Blurt Blockchain: sunny or foggy October?

in blurt •  8 months ago 


Greetings, fellow Blurtians!

As per our monthly tradition (ok, I missed last month due to work), it's time to take a deep dive into the data that shaped the Blurt blockchain last month. We're already in the month of November, and each new period brings its own stories, trends, and revelations within our vibrant ecosystem.

During this exploration, we will scrutinize the fundamental mechanisms that propelled Blurt in October, from witnesses to communities, transactions to rewards, and much more. The numbers and charts will tell us the story of the past month, the achievements, and the developments that have marked the platform. No need to worry, as usual, I'll do my best to make it easy to understand, and this month, you'll even get a few new additions!

Get ready for an in-depth journey into the data, discovering what made the Blurt blockchain buzz in October. It's time for our monthly rendezvous with numbers and highlights from our community. 📈💡

As usual, we will make a 4-month comparison with the months of October, September, August, and July 2023.

In October 2023, the block producers, who are also known as "witnesses" on the Blurt blockchain, had the responsibility of generating 876,513 blocks.

The witnesses are elected by the community through voting so you can show your support by casting your vote at or to give a better ranking to your favorite witness(es) 😉


Witnesses votes

Same as last month, we'll take this opportunity to talk about witnesses. How many of you cast a governance vote for your favorite witness(es) last month? 🤔


After casting 413 witness votes in August, it's evident that this number has significantly decreased since September, indicating a notable lack of interest from Blurtians in participating in the governance of Blurt. This is genuinely discouraging for some witnesses who work tirelessly to add features to Blurt, promote it, and invest in hardware (not only for their witness server but also in RPC nodes and more) to keep it running each month.

For those who don't understand what a Witness of the Blurt Blockchain is or what responsibilities a Witness has, I invite you to read my post One Year as a Witness: A BLURT Block Producer's Journey 😉


As we talking governance operations, maybe you will be interested by the payments made by the Blurt Decentralized Fund to the proposals.

What is the Blurt Decentralized Fund (BDF)
The Blurt Decentralized Fund (BDF) is a community-driven decentralized finance platform that operates on the Blurt blockchain. The BDF was created to provide financial support to Blurt ecosystem projects that contribute to the growth and development of the platform. The BDF operates through a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that allows stakeholders to collectively make decisions on funding proposals. Anyone can submit a proposal for funding, and the community votes to determine which proposals will receive funding. Proposals can range from technical development to marketing and community-building initiatives and are subject to community review and approval before funding is allocated.

Fund Balance: 1,158,373.764 BLURT
Daily budget: 11,583.738 BLURT
Daily Payments: 11,583.738 BLURT


Since the inception of the new @ctime proposal, which decided to burn 9,000 BLURT per day, I am the last one to partially receive the requested amount for my proposal. While one can appreciate its generosity for this, looking at the glass half full, I find this proposal entirely futile.

Burning BLURT from the BDF will never increase the price of BLURT. The only way to boost the price of BLURT is more trading volume on exchanges and better campaigns to attract individuals willing to invest in Blurt by acquiring a handful of BLURT only.

This proposal simply acts as a deterrent to any independent developer who might have been interested and eager to develop dApps (threads, microblogging, crowdfunding...) for the Blurt blockchain.

It would have been more sensible, instead of burning these BLURT, to return them to the fund. This would have the effect of locking them up for a certain period, until proposals surpassing his come along. I find this approach more productive and positive.

No need to tell me that it's the foundation's responsibility to fund all development on the Blurt Blockchain. Personally, everything I do is as an independent contributor to the Blurt blockchain and its community as a whole. Therefore, it falls upon the Blurt Decentralized Fund (BDF) to cover these expenses. Alternatively, if the BDF no longer works perhaps it's up to each Blurtian, in addition to the foundation, to contribute through donations. After all, the benefits extend to everyone with BLURTs in their wallet, not just the foundation. LOL.


Just like with the Witnesses, I encourage you to read each proposal and support the ones you choose with your vote to help the proposer secure funding. You can read the proposals on BeBlurt here: or blurtwallet there:

Transactions & Operations

In October 2023, the witnesses' blocks recorded 246,989 transactions and 251,201 operations (with one transaction potentially containing multiple operations).


Between August and October, there was a notable increase in both the number of transactions and operations. The number of transactions increased by approximately 21.45%, and the number of operations increased by around 20.79%. This indicates a substantial uptick in blockchain activity and user interactions within this period. The growth in both transactions and operations suggests heightened engagement and utilization of the Blurt blockchain during October compared to August.

New Accounts

Let's take a look at the number of new accounts created which is a good and interesting indicator.


After a decline in July, the number of new accounts created has been consistently increasing. Comparing October to July, there is a 21.54% increase in the number of new accounts. This suggests a positive trend in new user registrations on the Blurt blockchain. The platform has experienced growth in user adoption, potentially indicating improved awareness or incentives for users to join the Blurt community.

For those who may have missed it, I posted yesterday about the development of a module for the Blurt blockchain (Nexus) 👉 [Blurt Nexus] Creating an affiliate account. This module enables every new account to be associated with a marketing campaign (for organizing onboarding contests or similar initiatives) and a referrer account. The referrer can then benefit from a portion of the author's curation of their affiliate. This is designed to enhance onboarding campaigns organized on Blurt. Importantly, this development, located within the Nexus module, does not require a Hardfork and can be utilized by any Blurt frontend or dedicated Blurt onboarding page (meaning it's not exclusive to BeBlurt!). I am also available to assist any developers interested in integrating or implementing it.

Active Accounts

So, is account activity following this trend? That's what we'll see in the next graph, which tracks all account activity on the Blurt blockchain. Any user who interacts with the blockchain through a non-virtual operation (vote, transfer, delegation, comment, post...) during the period is considered an active account.


In July 2023, there were 1077 active accounts on the Blurt blockchain.

In August 2023, the number slightly decreased to 1066 active accounts, indicating a marginal decline in account activity.

September 2023 witnessed a further decrease, with 1059 active accounts, showcasing a continued but small reduction in engagement.

However, in October 2023, there was a noticeable upswing in activity, with the number of active accounts surging to 1254. This marks a significant increase compared to the preceding months.

In summary, the Blurt blockchain experienced a relatively stable level of activity from July to September, with a minor dip. However, October saw a remarkable boost in active accounts, indicating renewed or increased engagement within the community during that period.

Distinct Authors

What about the number of unique authors on the Blurt blockchain?


In July 2023, there were 700 distinct authors on the Blurt blockchain.

In August 2023, the number increased slightly to 703 distinct authors, reflecting a marginal rise in the diversity of contributors.

September 2023 continued this upward trend, with 714 distinct authors, indicating a gradual but steady increase in participation.

October 2023 experienced a more notable uptick, with the number of distinct authors reaching 734. This signifies a more substantial growth in the diversity of authors contributing to the Blurt blockchain.

In summary, the Blurt blockchain saw a consistent growth in the number of distinct authors from July to October, with October demonstrating a more significant increase in author diversity compared to the previous months.

Posts & Replies

With all this, what about posts and comments.


In September 2023:

Total Posts: 11,537
Total Comments: 12,581
Comparing August and September:

The number of posts slightly increased by 368, indicating a 3.29% rise.
The number of comments also increased, from 11,937 in August to 12,581 in September.

In October 2023:

Total Posts: 12,593
Total Comments: 14,416
Comparing September and October:

The number of posts experienced a significant increase, with 1,056 more posts in October compared to September.

The number of comments also increased, from 12,581 in September to 14,416 in October.

In summary, the Blurt blockchain witnessed fluctuations in the number of posts and comments from July to October. August experienced a decrease in both posts and comments, but the subsequent months saw variations with an evident increase in posts and comments, especially in October, where there was a significant surge in both categories.

Communities Posts & Authors

As Blurt Communities continue to grow, with 27 Blurt Communities created as of today, +6 compared to August.


I can't wait to see what August brings in terms of community posts and how many authors are using them now.


There is a consistent growth in the number of posts within Blurt Communities from July to October. The progression is notable, with a significant increase in August, followed by continued growth in September and a more modest increase in October. This suggests a positive trend in community engagement and content creation within Blurt Communities during this period 🚀


There was a decline in the number of authors within Blurt Communities in August, but this trend was reversed with a notable increase in September. However, there was a slight decrease again in October. It's essential to monitor this metric further to understand the factors influencing community authorship and to implement strategies for sustained growth.

If you're interested in learning more about Blurt communities in general, and why not create your own Blurt Community, I invite you to read this post: COMMUNITIES Have Arrived on the Blurt Blockchain

Frontends / dApps

And how the posts are distributed by Frontends / dApps, that's what we will see below.


In the electrifying world of Blurt, October brought a rollercoaster of trends among our top frontends! 🚀

👉 Blurt's Official Frontend: Like a phoenix rising, we witnessed a stunning 11.77% surge in posts, hitting 9024! This breaks the monotony of consecutive monthly declines and sets a thrilling tone for the Blurtverse! 🌐 Explore more

🏃‍♂️ Actifit: Caught its breath with a slight 4.39% dip, clocking in at 1330 posts. A small hiccup, but fitness enthusiasts are known for their stamina! 💪 Get Active

📉 Blurtlatam: Unfortunately, it faced a cosmic dip, with 1018 posts – a 16.25% decline compared to July. A brief interstellar setback, but the stars may align differently next month! 🌌 Discover

🎥 Dtube: Experienced a more dramatic 18.89% drop, hitting 239 posts. Lights, camera, action – a script rewrite might be in order for Dtube! 🎬 Lights, Camera, Dtube!

🚀 BeBlurt: The rising star! With an exhilarating 33.26% increase, BeBlurt soared to 705 posts. It's not just a frontend; it's a rocket ready for liftoff! 🚀 Blast Off

As the Blurtiverse continues its cosmic journey, these trends paint a dynamic picture of diverse user preferences and frontend flavors. Stay tuned for more adventures in November! 🚀🌌✨

As was the case last month, because this metric alone isn't sufficient for accurately defining the popularity of a frontend, it's time to examine a graph representing the distribution of authors for each frontend.


Previous months:



Now let's see what's happening on the financial side

Authors Rewards

How much did content creators earn in rewards last month? We'll soon find out.


The month of October witnessed a significant shake-up in the top 10 accounts that received the highest author rewards. October also saw the arrival of new accounts on the list, as well as the departure of others. It goes to show that nothing remains static on Blurt.

Before going to the top 10 accounts, I wanted to make a small point because I don't think everyone is aware of it. When you decide to burn a part of the remuneration of your post (by adding the @null account to the beneficiaries of the post) it only affects your author's reward and in no way the curation reward of those upvoting your post, this means that you are the only contributors in BLURT's burn campaign ;)

Top 10 accounts that received the highest Authors Rewards:

  • 29,470 BLURT : @rubelynmacion with 321 posts & replies (up 2 positions)
  • 20,061 BLURT : @cleanenergygarro with 116 posts & replies (down 1 position)
  • 17,738 BLURT : @hangin with 176 posts & replies (down 1 position)
  • 16,827 BLURT : @offgridlife with 151 posts & replies
  • 13,993 BLURT : @cjsdns with 30 posts & replies (up 5 positions)
  • 13,708 BLURT : @animal-shelter with 51 posts & replies (up 14 position)
  • 13,553 BLURT : @kryptodenno with 31 posts & replies
  • 12,492 BLURT : @allaboutph with 75 posts & replies (up 7 position)
  • 12,356 BLURT : @powerego with 30 posts & replies (down 2 position)
  • 12,250 BLURT : @rtytf with 24 posts & replies (down 2 position)

I would also like to remind you that on BeBlurt, you can find this information on the user dashboard as explained in this post: BEBLURT | Update v0.3.0 | Blurtian Analytics Dashboard


Curators Rewards

A graph similar to the Authors Rewards.


Top 10 accounts that received the highest Curators Rewards:

  • 358,471 BLURT : @blurtbooster with 3,849 upvotes
  • 148,797 BLURT : @upvu with 1,611 upvotes
  • 112,623 BLURT : @ctime with 5,342 upvotes
  • 42,931 BLURT : @mmmmkkkk311 with 840 upvotes
  • 39,375 BLURT : @primeradue with 5,104 upvotes
  • 37,832 BLURT : @beblurt with 1,263 upvotes (up 3 positions)
  • 29,141 BLURT : @saboin with 531 upvotes (down 1 positions)
  • 26,677 BLURT : @mariuszkarowski with 863 upvotes (up 1 positions)
  • 26,248 BLURT : @mk-int-token with 587 upvotes (down 2 positions)
  • 19,965 BLURT : @jsup with 846 upvotes (up 8 positions)

Some change in the rankings for October.

Thanks to all 48 delegators of the BeBlurt's MyDelegation program it's now 5,277,412 BLURT POWER dedicated to manual curation 🎊

Ranking BeBlurt 4th among accounts receiving the most delegations 🚀


If you'd like to join the BeBlurt Delegation program and help us distribute even more rewards next month via 100% manual curation, I invite you to read this post: BeBlurt's MyDelegation program with 85% Rewards Back.

I would also like to invite you to upvote BeBlurt's curation comment on your posts. The author's reward of the comment will be given to the curators in the following way:

  • 45% of the author's reward for the curator requesting the curation
  • 35% of the author's reward for the curator validating the curation request
  • 20% of the author's reward for @beblurt

Beneficiaries Rewards

The Beneficiary Rewards on the Blurt blockchain refer to a system where a portion of the rewards generated from a post or comment on the platform is allocated to a designated beneficiary account. This beneficiary account can be any account on the Blurt blockchain that the author of the post or comment chooses to support.

When a user creates content on Blurt, they have the option to designate a beneficiary account and set a percentage of the rewards that they would like to allocate to that account. The beneficiary account can be any Blurt account (their own account, another user, community, dApp/frontend)

Once the post or comment is published, the rewards are distributed among the author and any designated beneficiaries according to the percentage set by the author. This allows authors to support other users, communities, or dApp/frontend they believe deserve recognition and rewards for their contributions to the platform.

The Beneficiary Rewards system is intended to encourage engagement and collaboration among users on the Blurt blockchain and to foster a culture of generosity and support. It is also a way for authors to demonstrate their appreciation for the work of others on the platform.

FYI: On BeBlurt, posting in a Community will automatically add a 3% beneficiary to the Community owner's account as a contribution to its growth (you have the option to add more % if you wish but cannot remove it).

Moreover, communities are no longer far from entering the rankings, with NewVisionLife Community and its 923 BLURTs and Blurt LifeStyleCommunity and its 503 BLURTs in 9th and 10th place respectively.


@null is no longer present following the only 202 BLURT burnt in October. For the next month I'm going to try to get out all the transaction fees burned via sending to null, thanks to @saboin's excellent work (as always) it's now possible to know :)

Power Up / Down

Due to transfers between alias accounts, it's a bit hard to keep track this month. In any case, this is the 4th month in a row that Power Up has been greater than Power Down.


Top 10 Power Up are:

Before listing the Top 10 Power Downs, a little clarification, doing a power down does not necessarily mean selling your BLURTs but simply putting them in liquidity ;)

Top 10 Power Downs are:

Transfer from & to Exchanges

As a reminder: Only Probit and PancakeSwap (BBLURT) are recognized as an exchange for BLURT by CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap and only the values of this exchange determine the value and volume of exchange on these 2 major websites of the crypto world!

To Exchanges


Top 5 Accounts transfers to Exchanges are:

From Exchanges


Top 5 Exchanges transfers to Accounts are:

Delta from/to Exchanges

In October, there is a favorable difference between the amount of BLURT sent to the exchanges and the BLURT received from the exchanges, totaling 906,901 BLURT. This marks a twofold increase compared to the outstanding outcome in September, which stood at 417,500 BLURT. Furthermore, it surpasses the challenging month of August, where there was a deficit of -381,185 BLURT.



October ignited the Blurt blockchain with a surge in activity! Witnessing an 11.77% spike in posts on Blurt's official frontend and a stellar 33.26% rise on BeBlurt, the momentum is palpable. Despite challenges in governance engagement, community proposals, and a nuanced burn initiative, the data paints a dynamic picture of growth. With power-ups dominating downs and a substantial influx from exchanges, the month exudes positivity. The diverse tapestry of contributors, communities, and frontends adds vibrancy to Blurt's cosmic journey. November promises more adventures in this thriving ecosystem! 🚀🌌✨

What are your thoughts on the Blurt Blockchain's performance in October? Do you have any predictions or expectations for the upcoming month? Feel free to share your views in the comments below.

Have fun on Blurt & BeBlurt

@nalexadre Witness (Blocks producer) on Blurt

Join or Create a Blurt Community

BeBlurt (Blurt frontend) 👉
on IOS/Android 👉

How to support my work on Blurt

  • Backing my Witness:

It only takes a click since you're entitled to 30 witness votes with your Blurt account. Even if I'm already in the top 20 and it won't generate more BLURT for me, it will secure my position, and it's always appreciated.

via BeBlurt:
via Wallet:

  • Endorsing my Proposal:

This would allow me to surpass the burning proposal and regain the additional 1,000 BLURT from my proposal.

via BeBlurt:
via Wallet:

  • Making a Difference with a Donation:

This blockchain is our community, and your donation, via a transfer to my @nalexadre account with "donation" in the memo, helps fuel ongoing initiatives.

Your active participation fuels these initiatives and ensures the continued growth of our Blurt community. Let's make a difference together!

Original background photo of this post by Choong Deng Xiang on Unsplash

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE BLURT!
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Amazing 😍
Masha Allah well done 👍🏻
keep it up 🙏🏻

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Thanks for posting these metrics! It's nice to see growth in numbers recently. I think we will do well going into this 2024/5 crypto bull market.

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Thank you @nalexadre for the mention and all the useful updates nice to see Beblurt been recognized more you're doing a great job 👍

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

These statistics are very interesting. My account is only 20 days old, I'm in an adaptation period so the links you post to read about the witnesses and the proposals will be useful for me to know what to support.

On the other hand I have seen with good eyes the Dapp Beblurt, I find it very user friendly and visually you can clearly identify the existing communities, however when I try to join a community I get a warning that says "unknown user". Do you know why this happens? Do I have to follow some previous steps to start using this Dapp? I would appreciate your help.