Der Grund warum die mich auf COAL gesetzt haben / They put me on COAL

in blurt •  last year 

Dear readers and those interested,

You probably know that there is a list on, called COAL, to flag accounts that plagiarize, spam and farm rewards. Basically a good idea. It's just bad if you end up on this list yourself, which happened to me.
The user @freakeao put me on this list out of the sudden. The reason: I am accused of running a ring of accounts to farm rewards. In other words, these accounts should belong to me.

According to their COAL list these are: @aitenguy, @wipeshadow, @teribuster, @orcguardian, @jeykins and @inoran

I do not own these accounts. I only own @ozelot47 and my recovery account. It is true that I transferred some liquid Blurt to the account @orcguardian because I found the first posts of @orcguardian interesting.
That was on 17.09.2022. You are welcome to look that up, also that the first few posts of @orcguardian were good in my opinion.
Or is it forbidden to transfer blurt? Do you have to justify every vote and every transaction?

I wrote myself a voting script some time ago and these accounts also ended up on my votelist.
This may be because I checked some conditions in the script before adding accounts into my votelist.
Many here on Blurt write and use such scripts to simplify things.
The same is done by @blurtbooster and we know even blurtbooster's scriptcondition were not free of mistakes. As we can see no script is perfect and error free.

And that may be the fault I can be accused of not looking at my votelist of who I created for a long time.
I remove these accounts from my votelist. Since I'm not being answered on Discord, please remove me from the COAL list @freakeao.

Thank you very much.

Liebe Leser und Interessierende,

Wahrscheinlich wisst ihr, dass es auf eine Liste gibt, genannt COAL, um Accounts zu flaggen die z.B. plagiieren, spam schreiben und rewards farmen. Grundsätzlich eine gute Idee. Blöd nur wenn man selber auf dieser Liste landet, was mir gestern passiert ist. Der Nutzer @freakeao hat mich einfach so auf diese Liste gesetzt. Der Grund: Mir wird vorgeworfen, dass ich ein Ring von Accounts betreiebe, um Rewards zu farmen. Mit anderen Worten, mir sollen diese Accounts gehören.

Laut deren COAL-Liste sollen das sein: @aitenguy, @wipeshadow, @teribuster, @orcguardian, @jeykins und @inoran.

Mir gehören diese Accounts nicht. Mir gehört nur @ozelot47 und mein Recoveryaccount. Es ist richtig, dass ich damals dem Account @orcguardian etwas flüssige Blurt überwiesen habe, weil ich die ersten Beiträge von @orcguardian interessant fand. Das war am 17.09.2022. Das könnt ihr gerne nachsehen, auch dass die ersten paar Beiträge von @orcguardian gut waren meiner Meinung nach. Oder ist es verboten Blurt zu überweisen? Muss man sich für jeden vote und jede transaktion rechtferigen?

Ich habe mir vor einiger Zeit ein Voteskript geschrieben und diese Accounts sind auch mit auf dieser Liste gelandet. Das mag daran liegen weil ich im Skript einige Bedingungen geprüft habe. Viele hier auf Blurt schreiben und benutzen solche Skripte, um Dinge zu vereinfachen. Dasselbe macht auch @blurtbooster. Wie wir sehen ist kein Skript perfekt und fehlerfrei. Und das mag der Fehler sein, den man mir vorwerfen kann dass ich eine längere Zeit nicht auf meine Liste gesehen habe wen ich vote. Ich werde diese Accounts aus meiner voteliste entfernen. Da mir auf Discord nicht geantwortet wird, bitte ich darum mich von der COAL-Liste zu entfernen @freakeao.

Vielen Dank.

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  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

@ozelot47 the team of wardens have reached an agreement and you have been removed from COAL, your blurtbooster vote privileged is also restored.
Please always review your voting script to avoid such indictment in the future.
Thank you for collaborating with us to resolve this matter amicably for the growth of blurt blockchain.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you. I make sure that such accounts no longer end up on my list.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Hello, good morning

Yes, this group of accounts has been added to the coal list. The warden has conducted an investigation and has determined that this group of accounts belong to a circle of farming. This investigation was done jointly by all the warden of the platform, analyzing the wallets, the patterns in the account and other elements. For this case you have the possibility to make an appeal and give your arguments to the warden of the platform, so that your case can be reviewed. Regards

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)
Hello @ozelot47, It is not @freakeao that added you to the COAL list rather it is the unanimous agreement of the wardens.

It might interest you to know that you have also been removed from blurtbooster whitelist pending when the suspicions on your account is resolved. With this, I believe you understand that it is not just about COAL, rather it is about the protection of the general welfare and integrity of this blockchain.

I have read your post and can fathom that you run a voting script. It is important that you review your script from time to time, because some of the people in your script might be involving themselves in farming or plagiarism.

You can go through the mentioned accounts to see things for yourself and understand why you were added to COAL in the first place.

However, having noted your arguments, I implore you to contact any of the wardens and make a proper appeal on blurt discord so that your account can be removed from COAL.

I mean no offense.
Thank you for understanding.

  ·  last year  ·  

Hello @chibuzorwisdom,

I have looked at these accounts that I have voted via script. And it looks like some of these accounts voted for me. Also, these accounts seem to belong together. I agree with you.

I can understand that I am targeted because I voted for these accounts because of my script.
I corrected that mistake by removing those accounts from my voting script. I also told those accounts to please stop voting me. More I can not do, because these accounts do not belong to me.

I have already made contact in Discord in the appeal channel and shared this post where I publicly comment on the accusation. I did not see those COAL flags because I don't use frontend.
It would be a shame if I stay on COAL just because I voted the wrong accounts via script.

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  ·  last year  ·  

In these images you can see part of a voting pattern where votes are always recirculated to the accounts, from your account you give a positive vote, the other accounts give them to you, and they only vote for each other. This is a pattern that has been repeated for months. So the first reasoning is that these accounts are used to target votes or keep them within that circle. This is one of the aspects that can be seen at a glance by reviewing the activities of the accounts.




  ·  last year  ·  

I can only speak for my account. As I said, I voted for these accounts and reviewed my script and revised it. It was a mistake to take over accounts without checking properly.
As for the votes of the other accounts. There I have no influence on it, since these do not belong to me.

I have corrected the mistake and these accounts are no longer in my votelist. I have also asked these accounts not to vote for me anymore. This is all I can do. Such mistakes can happen when you try to automate things.

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I will give the wardens your feedback.
Hopefully, you will be removed from the COAL soonest.
Thank you for your feedback.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Hi @ozelot47, when you use an automatic upvote script, it's important to have established a link with the authors beforehand, whether via comments/replies or other channels such as Discord, as this means you trust them fully with the content they publish.

Just as it's a good idea to check from time to time whether their editorial line still corresponds to what you've agreed to vote for.

As for the Warden team, because yes, these are collegial decisions and not the responsibility of a single person, when we see, for example, that you upvote 100% of all the posts by these 2 authors, don't you think it's logical that your account should be associated with these cheaters?



etc... To give just one example about this case that speaks for itself. Hence, once again, the importance of total trust in the authors of your automatic voting list.

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

@nalexadre: Get @ozelot47 off of the coal list! I have known him for years from Hive. He is an honorable member of the German community. @chibuzorwisdom: Why the hell are people being put on the coal list, without even reaching out to the user beforehand, giving him an opportunity to explain himself!?!? Something is massively wrong here!

@saboin @khrom

  ·  last year  ·  

Vielen Dank für deine Worte. Das war echt eine blöde Situation die passiert ist. Das wird mir nicht nochmal passieren mit solchen billigen Accounts.

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Das wird schon wieder 🙏🏽😉👍🏽

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Thank you for this information, his case is ongoing and should be resolved soon (probably today). As said before, it is a collegial decision and not the responsibility of a single person, and unless new discoveries are made, the case should be concluded by the granting of a second chance.

Why the hell are people being put on the coal list, without even reaching out to the user beforehand, giving him an opportunity to explain himself!?!? Something is massively wrong here!

Various people used their time to seriously investigate the case and to point out the elements so the decision was taken to add his account with the others to the COAL list while giving him the opportunity to defend his case, which he did through this post and on the Discord, and his explanations were taken into consideration and a dialogue was opened.

Adding authors to an automatic voting script is not a trivial matter when you reach a certain number of BPs and can lead to being associated with people trying to exploit the blockchain, especially when, as in this case, you end up with 7 member accounts in a circle in your script of 15/20 authors max.

  ·  last year  ·  

I will only add accounts to my list manually after I check them carefully. Thank you.

Posted from

His matter is resolved and he will be removed from COAL.

  ·  last year  ·  

As @nalexadre explained previously, it is not a unilateral decision but a whole team decision. I have known people who at first do the right thing and then go astray. Do you know any politician? They are the living example of this. And on Steemit, I hive and here on Blurt, I've also met some like that.

Right now it is under review, so it will be a matter of time before an agreement is reached.

  ·  last year  ·  

And that is the mistake I can be blamed for. I should have checked the accounts better before. You're right about that. But I can't turn back time. I can apologize for checking wrong conditions in the script. But after all, everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Of course everyone makes mistakes, that's what makes us human, just as everyone who learns from their mistakes is entitled to a second chance. I invite you to continue the discussion on the Discord, which I think will speed things up.