RE: If I Was Still On Hive

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If I Was Still On Hive

in blurt •  2 years ago  (edited)

Well… here on Blurt I see mostly fighting and drama … day in and day out… without end …. Never ending …. It’s hilarious. 🍿 …. Bring popcorn to the BlurtLatam Trending page. I had no idea what I was missing when I had people muted. This place is friggin crazy. I never seen anything like it. Next level madness.
Have a not nice day !

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I guess you could say it's entertaining then in that respect.
Oh BTW I saw a video today and thought of you, about enviro officers poisoning the lakes/rivers in the area you were looking at properties.
Think you should see this.
Would you still be nice to these guys I wonder?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

What are they putting in the river ? The comments suggest it’s chlorine ?

Why are they adding it to the river ?

I know that’s lots of shallow lakes are having toxic algae blooms from fertilizer and other chemicals from farms flowing into the lakes and rivers.

They said it was to kill an 'invasive species' of fish. In my experience any attempts to 'balance' nature by manmade methods is always catastrophic. If it was chlorine that would kill a lot more than just one species of fish. If I was the guy with the poison I'd have taken a sample for testing before handing it back to the policeman.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes. People use tap water in their fish aquariums and it is filled with chlorine (and worse) . They sell Chemicals to balance the chlorine level.

They need to find a way to reduce the toxic algae blooms that are killing fish all over the planet.

Blue-green algal blooms can be caused by agricultural and stormwater runoff as well as leaching from septic systems. In Ontario, phosphorus tends to be the nutrient that influences the growth of algae.

Posted from

I'm not so sure these algae do kill fish A bit like saying the disease is what kills us when the disease is the body trying to restore balance and rid of toxins. As above so below. What they do is akin to dosing us with antibiotics to kill the things that are doing the clean up job. Man fighting nature is ridiculous. The cause of the bloom is as you said pollution caused by man.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes … I agree 109% …. We need to stop putting chemicals into the air and water.

The most effective method to reduce blooms is through broad community effort to reduce nutrient loading into lakes. This is most often achieved through reducing the input of phosphorus, as well as nitrogen in a more limited extent. Though cyanobacteria are found in some of the oldest fossils and are natural to aquatic habitats, harmful algal blooms are increasing in frequency in the United States and across the world and are becoming more of a problem as eutrophication increases.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Then why don't you select between those who fight and those who bring arguments (they don't have to be nice but well founded)? To be able to distinguish between immature babble and solid arguments is not the worst, I think.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Did you make a selection ? What did you choose ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I select by visiting peoples blogs, look at the content and the comments and choose where I would like to engage and where it makes no sense for me. Would I think, for example, that you are someone who can't be talked to, I wouldn't have commented. That is my selection process, it's not predetermined but spontaneious.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

there are two attitudes
rendering us useless
two bad manners
chaining us for good
intoxication in self glory
the other
awakening coming too late

Sober up, it's just madhouse.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have chosen to sit back and buy all their blurt. Ha ha ha …. Let them create their FUD…. They are burning Blurt and dumping the rest for free. Ha ha ha ….
