RE: If you have 10K Blurt Power, don't vote 30 witnesses!!! Here is why!

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If you have 10K Blurt Power, don't vote 30 witnesses!!! Here is why!

in blurt •  24 days ago 

There is a financial interest here of course, but it is not only that! I really like it here! I spend more time here than on FB and Insta for example. I guess it it's the people here and the fellow witnesses. There were a lot of quarrels amongst the witnesses in the past, but in general we have a good vibe going on at the moment.

Just like you, I was nuked on Hive and found a place to stay here on Blurt. I am very thankful for that and that is this cosy kinda feeling I have, when I am here... That's about it... :) Cheers bud! 🍻

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