnily enough, none of them have ever followed my ramblings. They do recognise the futility of my impulses, they correctly pay no attention to me. However, it seems to be like the prophet in his own country. Others who are not close to my friends/family are listened to. HaHa! A really successful joke, I think! It's the famous propaganda, isn't it?

If I were to count all the years, months and weeks I spent blogging, any economist would laugh his head off at my hourly wage. My indifference to fully committing to a "community", i.e. posting topic-specific articles, could be described as self-sabotage on the one hand, and on the other hand, as a merriment not to mislead myself.

I see media as a kind of big arcade where you can't rely on anything. Cryptocurrencies like jetons in a casino, where of course, as everyone knows, the bank always wins.

As long as I throw my chips on the gaming table with light-footedness and have fun with it, there's nothing wrong with the game, is there? Where I start pulling the grass, giving names to my gambling companions, start identifying them, I lose all fun in gambling. It then becomes a serious thing, a mission, I am then the enlightener and informant of all that I reject.

Words are like smoke. They have no power, they cannot hurt, they become meaningless the moment I try to get to the bottom of the meaning of a word. I will see that there is nothing there except a constant reference to another word and that word again refers to another. The great encyclopaedia of terminology is a self-referential system, a vicious circle, a snake that bites its own tail.

But when I talk like this, I could be misunderstood, LOL

To me, the desire "blurt explode in usage" is already embracing the ideas you say you want to escape from. No offense, though.

I think the hourly wage is poor, but then it's 0 on sites like fb I think if this can be used by people to at least reduce fb, then it makes financial sense, especially on something like blurt where the token could quite easily x10 and become a pretty nice lump sum, whilst ppl can still maintain their full time job too. I do think we all spend too much time online but then if your going to spend it chatting online at least I guess its better to get paid?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Right, and that is why I do not worry about this poor wages :) I decided myself to blog. Doesn't so much matter where it is, in my view. If I want the payouts being higher, I've got to play by the rules of those who claimed authority over their spaces, like community leaders and their followers.

I am not so much of a rule follower, though I would not say that I explicitly like to break them but implicitly.

Not sure about if it's better to get paid or not. If payment is in the way, conversations might be distorted for that very reason. Does this thought occur to you once in a while, too? But then, of course, one can act and decide to chat in a way which stays independent from this fact.

I think especially on platforms like blurt that have a high potential to grow and are valued much lower than they could be , 80,000 blurt took me five months to make but the real value is In holding it to blurt being 50 c when it’s 40,000 dollars and a good use of a couple of hours a day Over five months. HAving said that if you have a high wage it’s prob just easier to buy 80 k blurt and hodl. So it’s just about life situations rly

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't really think about things like that. The value of cryptocurrencies is so volatile and uncertain that I don't focus on it. If I'm here, it's because I'm not speculating on buying cheap and selling dear, although I might not let a spontaneous opportunity pass when I feel like it (on a whim). If I were dependent on covering my running costs through my activities here, I would probably do things differently than I do. So yes, it really depends on the reality of your life.

defo I mean if you have a really high daily rate and not much time then I think its better just to be here for fun or invest in tokens financially. If your like me an artist and have lots of time and promote your work online anyways, this can actually make the difference between earning for a painting or photo in crypto vs having to work for a client. if its the same amount it actually gives us complete freedom to create from our soul eventually and thats what I value most about these platforms. It gives artists real creative freedom, or could.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, it can do that.
Good for you, I would say that you found a place where you can market what you like to do as an artist.

does that mean however, you are not in an aligned relationship. I only discuss these kinds of things with my partner and we are both interested in truth, psychology, how the world matrix works and that makes up the bulk of our conversation. I might not always agree with him but I would never dismiss his thoughts on how he sees the world etc or never not listen.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I got married last year with the man I am engaged with for more than ten years. I hope that answers the question. We do the same, I discuss with him all of my intimate thoughts and share my feelings. We like to disagree, it gives our relationships the spice. We respect our arguments and if there is a moment where we don't, we get over it. So far it turned out to be the most and best relationship I ever had with a man.

Time is irrelevant just saying in a deep union people would surely discuss the way they see the world and not be bored/ not listen. If you do that that’s cool, but you seemed to originally suggest your family doesn’t like to listen to the things you post here and gets bored, I must have misunderstood.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You understood correctly. With my family I mean my siblings (parents are both dead) and their children (all adults, by now).
My son is naturally not interested in what mom does and with my man I have those conversations I sometimes lead here, anyway. With friends: no one reads what I write.

They do recognise the futility of my impulses, they correctly pay no attention to me. However, it seems to be like the prophet in his own country. Others who are not close to my friends/family are listened to. HaHa! A really successful joke, I think! It's the famous propaganda, isn't it?

Have you had the experience with close ones to whom you addressed questions about their complaints, for example, which were meant as open ended from your side and they still decided to listen what distant experts say, instead of answering to themselves/you?

When this happens to me and it does not piss me off, I like to laugh about it.

to be honest most people around me are pretty aligned, parents are the only exception and we love each other as family but are not always on the same page otherwise I tend to be around people who I at least have similar conversations / interests / core beliefs with. I have never had any issues with leaving everyone behind and attracting in entire new friendships circles/ jobs / clients etc. I find it relatively easy to leave things that don't resonate. I don't mean everyone has to agree on everything but if someones core values are so far off mine or we are just not at all interested in each others core values/ interests of conversation I tend to find we drift apart really quick as I only really like deep conversation.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't think there is such a thing as a core belief. I changed my views, my understanding of this world relatively often, and if I then were to meet this core, which is supposed to be what I believe, then I would be in dire straits. I lack memory of what I believed in at 25 or what I believed in at 30. I argue on the basis of my present, that is, what I suspect I might have believed at that age.

I have faith in the spontaneously experienced situation with someone where something makes me laugh or other feelings happen. The shared situation. What follows afterwards is that the person who experienced it with me already verbalises a different view of things in the retelling than I do. Therefore, I think that a fundamental view of core beliefs does not exist because it likes to clash with events that occur.

I would also say that I am not so much interested in meeting like-minded people, just as I am not interested in meeting unlike-minded people, rather it is something else that is difficult to name. It's the disagreement with someone that gives me a sense of interest, as the lack of agreement can have an openness of outcome, can initiate an interesting conversation. To use an exaggeration as a stylistic device, I would even say that it is precisely the non-match that I am looking for. As I'm finding out, not very many people like that. ;)

If I were in general alignment, to use your expression, most conversations would be superfluous, there would be no particular reason to want to communicate. In fact, this can be the case, for example, between couples who have been together for many decades and understand each other very well non-verbally. LOL They then use language only when that alignment is currently absent. HaHa!

For me a core belief is like wanting to evolve as a priority. Wanting to spend lots of time with a partner and have a deep connection, being interested in working on self, wanting a deep union with a partner, wanting to work through triggers rather than just leave a connection when it’s triggering, wanting monogomy etc etc I don’t mean like hobbies and opinions as they change quickly. Core values tend to be much more deep set.

You don’t need to be together a long time to have telepathy with a partner. If it’s a soul connection it’s generally instantaneous that you know their thoughts. Sometimes you can pick out whole sentences etc. I mean we all can feel and access each other’s energy and emotion if we can really access that space of quiet I believe. I think telepathy is the natural state of being for society. We just came so far away from it.

Why is 20 s/30s relevant out of interest?

Even leaving hive meant losing a regular daily income, but It was worth it and new things opened out to replace it, I've lost clients and friends for holding certain opinions on covid/ trump and good I met new ones who were more open minded. I feel life is an ever unfolding display of resonance, following our highest joy and none attachment lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

When I was younger, I also had not so many difficulties in moving within a changing environment, which includes humans also. I befriended myself pretty easy, while I admit that parting was not in the same way easy. People, whom I knew for a very long time, with whom I then split, that took me quite some time to overcome my grudges and other emotions. It depends with whom I talk and what kind of conversation that is, to fall back into the grudges or maintain a relaxed attitude towards a lost friendship.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Manually curated by @vickyguevara

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I agree with you 100%. Really good post by the way. Those of us who value freedom also value respect. We must never lose sight that freedom is for everyone especially those we disagree with. I can find value in someone's thoughts and feelings if laid out well even if I think they are repeating propaganda. It's where they are at and what they see and feel. I will even upvote a good post I disagree with because well, they took the time to make a great post. Besides, who am I to think I know everything all the time? I could be........wrong. Oh no! New ideas make us think more deeply about our own which is always a good thing. We should always try to act like adults and be respectful of other people's posts. They took the time to make it. Having an open mind and heart is a great way to live.

I certainly don't want to turn into a hypocritical controlling trolling manic lunatic. Yup, defeats the point of being here. If we are going to have free speech, then it's for everyone. Rude folks will simply be ignored and will move on due to boredom as folks won't engage with them. That's the best way to handle that in my opinion. 😍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well said! The position I've always took is, if you don't like something, keep scrolling until you do. Down voting is for hypocritical controlling trolling maniac lunatics (I think there's supposed to be a comma or two in there someplace)

LOL ->no commas. You've heard me speak...It's all really one word. LOL. LOL.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thank you.

We must never lose sight that freedom is for everyone especially those we disagree with.

Exactly. I’m amazed at how many expect/demand certain actions from others they themselves refuse to extend. I realize that the common impetus for this is because so many DON'T extend it, but to use that as an excuse to

do unto others before they do unto you

is a defeatist mindset in most situations that ensures a continuance of an eye for an eye when that train could have been gotten off often much sooner than it is.

Besides, who am I to think I know everything all the time? I could be........wrong.

Impeccable. This is the true mindset of a real liberal, secure enough in their person to not clutch with fear the ideas that one believes are written in stone. The critical aspect that all scientists or those who wish to take a scientific approach would embrace. I’ve been wrong so often in my life.

Back in the aol days I spent so many hours in different cult(ure) rooms. The ability to learn history while observing the arguments, often within sects of the specific cult was an amazing learning experience in so many ways. One of the best was analyzing my own preconceptions when investigating different points of view, often contrary to the understanding I held before I witnessed and at times took part in the debates.

If we are going to have free speech, then it's for everyone. Rude folks will simply be ignored and will move on due to boredom as folks won't engage with them.

So much this. Thank you for weighing in with such an affirmation on dignity and standards of conduct. It seems so easy to get disheartened as those who wish to strip dignity and coerce others into their own positions often have their voices amplified making that seem like the norm.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Every living creatures needs freedom of speech!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I learned, in a very painful way, to simply look away from the different dramas that occur frequently. However, I am a faithful believer that freedom of expression must prevail, but also respect. Many times there is the presumption that freedom of expression is to say things without regard to the aggression to others, when in reality it is to be able to seek a middle ground of understanding between the two. Thank you for this publication and above all for making me come out of my cryogenic sleep to comment here.

Posted from

Muchas veces se presume que la libertad de expresión es decir las cosas sin importar la agresión a los demás, cuando en realidad es poder buscar un punto medio de entendimiento entre ambos.

Hay ocasiones en las que evidentemente no hay otro recurso que una especie de agresión, pero siempre debe ser el último recurso. A menudo, cuando nos acercamos a un área que parece ser el caso, puede resultar evidente que la persona con la que se está tratando está quizás desequilibrada mentalmente. Entonces la pregunta que muchos deben hacerse honestamente es si continúan el intercambio para parecer más inteligentes ante los espectadores (ganando puntos a expensas de la persona mentalmente discapacitada) y tal vez un mejor gasto de tiempo es desentenderse y examinar por qué uno siente esa necesidad de ganar la aprobación del grupo a expensas de alguien que no está bien.

Gracias por esta publicación y sobre todo por hacerme salir de mi sueño criogénico para comentar aquí.

Me alegro de verte salir. Se te echa de menos aquí, y hablo en nombre de muchos cuando digo que eres una base aquí que ha hecho mucho por ayudar a Blurt a crecer hasta convertirse en lo que es. Hablando por mí, echo de menos tu amabilidad y tu amistad aquí. Sé que tu vida ha sido turbulenta, así que espero pacientemente a que llegue el momento adecuado para que pases más tiempo con nosotros aquí.

Many times there is the presumption that freedom of expression is to say things without regard to the aggression to others, when in reality it is to be able to seek a middle ground of understanding between the two.

There are times where obviously there is no other recourse but an aggression of sorts, but it should always be a last resort. Often as we approach an area this seems to be the case, it can become apparent that the person one is dealing with is perhaps mentally unbalanced. Then the question many need to honestly ask themselves is are they continuing the exchange to look smarter to onlookers (scoring points at the mentally challenged persons expense) and perhaps a better expenditure of time is disengaging and examining why one feels that need to gain group approval at someone whose not wells expense.

Thank you for this publication and above all for making me come out of my cryogenic sleep to comment here.

I’m glad to see you come out. You are missed here, and I speak for many when I say that you are a foundation here that has done much to help Blurt grow into what it is. Speaking for myself, I miss your kindness and friendship here. I know that your life has been in turmoil so I wait patiently for the time to be right for you to spend more time with us here.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Just hold on tight to your sanity ,.. the worst is on it's way .

Worst ,.. Dutch for sausage ,.. so don't choke on it . ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow ! This is brilliant . I love your presentation I must confess , anyway that’s your trade mark , well done practical thoughts .
I agree with a lot of your lines . I took my time and went line by line and each line linked up well , one could hardly jump any part . You have got a rich and deep content .
After some moments, I discovered I had buried myself deep in your write up .

I agree also that freedom of speech must also go with responsibility .
I wish we all here find time to read this mega , master piece . It’s worth the time to read it .
Bravo 🙌

As always, thank you for your kind thoughts and words.

The ideas I discuss a lot are ones that used to seem so common sense to many and now not so much. I think the problem (where I live) is that the voices of anger and mental illness/perversity have been given a microphone so as to make them seem like the majority when in truth I think people everywhere primarily want peace and not to worry where the meal is coming from or how to not freeze to death etc.

While I do believe there are more people who do desire war and being tyrants over others than I find palatable, I don’t believe they are a majority. The strongest counter to their designs is for the common folks to understand the power is in the numbers and we have allowed them to create an illusion of power, often out of fear because they have no hesitation on using various forms of violence to achieve their goals.

While the battle is an ongoing one since recorded history that I’ve had access to, there have been various times where peace and dignity did exist for short periods of time. I believe at those times people were taught about dignity and respect, for loving others creates a healthy environment that all, including ourselves and loved ones can thrive within.

Humans don’t have to be some out of control virus wreaking damage in the environments we find ourselves in. And from a selfish point of view, the healthier we can make the environments we are in be, the easier and more abundant our own rewards will become.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Absolutely!! I agree with you totally .

This post has been upvoted by @blurthispano.
We invite you to use the tag #blurthispano. You can find us on Discord.

Manually curated by Geeklania.

We invite you to vote for @blurthispano as Witness.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Very well explained and laid out... and so many elements of truth here.

Having a few decades under my belt, I see this disturbing trend in the world whereby people subtly turn an opinion or a political view or a religion into a slur, which has the additional effect that the person doing the slurring has abdicated themselves from actually having a defensible point of view... because all they need to do is say (for example) something like "Of course you have no clue, because you're just a LIBERAL!"

You've just been dismissed by the court of public opinion.

I experience this first-hand in a weird way, because I am basically what you might call a "Libertarian Social Democrat," much of that owing to my my growing up in Denmark. And it always used to confuse the heck out of people because one of my good friends while I was working downtown was a guy whose outlook generally was somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun.

"How COULD you! He's an insult to humanity!"

I'm very aligned with something Ricky Gervais said in that clip: Blaming social media. Again, first hand experience... my blogging origins came in the late 1990's and early '00s (pre-facebook) and the social blogging of the day was a very cool and generally respectful exchange of diverse ideas. Then came MySpace and it suddenly became about "who has the most friends." Then Facebook dialed it up one more notch... and social blogging pretty much died as a result. These little oases we have now, called Blurt, and Hive, and Steemit are — as much as anything — a reflection that at least some people are tired of the mainstream social media Idiocracy.

As a non-US national, I always find it ironic how few Americans (who like to use "Democrat" and "Republican" as a thinly veiled insult) are even aware that the ideologies of the Republicans and Democrats essentially swapped places in the years between Lincoln and FDR. Ah well...

Ultimately, I relate most to something the late George Carlin used to say "Six billion people on Earth - there should be six billion religions!"

Same could be said for a lot of other things...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In our country these words "elections, online forums, public spaces, autonomy of ones own body" are also hijacked. Thanks for this awesome publication. Nice to read it and enjoy a lot.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I went to college in the early 90's believing that I was a liberal. I always kept (keep) an open mind and am willing to listen to the logic behind both sides of an argument. I found that liberalism had been hijacked by the lunatic left and they didn't want me anymore which was fine by me, I've never been much of a joiner anyways. With the lunatic left there is no common ground -- unless you want to consider that both sides can convert oxygen to CO2 -- their argumants are slogans and talking points invariably devoid of logic or reason.

the problem is on top of destroying free speech and the ability to be free these types of incidents also if given attention decry real issues. I know exactly what you are referring to and to label someone something, there is 0 evidence whatsoever they are, you just found something they said unpleasant, makes the label itself less impactful in actual genuine cases. I generally assume someones just being offended over nothing these days, which actually isn't good when there is a genuine issue that needs to be aware of. Of course on a freedom of speech platform ppl do have the right to label anyone what they want to label them, but we should be wary of paying any attention to this stuff I feel.

People have to learn how to use MUTE and UNFOLLOW buttons

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

thats what I keep saying. If someones offending you even if they are sexist, moaning about it gets you nowhere, just cutting them off, giving them no attention and proving how damn successful you can be as a woman has a lot more impact. If I had cried about it in photography in the early days when everyone assumed I was turning up to do makeup or styling then I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did in my career, I used it to drive me.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Complaining that any platform has content one doesn't like is like complaining your local cinema shows films you don't like.


Yes, that's part of it for sure. The part I think is often overlooked is we are always likely to have encountered the extreme opposition who embraces a label that perhaps really doesn't fit them, like liberal.

There was a time when those who were liberal were somewhat of the gold standard when it came to free thinking, respect of liberty and speech. They basically held a true scientific approach to their conduct.

Now it's some dirty word because it's been hijacked by folks who seem insane and has left all of those who held the label as being the recipients of disdain and derision, in effect pushing them away.

I think it best that we not be to quick to make every disagreement into some battleground. Obviously some are unavoidable, especially if one is dealing with a mentally unstable person who insists on derogatory name calling and insults if one doesn't agree with their every stance. But even those people demonstrate quickly for all to see they are crazy and there is nothing good really to continue engaging them after they show this.

People talk of free speech and free economies and such as if there were some holy grail of time or place where these not only existed but thrived for some time. The truth is far from that, and even in small settings one had need to withstand backlash from any stronger forces in the area to be free with words and economy.

It isn't just a matter of I'm free to be what I want and say what I want. There are always reactions to actions and I think if we want Blurt to be a place for free speech it would be foolish to think allowing it to become an arena for entertainment at others expense is the way forward. Karma doesn't bow out for anyone, and being a dick to another even when one is right can quickly lose its appeal to onlookers.

I too feel like my mere existence is enough to trigger many, but I've also found over the years that some who made blanket assumptions of me because of my characteristics both physical and mental were able to find common ground with me. All it took was my approaching them in a non hostile way. This doesn't work with everyone obviously, but it does enough to make it a worthwhile endeavor.

Those it didn't work on? I shook the dust of them from my feet, they weren't worth my energy. I already don't have enough time left in my life to do things that are important to me.

liberals are defo not liberals, I consider myself a liberal really, because I don\t have any side I sometimes have a wild left opinion and sometimes right because just think for myself. But these days I would be embarrassed to call myself a liberal so I don't rly know what I am, a free thinker I guess.

There's an interesting sub on Reddit called walkaway. It's mostly former liberals who feel they were pushed out of the party because of the extremism. They feel as my dad did, they never left the party, the party left them (and common sense).

One thing I used to do that caused cognitive dissonance in modern day liberals who displayed whats called TDS (Trump derangement syndrome) is just nod my head and tell them that at times the life long democrat Donald Trump could indeed be outrageous. He is an example of one who was left behind by the party (that is if he wasn't just a magnet of distraction). Regardless, he was a magnet for many who felt (both) parties had abandoned them.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I have gotten much better at feeding it no attention, I agree it just ends up a battle ground with 0 winner otherwise cause no one is going to get into an aggressive debate and suddenly be like 'oh yeah your right' haha. It's better to make a point and leave it alone I think. Maybe a seed is sown, or you will come to a realisation yourself later, but it's just a waste of everyones time to argue back and forwards all day. Having said that no ones perfect and ppl just need to use the mute button more.

Yep, ignoring is best. I think if one begins obsessing over the need to continue on once it devolves into insults and a journey for win points is a self examination on why the need exists in oneself. A perfect place to make the saying Know Yourself happen and a much better use of ones time.

So long detailed post. You have a special abilities to explain any topic in the perfect way. You're right and I agreed with you. These words are hijacked in many countries by the governments.

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Yes, I can see this. It's one more proof that despite differences both physically and socially/culturally, we all have the same ability to be entranced with the words by those who so many blindly accept as owning the words (governments, schools, businesses etc).

Thank you once again for your high appraisal of my posts.

I like reading such publications. They give me a lot of things to know.

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