in blurt •  2 days ago 

❌ Not a Word About Crypto


In the just concluded, long-awaited debate between Biden and Trump took place in the United States.

🌐 The crypto community had high hopes for this event. It was expected that digital assets and blockchain technology would become one of the most hotly debated topics between the presidential candidates.

⛔️ However, expectations were not met. Trump and Biden did not mention a word about crypto.

🔽As a result, named meme tokens in the PolitiFi segment recorded significant losses. BODEN dropped by 36%, Doland Tremp by 20%, and MAGA by 10%.

PS: You can read my other related crypto post below

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  ·  2 days ago  ·  


Presidents come and go...
Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 5.54.28 PM.png
Technology stays...


  ·  2 days ago  ·  

Not a word was uttered that hasn't been uttered at a US presidental debate before. They both see no problem with murdering brown people in the middle east, they both see no problem with the fact that health insurance can make or break an individual, they both see good reason to tax us all, up the wazoo neither of them gives a crap about social security in any sense of those words. It was, once again, embarrassing. The good news is that perhaps a lot of people are asking themselves "so if Biden is not in charge, who is?"

That was a thoughtful question you ask at the concluding part of ur comment. Let all hands be of deck to see wat unfold next as they both overnight claiming to support crypt during their campaign.