RE: If I Was Still On Hive

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If I Was Still On Hive

in blurt •  2 years ago  (edited)

I know that everyone here absolutely hates Hive and HBD, but if you put a little into HBD savings you could earn 20% APR… with 3,000 HBD I earn $50 usd a month… that helps .

Also never trade all your crypto for another crypto. Keep half and race them… even with Hive and HBD so that you can trade them back and forth when the prices drop.

I even kept 1/2 my Steem and now earn Tron that I can convert to Bitcoin .. or earn an extra 10% APR …. thanks to @justyy (on Blurt and Steemit)

Look, the whole purpose of crypto blogging is to earn crypto. So you can put food on the table and pay the rent. … If people say they do not do this for the crypto they are lying.


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I don't do it for the crypto, not lying, I have a job. I do this for fun and to try and edumacate. Those that do it for the money are the ones writing 'nice' posts. Steady earnings and no comeback.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Ok. I guess there are a few.

Many people blog on crypto blogging platforms like Hive, Steemit, Serey, TipMeACoffee, Dtube and Blurt to earn crypto to help buy food and pay rent.

It is interesting though that on Blurt the mostly “not nice” posts filled with drama and angry fighting earn the most Crypto . Day in and day out.

Buckets and buckets of crypto.

It’s hilarious. But I guess it’s good to have options like Blurt compared to the “nice” Main Street Media propaganda of Hive and Steemit.

I think I need to get in on this angry, fighting drama though.

That’s where it’s at on BLurt.

Goes perfectly with the angry man logo. Censored

Have a not nice day !!!! Ha ha ha ha … lol …ha ha


Haha yeh I've always found the places with the heated discussions are always the people magnets. It's true, most people are basically curtain twitchers and rubber neckers and find arguments fascinating. They just don't want to be IN the fight, that's the problem. Trying to watch without drawing attention lol

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

So true…. The Blurt logo should be … “ThiS is Blurt so @#$&! off…. If you want nice or you are interested in money then go back to Hive.”

No not quite what I had in mind. Grown ups don't fight they discuss. (A bit like ladies don't sweat) hahahahaha.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Well… here on Blurt I see mostly fighting and drama … day in and day out… without end …. Never ending …. It’s hilarious. 🍿 …. Bring popcorn to the BlurtLatam Trending page. I had no idea what I was missing when I had people muted. This place is friggin crazy. I never seen anything like it. Next level madness.
Have a not nice day !

I guess you could say it's entertaining then in that respect.
Oh BTW I saw a video today and thought of you, about enviro officers poisoning the lakes/rivers in the area you were looking at properties.
Think you should see this.
Would you still be nice to these guys I wonder?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

What are they putting in the river ? The comments suggest it’s chlorine ?

Why are they adding it to the river ?

I know that’s lots of shallow lakes are having toxic algae blooms from fertilizer and other chemicals from farms flowing into the lakes and rivers.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Then why don't you select between those who fight and those who bring arguments (they don't have to be nice but well founded)? To be able to distinguish between immature babble and solid arguments is not the worst, I think.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Did you make a selection ? What did you choose ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have chosen to sit back and buy all their blurt. Ha ha ha …. Let them create their FUD…. They are burning Blurt and dumping the rest for free. Ha ha ha ….

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The Gawkers and the Yappers.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is interesting though that on Blurt the mostly “not nice” posts filled with drama and angry fighting earn the most Crypto . Day in and day out.

Have you considered that this might be the case because people are interested in how they want to resolve perceived problems of interaction? You can say drama, but you could also frame it differently and find that conflict is often the best way to gain insights for yourself. Conflict hotspots are known to attract many people, that's true. But they are not to be condemned per se if one manages to overcome one's frustration and does not chafe at the anger of others but finds arguments that go beyond that.

Maybe it's you as well who fights over cryptos?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The more drama, the more comments, the more blurt is burned. If people want to dump their Blurt for zero dollars I am gladly Waiting with my other cryptos to buy it all up. Hopefully 100 million blurt. So let them fight. Let them burn lots of Blurt, let them sell all their blurt for nothing ….. Some of us will get lots of Free Blurt. Ha ha ha ha ha….

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

get up and do some good
for someone now
the universe will surely
safekeep your act
everybody has left his
belongings and is gone
you too
for what good
you have done

What of the hedge?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So drama is something to profit from then, right? Those who are hopeless about the price trend will want to sell their blurt that has gone down in value and those who are hoping for an increase in value will buy. Isn't that the game that is played everywhere? According to this, emotion is a prerequisite, isn't it? If all players kept a cool head, there would be no FOMO, for example. The system feeds on emotion, I would think. Since you as an individual are not always as frustrated and anxious or hopeful and optimistic as everyone else, it seems to me that there is some kind of balance. Except for the moment when no one is interested any more and it could also run to death.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have noticed that a few Whales promote and encourage FUD to Drop the price so that they can buy more Blurt for cheap. This is how the Global Elite runs the World. It’s the same on Blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So, it's better not to fall for FUD, I think. :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Just make sure you have lots and lots of Bitcoin to buy the bottom.

You know... I've been thinking (since I decided to power down all my Hive) about HBD. The way it operates is like a BOND. It's a promise from the Hive Blockchain (and it's community) to deliver. I of course object to any support of the Hive Blockchain... I insist on voting my values as an investor however... So no... I do not subscribe to the idea of earning future money and using it to purchase now money... no matter how difficult things become. If one compares future money to now money (fiat) they are still plugged into the Slave System with no recourse.

Future Money is an opportunity... a once in a life time opportunity to change the game. It's a chance to innovate new and better ways to human... and to do so in a purely decentralized way. I believe that if we all knew and fully understood the opportunity we have in our hands right now... we would NEVER trade in our Future Money for Now Money.

Back to HBD... This however is tempting. What would happen if every BLURT user (who had been wronged by Hive's dysfunctional social constructs) also became a HBD holder. What it means is that every one on BLURT would own promises to pay income from the Hive Community. This would mean that the Hive community would become indebted to the Blurt Community.

And we all know who gets the best of that situation.

It's a thought to ponder and I would love to hear some feedback about this idea.

Comet Ranker

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hive community would become indebted to the Blurt Community.

That's the idea 🤬🥓👍

Find time for a conversation Wil!
We have a few things to cover ⛏️🗝️

Frank! Yes we do! (And it's long over due now!) Apologies... summers in Canada are PACKED. Winters are when things slow down and become a whole lot more "manageable" (so long as your staying warm! haha!)

Ok. First off. What method would you like to use to chat? I like using Discord for this... But what's your preference?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Skype, 🤬
But you can find me on element @frankbacon

Fullscreen 🥓

I haven't used Skype in a coons age. 🦝 But I think I could refigure that out again.

Here's my handle:
(Yeah I had to look that up! hahaha!)

p.s. What's this "Element" you speak of?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I never really used Discord 🤬
And I've dumped Telegram, Slack and Skype.

I just use Matrix 🥓

Alrighty then! 👍

Matrix it is!

Thank you for the crash course!

I'll work on setting thatUP so we can then chat.

It seems like a hell of a good idea! 💡

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good points.

I’d like to accumulate 100 Million Blurt… so I can use that HBD to buy up all the cheap Blurt on Hive-Engine.

Also I get paid the HBD 20% interest each month. I can use that $50 USD to buy some food or help pay for the kid’s tuition. I guess if HBD goes to zero then I lose that investment. Kind of like what happened with all my Cub.

Posted from

I love that you are expanding your means and thinking BIG @offgridlife! That's the way I think as well! Your idea for using HBD to maintain the price of BURT on Hive-Engine is a sound one. I think I'm going to start doing this as well. Thank you for the inspiration!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Not just HBD …. I earn all the cryptos, as much as I can everywhere so that I will always have new crypto to buy the big Blurt Dips. This is how I will accumulate 100 Million Blurt.


Posted from

An interesting proposition. I wouldn't use it myself as I shook the dust of that place from my feet. I left just enough there powered up to leave one comment at a time on the off chance I would need to say something to someone who had grown to have value to me. I've felt a need to comment there 9 times in the last two years. I rarely ever think of the place other than when someone here brings it up.

I find the best (for myself) is walking away and focusing on better pursuits.

I agree. I'm feeling exactly the same about the place. I will be selling off my HBD tonight in fact.

I think I'll keep 1,000 Hive poweredUP just for comments though. Like you did those 9 times... I have a feeling I might need that as an option. But no more posting there for me.

I do not want to subject myself to Hive's disfunctions... and I certainly won't be bringing my best ideas to that place. I'm focused more and more on Blurt. I think there is tremendous value in focusing over fragmentation. Eye on the prize!

That said...

I think that some of Blurts problems might stem from certain Hive/Blurt dynamics. (Especially while there is an asymmetry in price.) I think it would be wise to think about this from time to time. Keeping both eyes open might be a good idea.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Look, the whole purpose of crypto blogging is to earn crypto. ... If people say they do not do this for the crypto they are lying.

Why don't you speak for yourself? I am not blogging for cryptos but I blog because I like to blog. I am here for a larger readership than I would possibly win if I was running a single website. If money comes with it, I welcome it but it wasn't my initial motivation to start blogging on crypto-related sites.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I blog because theres no censoring me. Lol I'm even more mad than you!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

:D lol, you are.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Awesome. It’s good that you don’t blog for money. You are a pure blogger. Very rare these days.

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