My mom and Nigeria @62

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Hello, my Blurt friends.
It's still your friend @orjimart
It's to the will of Our creator that we are witnessing our new month of October today.


I'm always happy at heart when this day of the year comes. This is because it is my Mom's Birthday. She was born 1st of October 1960. Her birthday coincides with Nigeria's independence day and year.

At 62 My mother has raised 5 Graduates that came out from her Belly. All of us are raised and doing our best by the direction of God almighty.

At 62 Nigeria has done good and still need to do better because the citizens are tired and dying each day. I pray For Nigeria for God to take dominance.

I wish my Mom all the best today as she add to her years. I pray God should give her many more beautiful years to encounter more of his Blessings.


Sorry, I couldn't get her recent photos and I wish not to post her old photos except the one above

God Bless you all.

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