When I was little, the easter was something we always did look forward too. Finally more than a week home from school, and we could get our easter eggs filled up with candy. The hall family was together and we did have quizes and did play games.
It was also a tradition to go to my parents hut, and go skiing there. That was not my favorite part of the easter, I must admit that. Sit still and get some sun, just talking. That was so boring. Luckely we get older, and we can appriciate the memories. Now I think it's much more fun go skiing, and just relax in the sun after.
Yesterday was another beautiful day in the sun. We was on the hut for some hours, and did finish the day together, the hall familiy, watching a tv - program together. We didn't play any games, or have any quiz, but we where together, and that is the most important thing