in blurt •  2 days ago 

Crypto Events Calendar for July


What's interesting and important for the crypto community in the second month of summer:

➡️ July 10 — Dash halving (planned date).
➡️ July 11 — Release of the Consumer Price Index and inflation data in the US.
➡️ July 12 — Sentencing of Alexander Vinnik in the BTC-e case.
➡️ July 14 — Seventh anniversary of Binance's founding.
➡️ July 29 — Sentencing of Avraham Eisenberg, participant in the 2022 Mango Markets attack.
➡️ July 30 — Ninth anniversary of Ethereum's creation.
➡️ July 31 — US Federal Reserve meeting on the key interest rate.

➡️ Also in July — commencement of compensation payments in the Mt.Gox case (exact date unknown).

➡️ The launch of the ETH ETF, which many expected on July, will likely be postponed. The SEC returned the S-1 forms for amendments. Corrections must be made by July 8, and the actual launch of the instruments will likely happen even later.

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