#NFT - Digital art / Close-up

#NFT - Digital art / Close-up
Elaboration of a series of works based on seasonal periods, giving the protagonist or model the option of expressing the feelings they produce. Work done with Photoshop CC and developed by @oscarps

Off-white portrait tool

1º Point
I work the photograph from the layer passing to camera RAW, I look for the magnifying glass option to put the image at the size I want to work with. **Background**.
2º Point
I look in the tools for the **Off-white portrait** option and modify it based on what I'm looking for.
3º Point
I modify some parameters **Lighting** to cause more intensity of the shadows.
4º Point
I modify the **Vibrance** to give it a bit more sharpness.

1º PointWhen running Nick plugins it gives me different editing options**.
2º PuntoI apply the Blank Portrait tool.
3º Punto I proceed to modify the Brightness and the Contrast .
4º Punto I make sure that it is to my liking, well centered and with a certain horizontality. I apply.

Double image

Categoría | Phototalent |
Ajustes | ISO-100 f/5.6 1/60s |
Cámara | Nikon D7100 - Olympus E410 y Kodak Z |
Lente | Nikkor or Olympus |
Localización | Spain |

Image ©oscarps. All Rights Reserved.
Original content by @oscarps

Tu trabajo es genial hermano, muy inspirador. Te sigo.
Muchas gracias por tus amables palabras, me alegro que te gusten mis trabajos. @sembrandounpais , he visto tus publicaciones y me gusta lo que haces llevo un tiempo viendo blogs y publicaciones y es difícil encontrar algo fresco y autentico como lo que expresas en ellos. Creo que los hispanos tenemos mucho que decir, estamos en contacto, claro también te sigo.