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in blurt •  3 years ago 

I encounters early on on my first days was that I rapidly ran out of "good will" resources in form of Blurts

This can quickly rectify itself after the 8th day dependent on ones initial actions here. Definitely can be an impediment if one starts with little to no initial investment for sure.

Our mind creates.

To an extent. Where I always deviated from light workers is I don't subscribe that abuse many of us have suffered is some personal choice we made to undergo it. Others can and do force their will, good or bad on others despite their personal choices and beliefs. While I appreciate the overall light worker heart, I believe many stick their heads in the sand on the overall predatory nature of reality.

Opposing views are not always a herald of your ignorance. Sometimes it's a sign that you are far ahead of others and they just can't wrap their limited perception around the information that you offer for their own benefit. Sometimes the dog bites the hand that gives it food ;)

Indeed :)

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I still stay firm in the fundamental axiom of the old pragmatic and calculating quantum physics of our existence : Our consciousness creates everything. Abuse included. The hard part for many to accept is that our consciousness on broader level is the same throughout all the lives / existences in the "physical reality" that we have had. This stems from identifying oneself with the programmed mind that is just a storage of information fed into it since your physical birth. The intelligence comes from rising beyond the programmed mind. When one "wakes up" from being a mere "receiver" and "sufferer" of everything that his mind is manifesting - he stops acting as a victim of the "horrible unjust life", and takes responsibility for the thoughts he entertains throughout the day and becomes a master creator of his reality, thus contributing to the whole humanity in it's effort to wake up.

I am not a "light-worker digging my head in the sand". Quite the opposite. I am a "wisdom messenger" trying to help those who still have their head in the sand of ignorance. Creating a monster with their own thoughts and then fighting it back :))

Everything that you declare as true - becomes true. If you think of live as a "predatory nature of reality" - this is what you get created in the manifested physical experience - ask and it's given. Asking happens in your mind. What you expect - you get.
There is no way around it. Ignoring the fundamental truths of physics doesn't save you from the consequences..

So, what is the vision that you'd like to create with your mind? To which vision you would like to contribute your mental energy to promote its faster manifestation into visible and tangible reality?

I believe partially in what you say, but stand by my observation it allows the intent of others to be forced on one to be ignored at ones own peril.

I wrote a post years ago that mentioned abuse I underwent from the time I was a young child of 3 on up. I will share a link here if you are interested as I have no desire nor the heart to retype it. But I will submit to you that in no way was the innocent trusting loving child I was at that time in any way choosing the horrors that awaited me. My world was one of love and safety until then. What befell me was the intent of others foisted upon my defenseless self.