RE: It's Time To Say Goodbye

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It's Time To Say Goodbye

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Hello my friend,

I read your last post a few days after you wrote it. It brought back old memories, because one of my best friends did not live to be 30 years old. Unlike you, he saw his only salvation in doctors, I wanted to convince him of alternative healing methods. Today, after many years, I regret not having supported him on his way back then. Even if the doctors could not help him, it was his decision and I should have respected it. I really hope your partner can respect your decision and support you on your way, even if she wishes it differently.

Thank you for always being honest and sincere with me, especially in the places where our views differed. I think I can say we exchanged different views in a positive way. Life would be boring if we always agreed :-)

We had great times together, they were the best times I have ever experienced on a blockchain. I will always remember these good times and with these thoughts I would like to say goodbye to you.


Take care my friend, I wish you only the very best.

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