A solid plan to advance the conscious youth's mind

in blurt •  3 years ago 

As we talk about the positivity of distance education with regard to the competencies of teaching high school curricula, we find that distance education in universities during the ban period has also proven that there are university specializations and university courses, their presence and absence are the same, and they are nothing more than fillers.

And that there is an opportunity to model many of these courses, even the teaching programs or parts of them, so that they can also be taught effectively remotely, in a way that facilitates the student and the state, reduces the spending of universities that suffer from large debts, and reduces university fees paid by the students’ families.

It is noted in the aforementioned news, that the (road map) it contains, some of its features mentioned in the news, places a heavy burden on universities and students, as if it is talking about a broad front that requires efforts from administrative and other bodies (university security), and the students bear burdens surrounded by details. many..

I do not want to establish a process that has not been launched yet, but I demand the universities, I mean their administrations, their university security services, and finally the faculty members, not to (harden their stick) on the students who suffered what they suffered during the time of distance education, and we are talking here about five university study semesters. In the past, the student who spent it remotely will need something like rehabilitation, for a smooth return to the universities, their halls and facilities.

Do we really forget that the most promising human power of any country is found in universities? Yes; These young people do not need all these procedures, details, and stress from us, to attend university campuses and classrooms, and then return to their homes.

Good Plan

We cannot legislate the mandatory vaccination with the vaccine in exchange for the rights of students to education, while we can establish preventive measures against the Covid 19 virus, and we can even provide an inspiring model through their commitment to the required prevention instructions and necessities, rather than adherence to them and easily, in the midst of a promising student youth.

Amending the Collins Agreement in the production of science and mathematics books in a manner that guarantees pure Jordanian production, full Jordanian sovereignty, and full Jordanian rights, while halving the cost.

Building a general framework for the curricula that includes the curriculum’s philosophy, policies, dimensions, and focus on values ​​and trends such as: citizenship, identity, human rights, the environment, teaching thinking, health issues, work, and technology.

Finish building the frameworks for most of the study subjects, and start completing them until they end this year.

The members also expressed their concern about the continuation of the Tawjihi exam in its current form, as they demanded the Tawjihi Exam Review Committee that their proposals be comprehensive for the development of education, and that the Tawjihi exam not be an obstacle to the development of education.

I don't care here! There is a national interest in education, and the Education Committee in the Senate was the first to hang the bell and demanded that the National Center face challenges without hesitation, supported by the Senate!!

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